How do I get pregnant?


Many women want their partner to have offspring. Some people want to have children immediately, others try to have children for a long time. In order to get pregnant there are several factors that women should consider in order to have a baby.

What do you have to consider to get pregnant?

In order to get pregnant, ovulation is primarily important. It takes place about 2 weeks before the next menstrual period. This affects girls and women who are around 12 to 45 or 50 years old. Ovulation is the moment in the cycle when an egg cell is released from the ovary and passes into the fallopian tube.

The egg cell can finally fuse with a sperm cell in the fallopian tube. However, the egg cell does not live as long as the sperm cells do. It is expected to die around 8 to 24 hours after ovulation if not fertilized. However, sperm can survive in the woman's cervix for up to 72 hours.

It is believed that the fertile days are around 3 to 5 days before ovulation and up to 24 hours after ovulation. This is the time when the chance of getting pregnant is greatest. The prerequisite for this, of course, is that all contraceptives have been discontinued, the woman has a regular cycle and sexual intercourse has occurred.

Even though intercourse is crucial to getting pregnant, care should be taken not to have intercourse too often. Frequent ejaculation affects the quality of the sperm.
To find out when ovulation takes place, you have to look at the length of the monthly cycle. With a 28-day cycle, ovulation takes place around 14 days after the menstrual period, i.e. around the middle of the cycle. Some women also feel certain features on the body that indicate that ovulation is about to occur. For example, a pulling in the lower abdomen or tension in the breasts. There is also the possibility to measure the body temperature. For the temperature measurement, you can get a basal thermometer in the pharmacy, with which you can measure the temperature right before you get up. This thermometer is very accurate and so you can accurately measure the temperature increase of about 0.5 degrees that you have during ovulation.
There are also special tests that can be purchased in the pharmacy or drugstore that indicate the fertile days.

Read more about the topics:

  • How can you encourage ovulation? and desire to have children

Can you get pregnant while taking the pill?

The pill is one of the safest contraceptives on the market. Nevertheless, there are always women who become pregnant even though they are taking the pill. How can it come to that?

There are a number of things or situations that one must be aware of while taking the pill in order for it to work. In general, one can say that those women who get pregnant despite the pill have probably made mistakes in taking them. You should always take the pill at the same time of day. That does not mean that there has to be an exact time every day, but nevertheless, once you have taken it in the morning, you should always take it in the morning, or in the evening or at noon.

You should never postpone the intake cycle by more than twelve hours, because even then the pill may lose its effect. You should be particularly careful when going on vacation to distant countries where the time difference is very large. You should think carefully beforehand when to take the pill and, if in doubt, always ask the gynecologist for advice.

In addition, the effectiveness of the pill is reduced by some drugs. It is best to always inquire directly with the doctor when a new drug has been prescribed whether there is an interaction with the pill and what should be considered. Women in particular often underestimate various antibiotics. Many of them make the pill less effective. It is also not enough to continue taking the pill normally after the antibiotic has been stopped. You have to use additional contraception, e.g. with condoms, until your next period.

Likewise, the effect of the pill is reduced if one or more doses are omitted or forgotten.

Gastrointestinal diseases in particular can become a real problem. Vomiting or severe diarrhea can reduce the effectiveness of the pill. If you have gastrointestinal diseases, you should urgently use a condom until your next menstruation. There are also some diseases that affect the metabolism and that can have a negative effect on the pill. These include, for example, cystic fibrosis or Crohn's disease.

How do I get pregnant without a man?

Especially when women are no longer too young, the urge to have a child increases for many. But sometimes the right partner is missing for this. Even if you don't live in a partnership, there are still other ways of fulfilling your desire to have children. Sperm donation in particular is very popular here.

In Germany, single women currently do not have the option of donating sperm. In other countries such as Belgium, a single woman can take advantage of sperm donation without any problems.

In addition to sperm donation, there is also the possibility of embryo adoption. When couples can be artificially fertilized or the egg cell is artificially fertilized in the test tube, embryos are often left over. They are kept frozen in case the couple wants children later. If the couple no longer wants children, these embryos can be given up for adoption.

How do I get pregnant without my partner noticing?

There are always women who get pregnant without their partner noticing or knowing. In general, it should be said right at the beginning that it is not okay to want to father a child without the knowledge of your partner. Such a decision should always be consensual and never be made by one partner alone. In principle, you can stop using your contraceptives, such as the pill, without your partner noticing. Some women then disguise it as "accident“And claim they didn't know themselves.
In addition, there are always women who use pregnancy to hold their partner by their side when he wants to break up. Of course, these are all reasons that are more than questionable to just have a child like that. If possible, a child should be conceived and born in orderly circumstances, and not abused for personal purposes.

Pregnancy despite using condoms?

The condom is one of the most popular methods of contraception and, if used correctly, it is also one of the safest contraceptives.

The condom is pulled over the erect penis and a reservoir remains at the front to catch the ejaculation. The condom prevents any ejaculation from entering the vagina. There are many different types of condoms. The most important thing is that the condom fits the penis, so there are different sizes available.

When using a condom, there are a few things you have to keep in mind to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. You should first pay attention to the expiration date and check whether it is still in its original packaging before using it. It is important to open the packaging carefully. This is where the first mistakes often happen, in which the packages are opened with something pointed and then very small holes appear in the rubber, which can later lead to sperm escaping.

It is also very important that condoms can only be used once. In addition, you have to pull the penis and the condom out of the vagina after ejaculation so that none of the ejaculate can get into the vagina.

Can you get pregnant despite sterilization?

In principle, sterilization is a very safe method to avoid getting pregnant. In theory, sterilization can be reversed, but this requires a lengthy operation and artificial insemination. Since very few women actually get pregnant again, the sterilization is to be regarded as a "final intervention".
Occasionally there are women who become pregnant despite being sterilized. Here it is mostly a mistake in the procedure that is to blame. This means that, for example, the fallopian tubes have not been sufficiently severed and obliterated.

Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding?

There are many women who think that they cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding. The fact is that many women actually get pregnant more difficult during this time, because during the breastfeeding phase the level of the hormone prolactin can be found in higher concentrations in the body and the hormones LH and FSH are only present in small quantities.

The last two hormones are responsible for egg maturation and ovulation. If these hormones are only present in small quantities, it stands to reason that pregnancy is not so easy. However, there is still the possibility of getting pregnant again. If you want to avoid this, you should also use appropriate contraception during sexual intercourse while breastfeeding.