Stomach pain in the evening


stomach pain are considered a very general symptom that includes both physicalreflect emotional and psychological processes.
In the local culture in particular, many problems are usually projected onto the stomach, although they do not always have to come from the stomach.
On average, every second visit to the doctor for the reason for the introduction causes stomach pain no organic diseases in front. Abdominal pain, along with back pain, is one of the most common reasons for imagination.

Basically, the cause of abdominal pain can come from any organs that are between head and groin are located. However, the most common sources are usually the Organs of the digestive tract - starting with stomach, across all sections of the Intestines, as well as the adjacent organs or organs involved in the digestive process such as liver, pancreas or Gallbladder.

However, there may be many more internal diseases express through abdominal pain. A Heart attack for example typically goes with sharp pain with radiance in the left arm, but this is not the case with all people. Also, shortness of breath, back pain, or even stomach pain can sometimes be the only symptom of such an event in the heart.

Also urological or gynecological clinical pictures can hide behind stomach ache. Diseases of the Kidneys or the bladder, but also acute processes at the internal genitals of woman can be the cause of these complaints. As part of the female cycle Abdominal pain is not uncommon, but may require prompt treatment, such as a Pedicle rotation of the ovaries (also: Ovarian torsion).

If the abdominal pain occurs more frequently at a certain time of the day, this suggests that it is influenced by external factors, such as Ingestion or Exercise behavior. In addition to the pain, come too Flatulence in addition, this rather speaks for increased fermentation in the intestine due to a Food intolerance. The individual possible clinical pictures are discussed in more detail below.


The causes of abdominal pain are usually a malfunction or an overload of the digestive organs.

Sometimes, however, abdominal pain can also be psychologically superimposed, for example with a very high level of stress in everyday life. Most of the time, especially in the evening, it is the time when you lie back and relax a little and are therefore more susceptible to physical symptoms. Abdominal pain can then appear as an expression of physical and emotional overstrain and not necessarily as a result of a digestive disorder.

Orthopedic bad posture and malpositions can also cause stomach pain at the end of the day. A typical example of this is watching television in the evening on the couch, which can sometimes cause internal organs to be squeezed and thus not be able to digest the food previously consumed.

Irregular stool or constipation (also: Constipation) can cause discomfort, especially in the evening. Intestinal contents can build up and start to ferment in the digestive tract. Regular emptying of the bowels in the morning can alleviate the symptoms.

An inflammation of the stomach lining (also: gastritis) usually causes abdominal pain as well. These symptoms often become more pronounced after eating, so they may also appear in the evening after dinner.

If the symptoms usually occur after particularly high-fat and lavish meals, such as after a large dinner, or at night, this can be an indication of biliary colic. The pain often comes like an attack and is usually described as undulating. The most common reason for biliary colic are gallstones, which should also be surgically removed if the clinical symptoms are pronounced.

Abdominal pain in the evening after eating

Abdominal pain, which is particularly acute after eating, is usually caused by an inflammation of the stomach lining (also: gastritis) or even a stomach ulcer. In particular, the symptoms occur after high-fat meals.

But inappropriate eating habits such as eating too quickly, eating too much, too greasy food or not chewing too much can cause abdominal pain after eating.

Read more on the topic: Abdominal pain after eating

Abdominal pain in the evening from raw food

Many people eat raw vegetables on a daily basis as a healthy and uncomplicated form of diet. Raw food does not need to be prepared and provides many healthy vitamins with a low number of calories. However, digesting the unprepared vegetables can be a challenge for the intestinal lining. Raw foods tend to ferment undigested in the body, creating large amounts of intestinal gas that cause bloating and abdominal pain.

Abdominal pain in the evening from stress

Both physical and psychological stress can have significant effects on the body and various organ functions. This can sometimes lead to immune deficiencies, strong hormone fluctuations and side effects such as weight gain. The permanently increased stress hormone level also reduces the blood flow to the stomach, which leads to increased gastric acid production. The greatly increased stomach acid can have effects similar to long-term heartburn caused by poor nutrition. These include changes in the mucous membrane of the esophagus as well as ulcers on the stomach itself. A common disease is the so-called "stress ulcer", which is associated with severe pain when eating in the stomach area.

