Brittle fingernails


Many people suffer from brittle or brittle fingernails. On the one hand, these nail problems are ugly and annoying in everyday life, but mostly harmless. Sometimes they can also be a first indication of a deficiency symptom or an underlying illness.

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Grooves in the fingernails

The healthy nail has a smooth, even and shiny surface. Changes can occur in the form of brittle, splintering nails, nail discoloration, and grooved fingernails.
In the case of grooves in the nail, a distinction is made between longitudinal and transverse grooves. The longitudinal grooves run parallel to the fingers, the transverse grooves are perpendicular to them.
Various nail deformities are genetically predisposed in most cases, so we inherited them. Above all, nail changes that only occur on a single or occasionally on a few nails and those that have an irregular structure should be taken seriously.

Longitudinal grooves

Longitudinal grooves usually belong to the harmless nail changes. As a rule, they have no disease value. They are a sign of normal aging.
This is caused by slower nail growth and increasingly restricted blood flow.
However, if the unusual changes mentioned above occur, this can be an indication of metabolic and digestive disorders. Stress also plays a major role in the development of changes, and these grooves are also found in people who suffer from an inflammatory joint disease called arthritis. A lack of fluids also causes grooves to form in the nail, but this can be remedied with adequate hydration.

In addition, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, including the formation of longitudinal grooves in the fingernails, can trigger.

If deficiencies or dysfunction are the cause of the grooves in the fingernails, nail polishes or nail care products with added vitamins are not sufficient for treatment.

Transverse grooves

Transverse grooves are often the result of a nail root injury. On the one hand, this injury can have been caused from the outside, for example as part of a very careless manicure, on the other hand, it can also be an expression of a disturbance from the inside of our body, such as gastrointestinal diseases or flu with fever.
In children, this nail change is occasionally found in connection with measles. After the disease, the nail does not have the opportunity to grow back normally because its origin, the nail bed, has been damaged and needs time to regenerate. Even with radical diets, during and after taking medication, for example in connection with cancer treatment and when environmental toxins accumulate in the body, the formation of transverse grooves can be observed.

If the grooves are innate, there is no cause that can be treated to make them disappear. One can only try to conceal it as well as possible. Basically, you should always pay attention to a balanced, healthy diet and sufficient fluid intake. If unusual groove formations occur, you should consult a doctor who will try to find out the underlying cause and treat it, which, if successful, will also make the grooves disappear.

Causes of brittle fingernails

In some cases, the nail changes are simply genetic; in such cases, the same problem often occurs with the parents or siblings. In other people, the brittle or cracked nails are caused by a deficiency symptom. This in turn can have various reasons:
Often times, an improper, unbalanced diet is the problem. For the healthy development of the fingernails, the vitamins B and D are particularly important, but the trace elements calcium and iron also play an important role for healthy nails. These substances should be found in sufficient quantities in the diet to prevent brittle fingernails. Due to a vitamin or trace element deficiency, people who are currently on an (unbalanced) diet or patients with anorexia (anorexia) of nail problems.

Read more on the topic: Detect iron deficiency on the fingernail

In other sufferers, the brittle fingernails are too good dry skin underlying. This can either be innate or due to external factors such as dry air, frequent Wash your hands or using certain Nail polish remover, which also remove moisture from the nail, are favored. In addition, brittle fingernails can also be a sign of an underlying disease, which in some patients can even be first noticed by the changes in the fingernails. These include some disorders of the Hormonal balance (here especially disturbances of the Thyroid function), Metabolic disorders like the Diabetes mellitus or one psoriasis (psoriasis). Typically, however, these are then accompanied by other classic symptoms, at least in their course.

Since many women attach great importance to beautiful, well-groomed fingernails and a pretty manicure is part of the common beauty image nowadays, many suffer a lot when their fingernails are brittle. In addition, cracked fingernails often interfere with everyday activities, as they can easily get caught on textiles.
If they tear further, it can sometimes lead to pain. It is therefore worthwhile to do something about nail problems in any case, even if they are not based on a health-threatening condition. Which method is most suitable for dealing with unsightly nails in an individual case depends, at least in part, on their cause.

