Bach flowers for children

Bach writes in his book "Heal yourself“: When bringing up our children, the main thing is to give and only to give, gentle love, protection and guidance until the soul can direct its own personality! The child should be encouraged to start thinking and acting for themselves as early as possible!

When does a treatment with Bach flowers make sense?

  1. In emergencies at Injuries or emotional shock experiences In addition to medical treatment, the Emergency drops be helpful.
  2. For acute illnesses to support the Healing process.
  3. For chronic diseases, that too psychological causes to have.
  4. At difficult behavior.
  5. To promote healthy mental and physical development.

Diseases, especially the typical ones Teething problems are not negative for the development of the child, but often enable a further development step.

Important: Bach flowers are not drugs that can be used to fight diseases! A doctor should be consulted for all illnesses, Bach flowers are a way to gently support the healing process, to bring relief from psychological problems and to direct development in the right direction. You can help the child like states of mind fear, uncertainty, Self-doubt or Discouragement to overcome.

Bach flower emergency drops

Limits to Self-Treatment

By taking Bach flowers there will be positive changes in the childlike psyche initiated. Fundamental changes in the psychological state cannot be achieved with Bach flowers. A lively child cannot be made calm and adjusted, and an average child cannot be made into an Einstein.

The flowers follow in alphabetical order. The descriptions are based on the child's behavior and represent certain States of mind. Usually one recognizes a predominant one Behavior patterns and several other behaviors at the same time. One treats accordingly with one or also several flowers.

For example, people who do not trust themselves need in the first place Larch, but also Mimulus against the fear of being laughed at.

A flower can also fit if the child's behavior does not match all of the behaviors described. First of all, the prevailing behavior and the matching flower are important. Complementary flowers are also based on the state of mind, but must basically match.

Agrimony - Odermenning

Children who are considered by their surroundings Happy and easy to care for be perceived. Your parents are therefore envied. Their offspring are extremely popular and all children want to play with them. That sounds good at first, but it also has its downsides. It is also part of the child’s characteristic to convulsively avoid arguments with other people, it is conflict-averse, a over-fitted and nice Child. He is reluctant to show his own worries and does not reveal his feelings. When the child comes to school it becomes a "Class bully“, Wants to make other children laugh and disrupts the class. The child strives for popularity and recognition. It is always energized, always active, because fears and grief can be pushed away more easily. To be alone would bring these worries to light.

The environment often sees no reason to change the child's behavior, so-called "easy going people" are popular and usually nobody is interested in what it looks like inside. Sometimes the children point outwards nervous nail biting or wet into school age at night.

The blossom Agrimony helps the child to become more open, to communicate their worries and fears and not always have to hide behind a funny and happy facade. Honesty and the willingness to face conflicts are encouraged.

Aspen - quaking aspen

The children are very sensitive and very receptive to signals from the environment that others would usually not perceive. They cannot understand or process these sensory impressions; this leads to inner tension and subliminal fears before an impending disaster without having a specific reason for it. They feel ashamed about it and don't talk about it.

Often these children suffer from Nightmares and tend to nocturnal wandering, they tremble like Aspen leaves!

The child can be in the dark do not fall asleep, it is scared and rejecting as soon as something new has to be mastered, although the parents cannot see the reason for it.

Aspen helps the child to overcome these subliminal fears and to classify sensory impressions realistically. It feels more secure in dealing with other people and in new situations. Often a combination with Mimulus and Rock rose makes sense.

Beech - European beech

The child is a Know-it-all, precocious and nobody can fool him.

It judges other children quickly and without pity, finds them stupid and does not want to play with them. It is mocking and overly critical, nags and rejects everything foreign. Unfamiliar food is rejected, gifts and souvenirs are viewed critically. The child shows approaches of intolerance, tends to hasty judgment about other children, complains and shows no understanding of weaknesses.

It isolates itself through its overly critical attitude. This behavior pattern is also reinforced by (sometimes thoughtless) remarks in the family circle.

Beech should help to push back the intolerant part of the child's being. The child will recognize the weaknesses of others, but it should learn to a certain extent tolerance and compassion to react.

Centaury - thousand gold herb

The child may be afraid of loss of sympathy or rejection don't say "no".

The children are good-natured, docile and compliant, let themselves be exploited and suppressed by others. They also allow themselves to be persuaded into dangerous and crazy undertakings and voluntarily submit. For fear of deprivation of love, they are adapted and serve their environment. Therefore, she does not want any change. Treatment with Bach flowers and changing behavior therefore requires a lot of perseverance, strength and support from parents.

Such children become in adulthood too Followers and Henchmen of a stronger one, overwork themselves.

Centaury helps to prevent the development of an adapted, insecure "yes-man". The child should also learn to say "no" or to disagree without having to expect negative reactions or even deprivation of love from their environment. Centaury strengthens the ability to endure and resolve conflicts.

Cerato - lead root

The children suffer from Weakness of decision and have too little trust in their own opinion. Decisions made are always questioned again (chocolate or vanilla ice cream / playing with a tractor or airplane). The children ask a thousand times a day: “What should I do now?”. Annoy the environment with questions and problems. they seem unsure and employed, do not want to take responsibility. It is easy to be convinced by others and adopt behavior patterns, attach excessive importance to the opinion of others. These children run the risk of being “under-buttered”.