You might also be interested in this topic: Abdominal pain from stress

Abdominal pain in the evening from flatulence

Abdominal pain and accompanying gas (also: flatulence) usually indicate a food intolerance. The body is then unable to digest certain components of the food, which makes it difficult to pass through the intestines and is accompanied by intensified fermentation processes. This excess gas in the intestinal lumen can cause the feeling of a bloated stomach and usually leaves the body in the form of gas. Those affected often report diarrhea as well.

Read more on the topic: Abdominal pain from gas

Can that also be a stomach disease?

Abdominal pain can in many cases be triggered by the stomach. So-called stomach upsets can be caused by too much acid production, stress or certain foods. The irritation of the stomach lining results in nausea and pain. Some foods or stimulants such as coffee, alcohol or smoking can particularly irritate the stomach lining and stimulate acid production. This can lead to heartburn, stomach pain, and even extremely painful ulcers. Particularly fatty and heavy food in the evening followed by rest and a lying or sitting posture can further aggravate the stomach problem. For this reason, a lighter, lower-fat dinner with sufficient space before bed is recommended.

Evening stomach pain in the child

Children tend to project problems or discomfort onto the stomach relatively often.
The actual cause can also be found in a completely different part of the body, such as tonsillitis or other typical childhood diseases. Emotional stress caused by stress, excessive demands or anger at school can also cause abdominal pain in children. Abdominal pain occurs more often in the evenings, especially when stressed at school, and possibly more on certain days before upcoming tests, teaching units by certain teachers or confrontations with classmates. In order to identify problematic situations like this, it can often be helpful to talk to the parents with the class teacher responsible, but of course children can also have food intolerances or an organic cause for the symptoms. Therefore, you should always see a pediatrician.

Read more on the topic: Abdominal pain in children

When does the abdominal pain occur?

Abdominal pain at night

Suddenly onset at night Fasting pain in the upper abdomen is often an indication of a Ulcer in the duodenum (also: Duodenal ulcer). In doing so, food intake usually improves the symptoms.

Also one Biliary colic may occur at night. In medicine, very severe pain that periodically increases and decreases in swelling is called colic.

In the abdomen, colic usually occurs as part of a gallstone disease: the gallstones exert pressure on the bile ducts.
Due to the formation of gallstones, such colic can occur especially after very high-fat meals.

Stomach pain in the morning

Abdominal pain that occurs especially in the morning can - as well as nocturnal stomach pain - to a Ulcer in the duodenum Clues.

In addition, the stomach ache can be caused by foods that are consumed with breakfast. Often one is hidden, for example Lactose intolerance behind the morning stomach pain, which is triggered by the milk in coffee or the milk in muesli and then causes discomfort.

Also a sensitive stomach or a Irritable bowel syndrome may react with irritation from the morning coffee and thus cause abdominal pain.

A change in breakfast behavior can usually provide more clarity.

Concomitant symptoms

The accompanying symptoms can vary greatly in intensity and severity depending on the cause of the abdominal pain. Common symptoms that indicate an upset stomach and digestive malfunction are diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, nausea, fever, loud bowel noises, abdominal cramps, and gas. However, more serious illnesses can also be behind the abdominal pain, which in turn can be accompanied by severe symptoms. This can lead to biliary colic, back pain, weakness with fainting, severe abdominal pain, an intestinal obstruction and blood in the stool. Depending on the location of the bleeding, fresh blood, clotted blood, or black blood may be found in the stool. The pain rarely radiates to the back, groin or chest.

Abdominal pain in the evening with nausea

Abdominal pain and nausea initially indicate irritation or inflammation of the gastrointestinal lining. Infectious agents, spoiled food, food intolerance or diseases of other abdominal organs can initially cause abdominal pain and nausea, later on, abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhea can occur. Liver disease can also lead to nausea and, if the liver is swollen or there is pressure on other organs, it can also cause abdominal pain. With prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, care should be taken to ensure adequate water and electrolyte intake despite the nausea.

