Augmentan® is the trade name of an antibiotic that belongs to the penicillins.
The drug Augmentan® is an antibiotic that is composed of two active ingredients: the aminopenicillin amoxicillin, and the? -Lactamase inhibitor clavulanic acid.
This combination of active ingredients is used, among other things, for bacterial infections to which the bacteria normally react with resistance.
The? -Lactamase in the bacterium is responsible for this. This is also the case with amoxicillin. This means that the amoxicillin cannot develop its effect and thus cannot defeat the bacteria. So in this case it has been considered to combine the amoxicillin with an active ingredient that prevents the resistant properties in the bacteria, in this case clavulanic acid. This combination of the drug allows the antibiotic to develop its effect.
When is Augmentan® used?
Augmentan® belongs to the broad-spectrum antibiotics, which means that it has a broad, diverse area of application and has a less specific effect on a disease.
Due to the special composition of the antibiotic, it is mainly used for bacterial infections that are resistant to the common penicillin and do not react to penicillin. Its spectrum of activity focuses primarily on gram-negative bacteria, some of which should be mentioned with their clinical pictures.
Augmentan® can be used for:
- Pneumonia
- bronchitis
- meningitis
- Middle ear and sinus infections
- Soft tissue infections
- Urinary tract infections
- Gastrointestinal complaints
- Biliary tract infections
- for endocarditis prevention.
When should it not be used?
A Intolerance to? -Lactam antibiotics, which includes penicillins, clearly speaks against the use of Augmentan®as it is in the worst case too severe allergic reactions until anaphylactic shock can lead.
Patient with impaired liver function should avoid the drug. At impaired kidney function the dose must be lowered.
Does the infection go with you very severe gastrointestinal discomfort along with that Diarrhea and Vomit It should be ensured that they should not be taken orally, as they cannot develop their effects. A different form, for example intravenous, must be used here.
Augmentan® is during the pregnancy and Lactation to be taken only after thorough consultation with a doctor.
Please also read: Medication during pregnancy
At taking other medications at the same time this should also be discussed with the doctor. Depending on the drug, it can be too Interactions lead to side effects.
Which side effects can occur?
The side effects of Augmentan® are similar to those of other penicillins.
By far the most common side effects of penicillins are allergic reaction, as already described above. It occurs in about 3% of patients.
The allergic reaction can take forms of slight reddening of the skin up to anaphylactic shock to reach.
Very high doses of penicillin can be used neurotoxic side effects achieve to those cramps or motor disorders belong.
In addition to the side effects that apply to all penicillins in general, there are also special undesirable effects, especially the aminopenicillins, to which the amoxicillin in the Augmentan® have heard.
Especially when taking Augmentan® are more common Skin reactions in the form of rashes noticeable to the one itchy rash correspond.
Above all, it should be emphasized that the use of Augmentan, especially with viral infections® increases the incidence of a rash. So this phenomenon is especially common in patients with infectious mononucleosis (Pfeiffer glandular fever) noticed. It then arises about 10 days after the start of use. It is not an allergic reaction, so there is no need to rule out general penicillin therapy in the future. Because penicillin is an antibiotic and influences the bacteria, it can also intervene in the natural bacterial colonization and so on slight gastrointestinal complaints trigger.
The side effects in the gastrointestinal area are, however, with Augmentan® rarely compared to other penicillins.
Please also read our article on this Antibiotic side effects