Pseudocroup attack


The basis of a pseudo croup attack is initially laryngitis. Due to the inflammation, the mucous membrane is swollen, which now narrows the diameter of the glottis and hinders the flow of air.

The day before, hoarseness can often be heard in the children.
A pseudo croup attack typically occurs at night between midnight and 4 a.m. because this is the time when the cortisol level in the body is lowest.
The inflammation can then reach its full extent and the swelling increases.

Read more on the topic: Pseudo croup


The children present themselves with suddenly appearing dry, barking coughs and whistling noises when inhaling or even breathing difficulties.
The unfamiliar breathing makes the child afraid.
Breathing becomes faster and more hectic due to the excitement, so that a cycle of increasing panic and inefficient breathing results, which must be interrupted by the parents if possible (see below).

Usually there is no mortal danger.

However, if the seizure persists and the swelling is very advanced, an emergency call should be made immediately.
Signs such as pale gray skin, blue lips and / or fingernails, a rapid pulse and violent attempts to breathe are reasons for an emergency doctor immediately
(Tel .: 112) to call.
Even after a minor attack, you should speak to a doctor / emergency doctor to clarify the further procedure.

Read more on the topic: Difficulty breathing in children

Initial measures

During a typical seizure, the child should be hugged and talked to calm them down.
Cool air causes the mucous membranes to swell.
Despite everything, the child should have a blanket on the open window. to avoid further exertion from trembling.
If you can drink it yourself, small sips of still water can provide relief.
Usually a pseudo-cupping attack is self-limiting after a few minutes.
However, if the child seems increasingly exhausted, a doctor should be consulted immediately (see above).
In any case, the administration of glucocorticoids is recommended and should be discussed with the treating doctor or an emergency doctor.


In any case, air pollutants in the vicinity of the sick child, such as Cigarette smoke.
These irritate the lining of the larynx even more and can provoke an attack.
In the case of laryngitis, regular ventilation of the bedroom should be ensured, as well as the avoidance of dry heating air.
The air can be moistened, for example, by placing a small bowl of water on the heater.
If you have a fever, this should be treated with antipyretic agents such as Paracetamol treated.
In addition, the inflammatory reaction is suppressed somewhat and the swelling of the larynx mucosa does not reach the full extent.
As with all diseases, ensure that you drink enough fluids to, among other things, to keep the mucous membranes moist.
Certain emergency medication should be available in the medicine cabinet after consulting the doctor in charge.
During a typical seizure, the child should be hugged and talked to calm them down.

Cool air causes the mucous membranes to swell.
Despite everything, the child should have a blanket on the open window. to avoid further exertion from trembling.
If you can drink it yourself, small sips of still water can provide relief.

Usually a pseudo-cupping attack is self-limiting after a few minutes.
However, if the child seems increasingly exhausted, a doctor should be consulted immediately (see above). In any case, the administration of glucocorticoids is recommended and should be discussed with the treating doctor or an emergency doctor.