stomach pain
Synonyms in a broader sense
Abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, stomach pain, stomach cramps
English: stomachache
Definition of abdominal pain
Under stomach pain one understands painful complaints that either arise in the abdomen and are perceived as such there or are caused elsewhere in the body and passed on to the abdominal region. also read Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Symptoms of abdominal pain
Since abdominal pain is a symptom in itself, the following section refers to the different forms of abdominal pain such as other accompanying symptoms received in addition to the stomach ache.
Every patient experiences the intensity and type of abdominal pain differently. Above all, this also depends on the fact that stomach pain is a Variety of different causes that can cause discomfort of varying degrees and in different parts of the abdomen. Often you feel it But not pain in the organ itself, that is, in the place where something doesn't work properly, but rather on the skin overlying this section.
Often one cannot assign the stomach pain to a direct location and perceives it as more likely dull and diffuse distributed over the stomach. Which disease causes which type of abdominal pain is explained in more detail in the Causes section.
Abdominal pain can occur anywhere in the abdomen. In technical terminology and for easier orientation for medical staff, the skin over the abdomen is divided into four parts or quadrants, with the navel itself being the center.
The left upper quadrant, for example, is then located to the left of an imaginary center line above the navel, the right lower quadrant then consequently to the right of an imaginary center line below the navel. If the abdominal pain is around the navel, this pain is called paraumbilical Called abdominal pain. Furthermore, Upper abdominal pain (above the navel) such as Lower abdominal pain (below the navel) spoken.
Depending on the type of abdominal pain, patients often try to get the abdominal pain through To alleviate changes in position. The treating doctor can often be recognized by the Posture of the patient, around what kind of stomach ache It is because patients with certain types of abdominal pain tend to lie quietly, while others run agitated around the doctor's room and cannot lie still. Other patients report Abdominal pain while sitting.
For cramps in the stomach, you can find more information here: Cramps in the abdomen
Figure left abdominal pain
- Heart - Cor
- Liver - Hepar
- Spleen - Sink
- Stomach - Guest
- Pancreas -
Pancreas - Colon -
Intestine tenue - Small intestine -
Intestinum crassum - Fallopian tubes -
Tuba uterina - Ovary -
Ovary - Uterus -
You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations
Other accompanying symptoms of abdominal pain
Abdominal pain is often accompanied by other symptoms that are often related to the underlying disease and that help determine the severity of the abdominal pain. Especially with severe abdominal pain it can
- Sweats
- pale skin as well as one
- possible fainting
come as a result of falling blood pressure.
More common, however, are accompanying symptoms such as
- Nausea (Nausea)
- Flatulence (Meteorism)
- Diarrhea (Diarrhea)
- Vomiting (Vomiting) or
- Constipation (Constipation)
Read more about the topics: Abdominal pain and constipation and epigastric pain and gas
If the abdominal pain has been occurring for a long time, there may be weight loss at the same time, which can therefore be an alarm sign for a serious illness of the gastrointestinal tract. A very hardened abdominal wall is also an alarm signal for a more serious illness in the abdominal area.
If a so-called acute abdomen occurs, characterized by sudden onset, violent abdominal pain that quickly gets worse, a doctor should be consulted immediately, as this is often a life-threatening deterioration in the general condition.
An acute abdomen can be recognized by the following symptoms, among others, which always require immediate treatment by a doctor:
- Bloated and very hard stomach
- severe pain
- Severe vomiting with blood or even stool
- yellow discoloration of the skin (Jaundice, Jaundice)
- Missing bowel movements / lack of urination for several days
- Blood in the urine
- high fever
- Sweats
- dizziness
The most common causes of abdominal pain
Abdominal pain can have many different causes, as there are different organ systems in the abdominal area, all of which can be damaged in different ways, which the patient can then experience with different forms of abdominal pain.
1. General causes:
- Upset stomach (most common and at the same time harmless cause of abdominal pain)
- Abdominal pain can result from mental stress e.g. due to stress (stomach pain due to stress), which then have no organic cause and can be classified as harmless. (Read more on the topic: Abdominal pain from psyche)
- too much exercise (too much strain on your abdominal muscles or other muscle groups found in the abdominal area).
2. Functional causes:
Often, however, abdominal pain also has a functional cause in the gastrointestinal tract. If the stomach ache always occurs after eating certain foods, there may be an intolerance to these foods. This is particularly common with
- Lacose intolerance and also with
- Fructose intolerance (in the case of lactose intolerance, symptoms such as diarrhea and flatulence always occur after consuming products with milk or those with milk sugar (lactose) is added.)
