Respiratory infection in pregnancy

Definition - What is a Respiratory Infection In Pregnancy?

Expectant mothers can catch a cold during pregnancy too. A respiratory tract infection often affects the upper respiratory tract, i.e. the nose, sinuses and throat. The infection also spreads to the lower respiratory tract (bronchi and lungs) less frequently.

The disease itself is usually completely harmless, but pregnant women still worry whether the disease can affect their baby. Usually, the unborn child does not suffer any harm from the mother's disease. A simple respiratory tract infection heals on its own after a few days.

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The cause of a respiratory infection during pregnancy is an infection with pathogens. In most cases these are viruses, with the rhinovirus being by far the most common pathogen. More rarely, a respiratory tract infection in pregnancy is based on a bacterial infection, which must then be treated with antibiotics.

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The germs enter the body via the respiratory tract and cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, sinuses and throat. An infection is favored by a previous damage to the mucous membranes. Especially in the cold season, our mucous membranes dry out more and more from dry heating air, which makes it easier for pathogens to penetrate.

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  • Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane
  • Inflammation in the throat
  • Sinus infection

An intact immune system is necessary for our body to successfully fight off germs and stay healthy. During pregnancy, the body downregulates the immune system so that the embryo is not recognized as "foreign" and rejected by the immune cells. Because of this, women may catch colds and develop respiratory infections more frequently during pregnancy.

Is there any danger to my baby?

In the case of a simple respiratory tract infection with a cough, sore throat and runny nose, the women concerned need not be afraid, because there is usually no danger to the unborn child. In addition, the baby cannot be infected by the disease and is not in pain. Even with strong coughing attacks, the babies are protected from strong vibrations by the surrounding amniotic fluid and do not feel much.

However, caution is advised when taking medication, as not all preparations are suitable for pregnant women. If in doubt, those affected should check with their doctor about which medication can be taken to relieve the symptoms. Even with a high fever, women affected should definitely consult a doctor, otherwise there is a risk of premature labor. In addition, the suspicion that it is not a simple respiratory tract infection, but a severe flu, which if left untreated can have fatal consequences for the unborn child.

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  • Medication during pregnancy
  • Fever during pregnancy


Doctors first diagnose a respiratory infection in pregnant women based on their symptoms. He then does a physical exam, during which the nose is examined by means of a nasoscopy, which is carried out with a special instrument (Rhinoscope) is carried out, is investigated. The mouth and throat are also examined. This allows the doctor to see whether the lining of the airways is inflamed. This is followed by palpation of the lymph nodes on the neck and throat region and listening to the lungs with a stethoscope. These examinations are usually sufficient to make a diagnosis of a respiratory infection.

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Concomitant symptoms

A respiratory tract infection during pregnancy leads to the typical symptoms of a cold. These include runny nose, cough, hoarseness and sore throat. In addition, the sick women usually feel tired and exhausted. The infection of the upper respiratory tract causes the inflamed mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses to swell and cause an increase in pressure in the skull, which manifests itself in the form of a headache. Pain in the limbs can also occur occasionally.

In the case of more severe infections, a fever can also occur, but the measured temperature is usually not higher than 38.5 ° Celsius. If you have a high fever, it may not be a simple respiratory infection, but the flu (Influenza) acts. In such a case, those affected must then consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to initiate the appropriate treatment.

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  • Sore throat in pregnancy
  • Fever during pregnancy
  • Flu symptoms

Treatment / therapy

Pregnant women should take as little medication as possible so as not to harm their unborn child. Some herbal ingredients can also have a negative effect on the child.

If the nose is very congested and makes it impossible to breathe, patients can resort to a nasal spray. However, this should not be taken for more than a week. Alternatively, there are a number of home remedies that can help with mild cold symptoms. These include inhaling essential oils to clear the nose and sinuses, rinsing the blocked nose with a salt water solution or warm throat compresses for a sore throat.

If you have severe symptoms that have not improved after three days, you should consult a doctor. The same applies to fevers over 38.5 ° Celsius. Then drug treatment may be necessary. Taking paracetamol during pregnancy is considered safe and helps to relieve the symptoms and lower the fever. Nevertheless, any use of medication during pregnancy should be clarified with a doctor or pharmacist in order to avoid any risk to the unborn child.

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  • Paracetamol in pregnancy
  • Painkillers in Pregnancy
  • Medication during breastfeeding
  • Flu vaccination during pregnancy

When do i need an antibiotic?

Treatment of a respiratory infection during pregnancy is only necessary for diseases caused by bacteria. In the case of viral infections, antibiotics are absolutely not useful and do not cause any improvement in the symptoms. The doctor will only prescribe an antibiotic for a pregnant woman if it is absolutely necessary and the infection is very persistent. When choosing the antibiotic, it is important to consider whether it is approved for use in pregnant women.

Read more on the topic: Antibiotics in Pregnancy and Cefuroxime in Pregnancy

Is the antibiotic dangerous for my baby?

Antibiotics are not prescribed lightly during pregnancy. However, if there are complications from a respiratory tract infection and severe disease caused by bacteria (e.g. pneumonia), the use of an antibiotic cannot sometimes be prevented.

Not all antibiotics are dangerous for unborn children, which is why certain preparations can also be administered during pregnancy. Therefore, the attending physician must always weigh the risk of treatment with antibiotics against that of an untreated, possibly serious illness.

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A simple respiratory tract infection during pregnancy begins within one to two days and peaks around the third day after infection. Normally there is a significant improvement after just five days and the symptoms should have completely subsided after a maximum of ten days.

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