Figure spleen

Figure spleen: projection of the internal organs onto the anterior chest and abdominal wall (A) and the side of the spleen and viscera

(Organ of the lymphatic system)

  1. Spleen - Splen, Lien
  2. Spleen capsule -
    Flushes, capsules
  3. Red pulp
  4. White pulp
  5. Barbed artery -
    Trabecular artery
  6. Bar vein -
    Trabecular vein
  7. Diaphragm - Diaphragm
  8. Stomach body -
    Corpus gastricum
  9. Splenic artery -
    Splenic artery
  10. Splenic vein -
    Splenic vein
  11. Spleen hilum - Hilum splenicum
    A - projection of the internal organs
    on the anterior chest and abdominal walls

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