Further information on this topic can be found at: Abdominal pain and nausea

Abdominal pain in the evening with heartburn

Heartburn is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain these days. This leads to an overproduction of gastric acid which gets back into the esophagus and leads to small inflammatory reactions and irritation of the mucous membrane. The typical burning sensation is promoted by fatty foods, coffee, alcohol and nicotine. In the long term, heartburn can cause severe consequential damage. Permanent contact between the esophagus and the strongly acidic stomach acid changes the mucous membrane, which can lead to a significantly increased risk of cancer. If the heartburn occurs several times a week, a medical evaluation and an initial therapy in the form of a change in diet should take place.

Read more on the topic: Heartburn symptoms

Duration of stomach pain in the evening

The duration of the evening abdominal pain depends heavily on the underlying clinical picture. Often there are only temporary indigestion or gastrointestinal upset behind the symptom, which subside within a few hours. Gastrointestinal inflammation or other infections of various abdominal organs can last for several days and occasionally cause pain in the evenings, but also permanent. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease, chronic irritation of the intestine, stress symptoms or colic can persist for months to years and always express themselves in the evening, as the body is more receptive to pain symptoms in the evening hours. Diseases of the spine can also manifest themselves as stomach pain in the evening hours if a relaxation and comfortable sitting posture is taken after active everyday life. The duration depends on the extent of the symptoms and the treatment. An improvement in the abdominal pain symptoms can only be assumed when the underlying disease has subsided.


Food intolerance should always be considered in children

For diagnostics, the anamnese and the physical examination vital. Close observation of the Pain quality, of Associated with food intake and Stool behavior and the Duration of pain Usually proves to be very helpful for the further clarification of the causes by the doctor.

Also one Laboratory test of the blood and in particular parameters of the digestive organs can be useful for further clarification.

The final confirmation of the diagnosis if an organic disease is suspected usually takes place via a Gastroscopy (also: Esophagogastroduodenoskopie, ÖGD for short) or Colonoscopy (also: Coloskopie).

In the case of non-organic causes, behavior-changing measures such as Stress reduction, Change in eating or exercise behavior and regular bowel movements possibly even let the complaints subside again.

If one is suspected Food intolerance The diagnosis is usually confirmed by means of a special diet and accompanying documentation in a food diary.
In the diet, the foods in question should then be avoided for a week. If the symptoms improve, an intolerance is likely.

Then the individual foods gradually come back on the menu and a check is made to determine which food the symptoms recur.


Depending on the cause, the treatment also looks different. For evening abdominal pain that is due to non-organic causes, one should causal treatment respectively. If the stress level is high, a Stress reduction take place in everyday life or the handling of stress can be specifically improved. Behavioral and psychotherapeutic measures may be particularly suitable for this.

Orthopedic complaints should be dealt with adequate exercise and targeted avoidance of misalignments are treated.

Is there a Inflammation of the stomach lining (also: gastritis), this is treated differently depending on the cause. However, symptomatic therapy is usually carried out with the help of Proton pump inhibitors (PPI for short), which are supposed to inhibit the acid production of the stomach.

An acute one Biliary colic With Abdominal pain in the evening or at night should be treated by a specialist as soon as possible. If a gallstone is present, it is usually removed surgically.

The treatment of a food intolerance consists in doing without the food that was not tolerated or food that contains this substance as a component.

What all clinical pictures have in common, however, is that recurring, unclear abdominal pain should always be further clarified by a doctor in order to be able to treat emergency and life-threatening diseases at an early stage, but also to try to alleviate symptoms.


Abdominal pain is basically a very common symptom, which can offer a very broad picture of possible causes.

They are often an expression of improper diet or Stool irregularities and can easily be remedied by changing these factors.

If the complaints occur more frequently, however, the other should definitely be Clarification by a doctor respectively. Even if the symptoms are particularly pronounced, you should see a doctor immediately.

There is not always an organic cause for abdominal pain. Also mental and emotional factors can have a significant impact on this.

Just at Children should be a comprehensive clarification because they are usually not yet able to precisely localize pain or express emotional conflicts.

Treatment should always be based on the cause. Abdominal pain usually lets through relatively simple treatment options fix, usually without any medication. Sometimes e.g. in the case of acute very severe pain, emergency treatment may also be indicated, possibly including surgical treatment.

In rare cases it can also develop a Heart attack hide behind stomach pain. Especially in such situations, an emergency admission to a clinic is of considerable importance for the further prognosis.