As adults, they become easy too Followers and kept small by dominant partners or family members.

Cerato counteracts lifelong insecurity and fear. The children learn to trust their own decisions and to listen to their inner voice.

Chestnut Bud - Bud of the horse chestnut

In the first place, the child is often scattered and inattentive, they fail many at school Carelessness on. Others create chaos, cannot keep order, and are usually looking for misplaced utensils. Other children often lose something or keep coming home with bruised knees. Common to all is that Inability to learn from mistakes made, they don't learn anything, they keep making the same mistakes. Outwardly, they are not making any progress. You have many ideas and plans in your head, but no course is set for their realization.

As adults they also tend to make the same mistakes over and over again, for example choosing the same type of partner over and over again, although experience should show that failure is inevitable.

Chestnut Bud supports the children to process what they have learned and what they have learned and to act accordingly. Chestnut Bud helps the bud, which has a lot of power, to flower!

Chicory - chicory

It's the children who unconditional attention challenge their surroundings, they always want to be the focus! Some “cling” and don't want to stay alone and play alone. Even as infants they shout loudly as soon as their parents want to put them down. Later the children tend to self-pity and are sensitive and offended when something goes wrong. With other children, they make themselves “indispensable”, lend toys or have them copied.

As adults, these become children Super mothers, who impose their good deeds on the family and demand gratitude (I love you, provided that ...). Others refuse therapy when they are ill because they can bind other people to themselves and put them under pressure.

Chicory can help the children to break the fixation on themselves and enable them to turn to other people. The blossoms Chicory and Heather are similar, but Chicory rather stands for self-pity and the effort to control other people unnoticed. Heather on the other hand hardly allows occupation with other people, is absolutely self-centered.

Clematis - White Clematis

The children are dreamy, seem absent, show little interest in what is going on around them. You can say “Hans look in the air” and through his Absent-mindedness and Reverie also quite at risk of being involved in accidents. The children are calm and do not attract much attention when they are small. The state of mind comes to the fore when the children come to school and dream in class, build castles in the air, listless and unfocused Act. They can then often not answer questions that have just been asked and suffer from it, because they do not care what others think of them. The children like to be alone, their grades are not particularly good, there seems to be a lack of motivation, but in reality these children are often creative and artistically gifted.

As adults they develop into "absent-minded professor“, Forget a lot and are not interested in the environment. Sometimes when they get sick they are not interested in getting well either.

The blossom Clematis should help to bring the child a little way into the present so that they perceive their environment and can build a healthy relationship with other people while alert and focused.

Crab Apple - crab apple

The child is exaggerating neat and clean. This is usually noticed very positively by parents and other relationship persons. The children often want to wash their hands and develop an aversion to dirt. Parents should not encourage and reward the excessive behavior as well. The child runs the risk of becoming one pedantic petty shopkeeper to develop and to lose sight of the essentials. Often a personality develops who also pays attention to cleanliness in interpersonal relationships, one avoids conflicts and outwardly “sweeps problems under the carpet” in order to keep up appearances.

The blossom Crab Apple helps to weaken the development of the cleanliness fanatic with overly correct and fussy behavior that annoys others.

Elm - elm

The child is diligent, shows good performance at school and does tasks without difficulty, likes to be responsible. It can happen that it takes on too many tasks and suddenly gets the feeling that it cannot be done, it becomes discouraged, struggles with fear of failure and self-doubt. This is how the so-called "blackout“In exams, although there is sufficient knowledge. You can do the same Sports injuries occur due to overload.

Elm is usually a temporary bloom for a short time. The flower should help to develop confidence in your own abilities again. Elm is the smelling salt of the strong in the hour of weakness.

Gentian - autumn gentian

The child is pessimist, has negative expectations for the future, is easily discouraged if something doesn't work right away, is generally skeptical.

In school there is a "0-buck“Attitude that the child refuses to take part does not approach tasks and this behavior is quick school failures. The child expects a bad grade for every job anyway, is then disappointed, withdraws even more, believes it is not worth making an effort. The child has Feelings of inferiority and doesn't trust himself.

The blossom Gentian is indicated when the cause of this behavior is not fear, but a fundamentally negative attitude towards life. Gentian strengthens confidence for a positive development in the future. It strengthens the will to fight and overcome difficulties, sometimes here is a combination with Larch makes sense.

Gorse - gorse

The child is quiet, depressed, withdrawn or, on the contrary, aggressive and loud, it fails poor academic performance and resistance to everything and everyone. These children perceive their situation as hopeless. Reasons for this can be found in the parental home, through unjust, loveless treatment by the parents or physical abuse. The child becomes hopeless because he cannot escape the situation. The reason for this can also be conflicts, exclusion or oppression by siblings or schoolmates. The children develop that way too Outsiders and Whipping boy, have no more hope and no strength to do anything about it. They are waiting for a miracle that something will happen from the outside and free them from their oppressive situation.

