Aphthae - Which home remedies help against the pain?


Canker sores are small inflamed bulges in the oral cavity, which are perceived by those affected as extremely annoying and painful.

In most cases, they show up directly on the Oral mucosa in the area of ​​the cheeks and the oral vestibule (vestibule), sometimes they can also be on the tongue, on the palate, around the gums and even in the genital area. They usually heal without any problems after 1-2 weeks.

Not every noticeable bulge in the mouth is a canker sore.

Read more about this under the topic: Vesicles in the mouth

In the case of small, yellow-whitish colored blisters, however, it can be safely assumed that it is a sore throat.

The causes for the development of canker sores are unfortunately largely unexplained, but it is assumed that stress, Lack of sleep, small injuries to the oral mucosa and / or acidic foods are involved in the formation of canker sores.

Also common infectious diseases that result in a weakening of the Immune system go hand in hand, promote the development of canker sores in the oral cavity.

Treating these small vesicles doesn't have to be complicated. In a large number of cases, a few home remedies already help to induce regression. Homeopathic remedies are also widely used.

Chamomile as a home remedy for canker sores

Chamomile in particular is a particularly suitable home remedy for canker sores

Home remedies that can help include chamomile extracts or just a bag of chamomile tea. This should be boiled and then carefully applied to the affected area with a cotton swab. However, you should make sure that the liquid is not too hot, otherwise burns or scalding of the oral mucosa can occur.
Furthermore, slowly chewing a piece of papaya should help against the canker sores. This fact is thanks to an enzyme in this fruit, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane.
Another home remedy for the treatment of canker sores is baking powder, which is applied to the canker sores. The powder is pain-relieving on the one hand and anti-inflammatory on the other.

A far more drastic and uncomfortable method is chewing raw onions or cloves.

Home remedies for toddlers

If canker sores appear in children for the first time, it is advisable to consult a doctor to rule out other diseases. Since canker sores disappear on their own within 1-2 weeks, the doctor usually prescribes a gel to relieve the pain. But there are also home remedies that can relieve the pain. First of all, it is important that the child still consumes sufficient amounts of fluid, even if the canker sores make it uncomfortable. It is best to avoid acidic drinks and make sage tea. The child can drink or gargle this tea, as it has a calming effect and helps the inflammation to subside. In addition, chamomile or marigold tea can also be used. Furthermore, special solutions can be bought in the pharmacy that also have anti-inflammatory effects.

When preparing food, you should cook particularly mild and nutrient-rich foods during this time, preferably in the form of porridge and soups. The many nutrients strengthen the immune system and help to fight the canker sores from within. It can also be helpful to give the child smaller ice cubes to suckle. The cooling effect also alleviates the pain.

Salt: If there is inflammation of the oral mucosa, which also includes canker sores, rinsing with a salt water solution is often recommended. Salt has been known as a remedy for thousands of years, whether as a bath additive or as a poultice. The best way to make a salt solution is to use sea salt. Iodized salt is preferable. An alternative is the Emser salt, which has a particularly high mineral content. It's easy to manufacture. You need a few teaspoons of the salt, put them in a glass and pour lukewarm water on it. Stir for a few seconds and the solution is ready to gargle. After rinsing the mouth with the salt water, spit out the solution and not swallow it. The salt water kills bacteria, has anti-inflammatory, decongestant and analgesic effects.

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is very popular as a home remedy. It is a liquid substance obtained by steam distillation from the leaves and branches of the tea tree found in Australia. It belongs to the myrtle family. The substance obtained is said to have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. It is used in many inflammatory processes such as pimples, warts or canker sores. Either you use it as a solution by mixing 4-5 drops of the oil with water and then rinsing your mouth with it or alternatively, the tea tree oil can be dabbed directly on the canker sore using cotton swabs. However, especially with tea tree oil, it is advisable to drip a little of the oil onto your skin before use in order to rule out intolerance or allergies.

Honey: To protect the mucous membrane and to relieve the pain of a canker sore, honey is also one of the popular home remedies. This home remedy is particularly popular with children because it has a sweet taste. Simply dab a little of the honey directly on the canker sore and a short time later you will notice relief. The sweet honey obtained from bees has a long tradition as a home remedy because it has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. With children, however, caution is advised in the first year of life, because the honey can contain a poison that the baby cannot process at this age. If the honey is added to a tea in order to rinse the mouth with it and to increase the effect of the tea, the honey should not be added to hot water, otherwise it will lose its healing properties. Let the tea cool down to drinking temperature and then add the honey.

Baking powder: The baking powder found in every kitchen can also be used to relieve pain from canker sores. The white powder is simply applied to the canker sore and can spread its pain reliever and anti-inflammatory effect. This process can be repeated several times a day.

Read more on this topic at: Treatment of canker sores