Alternating showers

With alternating showers, the temperature is alternately changed between hot and cold during the showering process. This has many advantages. Alternating showers have an invigorating and vitalizing effect in the morning, get the circulation going and improve blood circulation.

Reasons for alternate showers

If you feel tired and powerless in the morning, you should start the day with a hot shower. It gets the circulation going and has a vitalizing effect. Alternating showers have also been shown to strengthen the immune system. The alternating cold and heat promotes blood circulation and the body can optimally moisten the nasal and throat areas and thus make it difficult for pathogens to attach to the mucous membranes.

Another positive effect of alternating showers is that the sensation of cold is reduced. Alternating showers trains the vessels to expand and contract faster, so you freeze less. Alternating showers can also have a positive effect on sore muscles. Similar to compression stockings, it causes the vessels to constrict and can thus reduce the pain caused by sore muscles.

Alternating showers during pregnancy

Alternating showers during pregnancy can help relieve water retention and swollen legs. In addition, alternating showers in combination with exercise increases blood flow. The skin appears healthier and firmer. Contrast showers, however, cannot prevent stretch marks. However, in combination with regular sporting activities and connective tissue massages, they can improve the complexion of the skin.

This article might also interest you: Strengthen connective tissue- These tips will help

Alternating showers for a cold

Alternating showers can strengthen the immune system and the body's defenses and thus prevent a cold. However, if you have a cold, take a hot shower because the warm fumes from the shower can help loosen the mucus in your nose. In addition, warm showers should be used for physical well-being during a cold.

Alternating showers for cellulite

Popular home remedies for cellulite include contrast showers. Alternating showers can help in the fight against cellulite, but they cannot solve the problem on their own. They promote the blood flow to the connective tissue, the removal of lymphatic fluid and make the skin appear healthier and firmer.
For the therapy of cellulite you should always use alternating showers in combination with a healthy diet and exercise. They have to be used over a longer period of time to see the first results.

Read more on the subject at: Cellulite

Alternating showers to prevent sweating

If you start the day with a change shower in the morning, this can help against excessive sweating. The alternation between warm and cold water promotes blood circulation and gets the circulation going. The sweat production can be regulated with permanent use of an alternating shower.
However, they do not alone help against excessive sweating. You should make sure to complete the alternating shower with warm water, because the body has to raise its body temperature again with cold water, which means that you start to sweat.

Find out more about the topic: Excessive sweating

Alternating showers against varicose veins

Varicose veins (varices) are the expansion of veins. They are often found on the legs and the cause is usually a genetic weakness in the connective tissue and frequent standing. Varicose veins can be prophylactically prevented with alternating showers. They should be used over a long period of time.

Alternating showers strengthen the venous muscles and improve blood flow in the veins. In addition, prolonged standing or sitting should be avoided. Alternating showers should be used in combination with physical exertion, especially through training of the leg muscles. If larger varicose veins are already present, they can be removed by surgery, with a laser, or by sclerotherapy.

Read more on the subject at: Remove varicose veins

Alternate showers against broom riders

Spider veins are mini convulsive veins that are located on the surface of the skin. They usually appear on the legs and pose a cosmetic problem. Alternating showers can effectively counteract the spread of spider veins. Due to the changing temperatures, the veins are trained to expand quickly in warm water and to contract in cold water.
The blood circulation is promoted and the circulation gets going. Regular alternating showers make the skin tighter for many people. Other measures to prevent spider veins include regular use of brush massages, sporting activities and the wearing of compression stockings.

Further information on the subject can be found at: Spider veins - causes, treatment, and possible risks


Alternating showers sounds like overcoming at first, but those who alternate hot and cold showers quickly get used to it and don't want to miss the invigorating feeling. When alternating showers, you should start with hot water. Set a warm temperature (between approx. 39 and 42 degrees) for a few minutes so that blood vessels widen first.
After a few minutes you set colder temperatures (between approx. 14 and 18 degrees). You can gradually increase the temperature differences to get used to the alternating shower. Always start with the cold water on the feet, then on the legs, arms, then on the upper body and finally on the head. How often you switch between warm and cold water (e.g. 4-8 times) is up to you. Finish the alternating shower with cold water and dry yourself well.


You can decide individually how long you use the alternating shower and adapt it to your normal shower time. You should change the temperature at least 3 times and hold the respective temperature for about a minute.

How often can you take alternating showers?

You should use the alternating shower daily and over a longer period of time in order to achieve the desired effects.

Side effects / risks

Although alternating showers have a predominantly positive effect, there are exceptions in which caution is required or alternating showers should be avoided altogether. If you suffer from circulatory problems, you should carefully get used to the alternating shower and avoid large temperature differences at first. Be careful not to overwhelm your body and circulation. You should avoid showering your chest and do not go higher than your hips with the cold water jet.

If you suffer from heart disease, you should generally refrain from showering. Before using it for the first time, you should seek medical advice if you have an unstable circulation or heart disease.

Recommendations from the editorial team

  • Circulatory disorders
  • Spider veins
  • Varicose veins
  • Connective tissue weakness
  • Strengthen connective tissue