Inner wrist pain

Definition - How does pain occur on the thumb side of the wrist?

Wrist pain can arise as a result of excessive strain, illness or as a result of an accident. Depending on the cause, wrist pain often occurs on the inside and around the thumb area.

First read our main page for general information: Wrist pain

Causes of pain on the thumb side / inside of the wrist

Possible causes of inner wrist pain include accidents involving falling on the hand, joint wear and tear, and inflammation.

An accident can be accompanied by a fracture in the area of ​​the carpal bones, such as a kahnfracture, or it can leave a bruise.

The tendons of the hand muscles can also be injured in an accident.

Rhizarthrosis is also common, an arthrosis of the thumb saddle joint that causes severe pain.

Furthermore, pain in the inner wrist can be caused by inflammation. Tendonitis and rheumatism are examples of inflammatory processes in the wrist area.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is also a possible cause of wrist pain. A nerve is pinched in an anatomical "tunnel" and causes unpleasant complaints such as nocturnal pain and numbness.

In addition to the diseases linked in the text, the article on carpal tunnel syndrome is also recommended for a better understanding: Carpal tunnel syndrome - what's behind it?

De Quervain's tendovaginitis - pain in the inner wrist

Tendovaginitis de Quervain is tendinitis, which affects the first of six tendon compartments on the back of the hand. Two tendons, the tendons of the thumb extensor muscle, run through this tendon compartment Extensor pollicis brevis muscle and des Abductor pollicis longus muscle. In Quervain's disease, named after the Swiss surgeon Fritz de Quervain, there is tendinitis in the aforementioned tendon compartment.

Typical symptoms are pain below the thumb on the wrist, especially when moving like grasping or holding. The pain can affect the area from the process of the stylus of the spoke to the thumb.

The tissue over the tendon compartment is swollen and reddened.

If the inflammation is very severe, those affected suffer from palpable and sometimes even audible rubbing. The tendons can block completely so that they can no longer be flexed.

At this point you can also read for additional information: De Quervain's tendovaginitis

Thumb saddle joint osteoarthritis - pain in the inner wrist

Arthrosis in the area of ​​the thumb saddle joint is known as rhizarthrosis. Joint wear in this area often affects both thumbs and especially women over the age of fifty.

The thumb saddle joint connects the metacarpal bone of the thumb with the large polygonal bone, a carpal bone.

It is a joint that is practiced with numerous movements.

Those affected suffer from severe pain in the area of ​​the thumb saddle joint, especially when grasping and rotating. Examples of this are turning the key in the lock or opening a bottle. Typically the joint is very tender and tender.

As the osteoarthritis progresses, the mobility of the joint is increasingly restricted.

If you suspect that you have osteoarthritis of the thumb, you can also read at this point: Thumb saddle joint osteoarthritis - what's behind it?

Scaphoid fracture - pain in the inner wrist

A scaphoid fracture is another possible cause of inner wrist pain. The scaphoid bone (os scaphoideum), a wrist bone, typically breaks when falling on the outstretched hand.

It is the most common fracture of the carpal bones.

The symptoms of a scaphoid fracture are pain in the wrist area, especially on the back of the hand and the side of the thumb. In addition, the wrist is swollen and hurts when moving, so that those affected adopt a relieving position with the injured hand. The wrist is also very painful to thresh.

You can use the following article to make sure that there is a scaphoid fracture behind your pain: Symptoms of a scaphoid fracture

Duration of inner wrist pain

The course of the disease can last different lengths of time with pain in the inner wrist. The duration mainly depends on the cause and the therapy.

De Quervain tendonitis typically heals within a few weeks.

Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is an incurable disease that results from degenerative changes in the joints. With the right treatment, one can try to slow the progression of osteoarthritis and alleviate the symptoms.

If there is a broken bone in the wrist, the hand must be immobilized for two to three months.

The duration of healing is determined by proper hand immobilization and therapy.

Concomitant symptoms of inner wrist pain

Inflammations, such as tendinitis de Quervain, rheumatoid arthritis or inflammation of other origins, show the classic signs of inflammation in addition to pain: redness, overheating, swelling, pain and a loss of function or movement restriction in the area of ​​the affected structures.

If osteoarthritis of the thumb saddle joint is the cause of the pain in the inner wrist and thumb, those affected usually suffer from severe pain in the wrist when turning and grasping movements. The thumb is less flexible, painful to pressure and as the disease progresses, the patient typically develops a loss of strength and the feeling of instability in the thumb saddle joint.

A fracture in the area of ​​the carpal bones is typically associated with severe swelling, tenderness and pronounced restriction of movement of the hand.

Swelling with pain in the inner wrist

Swelling is a common symptom of wrist pain. This is a collection of water in the tissue that is clearly visible and palpable. Depending on the cause of the discomfort and the location of the focus, the swelling can vary in size on the hand.

The swelling of the wrist can be an indication of hand disorders. You can find out which diseases may be present here: Swollen wrists

Treatment of inner wrist pain

If inflammation is responsible for wrist pain, such as de Quervain's tendinitis, the inflammation is first treated with immobilization and anti-inflammatory pain medication. Ointments such as Voltaren are often applied directly to the affected areas. If the symptoms do not improve, cortisone injections can be used to reduce the inflammation. If conservative therapy is unsuccessful, a minor surgical procedure can be performed.

If a rhizarthrosis in the thumb saddle joint is the cause of the symptoms, the disease is initially treated conservatively. One tries to stabilize the hand, for example with a bandage. In addition, pain relievers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which reduce pain and reduce inflammation, are recommended.

Treatment with cortisone may be indicated for acute arthritis. Furthermore, occupational therapy and electrotherapy can alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis. In advanced stages, an operation can be useful.

A scaphoid fracture is treated either conservatively with pain relievers and immobilization or surgically, depending on the severity and complexity of the fracture.

Taping for pain on the inner wrist

Tape can be used to hold the wrist in place when there is pain. If you have problems with the inner wrist and the area of ​​the thumb saddle joint, taping is very suitable to stabilize the painful structures according to individual needs.

First, you should have an experienced physiotherapist show you how to use kinesio tape. If you have a long-term problem with your wrist, you can apply the tape yourself.

After you have had your physiotherapist show you the process of taping, you can do the taping yourself using the therapist's explanations and the following article. To do this, read: Taping fingers - how does it work?

Wrist bandage for pain in the inner wrist

A wrist bandage is used for various diseases that are associated with pain in the inner wrist.

In the case of carpal tunnel syndrome or rhizarthrosis, a bandage can stabilize and immobilize the hand, thereby alleviating the symptoms.

In the case of acute inflammation of the tendon sheaths, a wrist bandage can also be used for a short time to immobilize the hand.

The main page for the wrist bandage with further important information can be found at: Wrist bandage

Diagnosing inner wrist pain

In order for the attending physician to make the correct diagnosis of pain in the inner wrist, a detailed discussion about the symptoms, any existing illnesses and similar complaints within the family is advisable.

This is followed by an inspection and examination of the hand.

After an accident, an X-ray examination is necessary to confirm or exclude a fracture.

If a rheumatoid event or other inflammatory processes are suspected, a blood test should be carried out to examine the inflammation values.

Depending on the doctor's suspected diagnosis, further examinations or imaging tests may be necessary to make the diagnosis.

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Further important articles on the subject of "pain in the inner wrist" can also be found at:

  • Pain in the hand
  • Pain in the thumb
  • Hand diseases
  • Snapping thumb
  • Synovitis of the wrist
  • Outer wrist pain