Deficiency symptoms that lead to brittle fingernails

If you permanently suffer from brittle or brittle fingernails, deficiency symptoms, for example due to an unbalanced diet or incorrect or missing absorption, especially in the intestine, can be the reason for this. This should not be disregarded, as the brittle fingernails and toenails can only be an external sign of an underlying nutritional deficiency, which could permanently damage the entire body. Often there is a vitamin B or vitamin C deficiency

In the event of a vitamin or trace element deficiency, the deficient substances should be taken in increasingly with food. Vitamin B is found in both animal and plant-based products, for example in fish, dairy products, spinach and broccoli. An exception is vitamin B12 - also called cobalmin, which is almost exclusively found in animal foods. Another special feature of this vitamin is that a deficiency cannot necessarily be traced back to an inadequate diet, since, for example, autoimmune-related poor absorption of the vitamin in the small intestine can result.

vitamin C must be continuously ingested by us since it cannot be stored in the body and for many processes in our body, including collagen synthesis and thus also plays an important role in the formation of nails and hair. Vitamin C is mainly found in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Less often can also be a Deficiency in biotin and folic acid be the cause of brittle nails. Biotin also belongs to the vitamin B group. One pays attention to one balanced nutrition, a biotin deficiency hardly ever occurs in adults. Deficiency symptoms are mainly found in Smokers, Alcoholics and breastfeeding mothers. It was also found that eating several raw eggs lead to a biotin deficiency because substances contained in the egg bind the biotin and make it inadequate for absorption in the body. However, these substances are destroyed when the eggs are heated. Biotin in food is mainly found in Nuts, liver, Kidneys and yeast. If there is a deficiency in spite of all the improbabilities, it cannot be through the food, but only through Compensated for tablet intake become. People with a biotin deficiency also suffer from brittle fingernails Hair loss, such as blunt and brittle hair.
Folic acid is also a vitamin of the B family. It is very important for our body cells as it is essential for their division and regeneration. So it plays especially in the pregnancy or if there is a current one Desire for children a major role.

We can do it mainly through food fresh, green, uncooked vegetables our body. Our body is not able to produce it by itself. Of the The daily requirement of pregnant women is almost twice as high (550 micrograms / day), like that of the rest of the population (300 micrograms / day). The increased daily requirement is achieved with the help of Tablets covered. To a defect it comes from one-sided nutrition, Alcohol abuse and taking certain Cancer drugs.
Folic acid deficiency can also cause one Anemia, technically anemia, lead, with the symptoms of rapid Fatigue and Exhaustion. Since our hair and nails are also among the fast-growing parts of our body, they become brittle and brittle. The hair can also fall out more often.
For a good one Vitamin D Mirror also helps the intake of certain foods, so for example fish, Dairy products, Eggs and Offal. For this vitamin, however, it is even more important that you get enough of your body sunlight exposes as it is in the body only under the influence of UV irradiation can be formed. calcium is found in large quantities in milk, cheese and other dairy products, a little less dosed in vegetables like broccoli or Kale, in Legumes and Whole grain cereals.

iron is found in many foods, but it is easier for the body to absorb from animal products than from vegetable products. Therefore, they are especially suitable for iron needs flesh (especially liver or other offal) or sausage, but also millet, cocoa, Pumpkin seeds or some vegetables (for example lenses, Peas, Beans or spinach). However, if an adapted diet is still not sufficient to remedy the deficiency, then you can also use nutritional supplements, for example vitamin (effervescent) tablets or iron supplements.

When the brittle fingernails due to an underlying illness are conditioned, this problem can usually be eliminated by appropriately treating this causal disease.
If you notice one or more of the above symptoms, it is advisable to do one To see a doctorto detect the more precise cause. The untargeted use of various vitamin preparations and dietary supplements does not make sense in every case and can not only benefit the body but also damage it.