The blossom Gorse can help to become more hopeful again and to draw the courage to change something in your situation.

Heather - heather

The children are utterly self-centered, always want to be the center of attention and challenge the undivided attention The parents. You talk a lot, push yourself in between, don't stay alone. Over the years they develop exaggerated vanity and Need for recognition and as adults they can become very unpopular and thus lonely characters. Only your own ailments count, keep telling you about them. They are not very compassionate towards other people and animals and do not listen.

The blossom Heather helps the child to develop a certain sensitivity towards others. The importance of oneself is pushed a little into the background, Helpfulness can develop. This increases the chance of finding friends and partners.

Holly - holly

The children get in at the slightest cause Anger, scream, kick, hit. They are irritable, aggressive, jealous, and prone to malicious joy and envy. Sometimes the child is naturally one fighter and very spirited, but it can also be that there is a learned behavior. Then the parents also have to work on their behavior.

As adults, these children will develop a negative outlook on life, envy, jealousy and lack of ability to love shape these people. The feeling of always coming up short accompanies her for a lifetime.

To prevent this, the bloom can Holly help to reduce negative feelings even in children and to develop a more loving attitude towards other people.

Honeysuckle - honeysuckle

The children do not like change and suffer in many situations Homesickness. They don't want to stay in kindergarten and starting school is difficult because they prefer to stay at home in their familiar surroundings. The development forward is prevented by constantly looking back and being frozen in the past.

The blossom Honeysuckle should help the child to let go of the past, to react positively to new impressions and to develop more easily.

With a fixation on always the same thought can be additional White Chestnut be necessary. When homesick is also Walnut (Stamina) to be included in the considerations.

Hornbeam - hornbeam

The children feel they are too weak to carry out their daily duties. You feel already in the morning after getting up limp, are sleepless and grumpy. At school they seem tired and uninspired, they approach tasks hesitantly and need a long time to finally get started.

It lays here mental exhaustion before (not like the flowering olive physical exhaustion). The children have tired eyes, maybe watch too much TV and there is no balance to the monotonous everyday life. If they are torn from their routine, tiredness is often gone too.

The blossom Hornbeam should help the children to do more again mental freshness and Resilience especially if they suffer from a monotonous everyday life. As a result, the children can do more again Enterprising spirit develop.

Impatiens - glandular balsam

The children are impatient, spirited, don't want to wait, otherwise get angry and scream. As soon as they can walk they are always on the move hyperactive, everything is not going fast enough for them. The older children speak quickly and hastily; stutter develop. Decisions are made impulsively and quickly, the children appear irritable to their surroundings and have no patience with themselves and others. At school, they tend to because they don't take their time Careless mistakes, often forget to take the things they need with them in their rush (for example, sports equipment if physical education is on the schedule).

As adults they become too Choleric, overly critical, tense inside, impatient, work quickly. Are merciless towards those who work slower and cannot take criticism.

The blossom Impatiens promotes the training of patience With themselves and with others, the children are set on the path to reduce the inner restlessness and hectic rush to a certain extent and replace it with calm and serenity. Impatiens replaced at hyperactive children not therapy, but can be used as a supportive measure.

Larch - larch

The children are shy and shy, they dare not do anything. You feel inferior to other children right from the start and do not doubt it. She values ​​her environment very much reasonable a. Most of all, they shy away from school and are passive in class because they are afraid of embarrassing themselves. You tend to put off unpleasant things. The inner fear of failure blocks these children. When playing with other children, they willingly submit. Due to the lack of self-confidence, they miss out on some of the opportunities that life offers them.

This can occur in adulthood lack of self-esteem to a massive Inferiority complex develop.

The blossom Larch aims to help children develop self-confidence. It supports the children to see things more loosely, without fear and self-doubt, to dare something and grow with it. Here the child needs the support of the parents. Even the young child should be encouraged to tackle tasks that the parents know can be done. The children need support and as little criticism as possible, but all the more praise for what has been achieved. Through the affection of the parents and their trust in them, the child can inner fears push back and with more courage and Self-confidence approach tasks.

Mimulus - juggler flower

The children are generally fearful and shy. As babies they scream immediately after waking up, when they get bigger they develop into rabbits, are afraid of other people, of new situations, of everyday and banal things, they are alien and easily frightened. They are afraid of the dark, of thunderstorms, of the doctor's visit. The children cry, cling to their parents, hide their faces. They are too afraid of other children to fight back. You can name the reason for fear (as opposed to Aspen). Older children tend to blush and suffer from inhibitions. They are shy and very reserved. In a new environment they take a long time to thaw.

As adults, these people find existence a burden and withdraw. Phobias of snakes, spiders, fear of closed spaces and the like can also develop.

The Mimulus flower should help the children to face the many small fears with more courage and to develop a little bravery. The child is enabled to cope better with fears, to correctly assess them and to recognize that fear is inappropriate in many situations. The children become freer, are not blocked by their fear, can develop better and take advantage of opportunities in a more relaxed manner.

In any case, one should compare with the flowers Aspen (fear without a concrete reason, do not know what they are afraid of, vague premonitions) and Rock Rose (panic fear).