Brittle nails from nail polish

Nail polish does not always lead to a brittle fingernail. Many nail polishes contain nourishing and protective proteins and / or added vitamins.
The decisive factor is the dosage and use of quality-checked products. It is also useful to take a look at the ingredients of the nail polishes. For example, synthetic resins can damage the nails and also trigger allergies. In addition, nail polish should be avoided if you are susceptible to fungal diseases or if your fingernails are already infected. In these cases, the nail polish would encourage a brittle fingernail and further or renewed fungal attack.

Often it is not the nail polish, but the nail polish remover that can cause brittle fingernails. The reason for this is that nail polish removers contain acetone and alcohol. These substances draw moisture out of the fingernails. The consequence can be a brittle or brittle fingernail.

General recommendations against brittle fingernails

In addition to these special treatments, there are also general recommendations that ensure that fingernails do not become brittle as quickly. On the one hand, you should make sure to always keep your nails moist and supple.

For this purpose, fatty creams, lipid-replenishing washing gel or often even better lipid-replenishing nail oil are suitable (pure apricot oil is particularly suitable, but alternatively you can simply use oil from the kitchen, preferably olive oil), which can either be massaged into or into which the Dipping fingertips for a few minutes.
People with a tendency to brittle fingernails should as far as possible avoid washing their hands too often or taking long baths. Shortening the fingernails with the help of a nail clipper is also not recommended, as this practically "breaks" the nails and existing cracks can expand.

It is better to shorten brittle nails to the desired length with a nail file, although those affected should generally keep the nails short. When filing, make sure to keep the file straight and not get too deep under the nail. In addition, to prevent cracks, you should not clean the underside of the nails with a sharp object if possible. In order to strengthen the nail structure in the long term, there is also a "nail cure" with a nail hardener that contains calcium, among other things. The fingernails can also be demonstrably strengthened with the help of biotin or silica (as a tablet or gel). Especially for women, there is also the option of using nail polishes with special ingredients, which can prevent brittle nails. So you should preferably use calcium-containing lacquers or lacquers with diamond dust, which practically puts a protective layer on the nail from the outside.
Some companies even have special varnishes that are explicitly identified for brittle nails. In order to counteract the grooves that brittle nails often result in, groove fillers containing microspheres can be used.

If there is actually a crack in the nail, you can also provide “first aid” here yourself. The crack can usually be repaired by applying a special instant adhesive to the affected area. Then the two parts of the nail can be pressed together and the crack is barely visible. However, you have to be extremely careful here so that the adhesive does not come into contact with the surrounding skin. There is also the alternative of sticking a certain transparent film over the nail. However, this often does not hold up optimally and tends to form air bubbles. If you have a little more time (and money), you can also go to a nail salon with a cracked nail. There you can paint the affected fingernail with a special gel that can be hardened and shaped under UV radiation.

With a balanced diet and regular use of these care products, the nail structure should improve significantly over time. However, if you have taken all the measures that can be done from home alone to tackle the brittle fingernails and there is no known disease that could explain the nail problems and the condition still does not improve after four weeks, you should see a doctor to exclude certain diseases and to discuss possible therapy.

Treatment of brittle fingernails

The problem with brittle fingernails is often that the nails are too soft and therefore break and tear more easily. The soft nails can be treated with a nail hardener that contains calcium. However, this nail hardener should be free of formaldehyde as it dries out the nails a lot. In addition, regular treatment of the brittle fingernail with a nail care oil is recommended. For this, the fingernails including the cuticle are massaged with the oil and thus receive sufficient moisture and important care substances.

As an alternative to nail care oil, simple home remedies such as almond oil, apricot oil or olive oil can also be used. It is also important to protect the nails from moisture. So it makes sense to always wear work gloves when working with water (e.g. when washing up).Brittle and brittle fingernails should be worn as short as possible. In order to shorten the fingernails, it is best to use a nail file that is very gentle on the nails (e.g. a glass nail file). Metal files can heat up quickly when filing and damage the nails as a result. Filing your fingernails should not be done after a long bath or shower, as the horny layer of the nails is then swollen and can be easily injured. A healthy and balanced diet plays a decisive role in the treatment of brittle fingernails, as it can compensate for deficiency symptoms that can be the cause of brittle nails. In rare cases it can make sense to have the hormone balance checked by a doctor, as certain diseases (e.g. thyroid diseases) can lead to brittle fingernails. Treatment of the underlying disease usually leads to a quick improvement in nail quality. Nail polishes can also be used on brittle fingernails (it would be better to do without nail polish / remover completely). It should be ensured that the nail polishes do not contain formaldehyde and that nail polishes that are enriched with calcium are preferred.

Home remedies for brittle fingernails

A number of home remedies and tricks can be used against brittle and brittle fingernails. Aggressive cutting, tearing off, biting off or pushing back the cuticle should be avoided and regular nail care should be carried out gently.

When working in water (e.g. when washing dishes) wearing work gloves can protect fingernails. If the fingernails are already brittle, oil baths and hand packs, for example with healing clay, can be a tried and tested method of maintaining healthy fingernails. Nail firmness can be strengthened with special preparations such as nail oil or nail cream, but also with simple home remedies such as almond oil and olive oil. Simply rub the brittle fingernails with almond or olive oil in the evening and leave to work overnight. Brushing your fingernails with olive oil can also be useful before wet work, as the oil covers the nail like a protective layer and the water cannot make the fingernail brittle.

Another simple home remedy for brittle fingernails is an olive oil bath in the morning. The oil is briefly heated and the nails are immersed for about 10 minutes. Before the nail is dried again, the oil is massaged in for half a minute. The oil restores the lost elasticity to the brittle fingernails. Treatment with lemon can be tried. To do this, a fresh lemon is cut open and the brittle fingernails are stuck into the pulp of the lemon for one to two minutes. This process can be repeated several times a day. Nail polish and nail polish remover should not be used on soft, brittle fingernails, as the harsh chemicals put a lot of stress on the nail.

Also a change to a gentle one and not aggressive hand soap can be useful to avoid brittle fingernails. It is particularly advisable to use a greasy care cream for the hands after showering. This is good for smooth and soft skin at the same time, and the fingernails also benefit from it. Vitamin D also plays a role in healthy nails, which is why it is advisable to go out in the sun a lot. Vitamin D is produced in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight.

If the nail is brittle because it is infected with a nail fungus, it can be used as a helpful home remedy Tea tree oil be applied. Tea tree oil kills bacteria and fungi and should be dripped onto the nail after showering or bathing (if the fingernail is slightly softened).

Diet for brittle fingernails

Diet plays a crucial role in the development of brittle fingernails, as the nail changes are often a sign of a deficiency. A Deficiency in vitamin D or B, as well as a deficit in minerals calcium or iron can be responsible for the brittle fingernails. First and foremost, it is important to pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet. Fingernails need a variety of nutrients (especially calcium and iron) to grow well and healthily. An attempt can be made to increase calcium intake through diet (for example by drinking a glass of milk a day).

In some cases it can be useful to take additional food supplements (e.g. Biotin, Silicon preparations). However, such intake of dietary supplements should be discussed with the family doctor, since the addition of minerals, vitamins and trace elements is only sensible and recommended if there is a proven deficiency. If there is a deficiency in biotin, taking about 2.5 milligrams of biotin daily can make the fingernails more stable for three months. Biotin has long been used to strengthen horse's hooves, until it was discovered that it also helps with human nails. Foods rich in biotin such as nuts, barley, soy and rice can also be consumed more to strengthen the fingernails. However, the biotin content is not very high. Alternatively, silicon containing silica can be taken or silica gel can be stirred into yogurt.

The active ingredients of Nettles and silica is a tried and tested home remedy for brittle fingernails. The substances in nettle and silica strengthen the fingernails. To treat the nails with the substances, one tablespoon of nettle leaves are brewed with a cup of water in the morning and in the evening. This tea is left to steep for five minutes and then strained. One or two tablets of silica are now dissolved in the nettle water. Optionally can also Horsetail can be used, which also has a positive effect on the fingernails. At least one cup of the tea should be consumed every day (available in health food stores and online pharmacies).

Brittle fingernails often indicate a lack of essential fatty acids. These healthy fatty acids are mostly found in foods like mackerel, salmon, sardines, flaxseeds, and flaxseed oil. White spots on the brittle fingernails indicate a zinc deficiency. Much zinc is found in liver, beef and pork, eggs and seafood, as well as beans and nuts. The Vitamins B and C can also be increased through the right diet. These vitamins are mainly found in foods such as bananas, chicken and peppers.

Brittle fingernails in children

At the beginning it is important to know that the Disposition, which we get on the way with our conception, when we ask whether we brittle or solid nails have a big role to play.
In addition, small children and babies in particular have very soft nails that are less able to withstand the strain and therefore tend to, especially at the top of the nail, to splinter.
The nails are recommended for children, especially for those who tend to have brittle fingernails and toenails, keep it shortin order to prevent such wide tearing, in the worst case to the nail bed. The Fingernails should be round and the Toenails cut straight become.

A Nutritional deficiency in children under one year old is very unlikelyif you eat a balanced, mixed diet, including vegetables, fruit, cereal products, fish, meat and dairy products. Only later, when the older children own nutritional preferences and habits play a greater role if a nutritional deficiency cannot be ruled out as the cause.
calcium plays a central role in diet-related, brittle nails as it is important for nail building. Calcium-containing foods include cheese, milk, yogurt, green vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and nuts such as walnuts and almonds. Ordinary mineral water also contains calcium, which shows how important it is adequate hydration is.
In addition, there are external factors such as stress and Stress to carry.
Can remedy the maintenance of the nails with the help of nail oil and the rubbing of the hands, feet and nails with Silica cream. You can get both of these at the pharmacy, where more precise advice can be given that is more tailored to the problem.
However, there are also certain “diseases” that can lead to brittle nails. First of all, it should be said that the coming causes rarely are responsible for the development of brittle fingernails. In the majority of cases, as already mentioned, this is due to the system. Rare causes can be: One anemia, i.e. a reduced number of red blood cells, the color of which is responsible for transporting oxygen Fungal infection of the nail, for example through so-called dermatophytes, which are mainly found in the ground Hypothyroidism and general Thyroid disease, since the thyroid gland plays an important role in regulating the calcium balance, a zinc deficiency, a vitamin A deficiency, for example after / when completely avoiding animal foods such as meat, eggs and milk, as well as a number of inherited genetic diseases , such as the disease "Progeria“Which causes children to age prematurely and too quickly. If a deficiency or an existing physical illness is suspected, a more precise determination and diagnosis can be carried out by the treating doctor or a specialist doctor.

Brittle fingernails during pregnancy

Many women suffer from brittle, dry nails during pregnancy that can easily break and split.
The causes are Pregnancy hormoneswhich ensure that fingernails and toenails grow faster than ever, but at the same time the nails can also become thin and brittle.

In general, brittle fingernails can also be caused by a Vitamin or mineral deficiency caused.
Before, however, in pregnancy for example Vitamin A, folic acid or biotin supplements it is advisable to discuss this with your gynecologist beforehand.

Another, less common cause of brittle fingernails during pregnancy can be a Iron deficiency from which a large proportion of the young women in our degree suffer and which can become symptomatic during pregnancy.
Additional symptoms like Fatigue, weakness or paleness can corroborate this suspicion.