- Celiac Disease (Gluten intolerance). Gluten intolerance describes a clinical picture in which those affected cannot digest the vegetable adhesive gluten contained in cereals and develop antibodies against it, which can lead to a wide variety of symptoms inside and outside the gastrointestinal tract. Both gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance can be easily diagnosed and easily controlled by avoiding the respective food.
Also read our article on the functional causes: Causes of a painful bloated stomach
- Reflux disease: One of the most common causes of abdominal pain, especially in the upper part of the abdomen, is the Reflux disease as well as stomach and small intestinal ulcers. In reflux disease, the stomach acid gets into the esophagus and tried such classic symptoms as heartburn and pain in that area under the Sternum. These occur especially in Fasting periods on or when you lie down, as this makes stomach acid easier to run back into the esophagus.
- Hole in the stomach lining: With gastric ulcer, the cause of the pain is one Hole in the top layer of the stomach, most commonly caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori as well as the long use of certain pain relievers, for example Aspirin® or Ibuprofen®. In the case of stomach or small intestinal ulcers, the pain is more likely to occur Upper abdomen localized and can stronger during and after meals become.
- Gastritis: In addition to these stomach complaints, there can also be a general one Inflammation of the lining of the stomach Cause for Abdominal pain in the upper abdomen be. For example, if you have eaten or drank too much and are now suffering from pain in the upper abdomen, an inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) Be the cause of the pain.
- the classic one Irritable bowel syndrome (no exact cause known)
- Autoimmune diseases how Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis, where your own immune system directed against the intestinal mucosa and destroyed it. This leads to diarrhea, which can also be mixed with blood, depending on how advanced the disease is. As a rule are bloody diarrhea more common in ulcerative colitis than with Crohn's disease. Blood in the stool or blood in the vomit are always indicators of a Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and should always be taken seriously, as a tumor can also be the cause.
- Inflammation of the pancreas: For severe pain in the upper abdomen, the like a belt in the back can radiate are a typical sign of an acute inflammation of the pancreas (Pancreatitis). In older people, severe, unprecedented pain in the lower abdomen can also be a sign of a Bulging of the main artery (Abdominal aortic aneurysm, AAA) be the Treated IMMEDIATELY has to be, because a burst bulging of the main artery leads to death within a very short time (Internal bleeding to death).
- Urinary tract infection: Especially in women A urinary tract infection can also cause abdominal pain in the lower abdomen. These are then often used by Painful urination accompanied. In addition, in women Menstrual cramps, Endometriosis as well as a pregnancy generally lead to abdominal pain in the lower abdomen. Hence a pregnancy test one of the first laboratory diagnostic tests to be done in a hospital in women of childbearing potential with abdominal pain.
The following topic may also be of interest to you: Stomach pain at night
Due to the further development of technology and trained doctors, a colonoscopy rarely leads to complications. It is then a simple irritation of the intestine by mechanical stress or air that has entered. Light and short term Abdominal pain after a colonoscopy are therefore normal and do not require medical attention.
Abdominal pain is a common reason why patients see their doctor. It is important for him to distinguish dangerous forms of abdominal pain from harmless forms. An essential part of the diagnosis is the patient consultation (anamnese), in which the beginning of the pain, the type, the pain region and accompanying symptoms should be inquired about. The doctor will also ask whether the symptoms are accompanied by diarrhea and whether the symptoms are initially improved after using the toilet (inflammatory bowel disease) and whether the patient wakes up from the abdominal pain at night or whether he or she does not feel the symptoms at night (psychogenic abdominal pain).
Concerning accompanying symptoms it would be important to inquire whether diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure or heart diseases such as atrial fibrillation are present. When assessing the time, it should be asked whether the symptoms occurred suddenly and how long ago that was or whether the pain progression was rather insidious. After the patient survey, the physical examination is definitely due. With the patient lying down, the intestinal noises should first be listened to with the stethoscope, then the doctor shouldPalpation) of the abdomen in order to be able to determine defensive tension and resistance in the abdominal region.To find the cause of the abdominal pain, the anamnesis (medical history) is one of the most important diagnostic options. The character of the pain must be asked for in detail.
A sudden, strongest pain, which then becomes weaker and then slowly increases again, can be an indication of an organ breakthrough and thus a sign of a life-threatening disease, which should be operated on as soon as possible.Pain that flows in and out over and over again describes the character of a colic-like pain and is therefore an indication of biliary colic or a ureteral stone. In this case, the stone must be removed using minimally invasive procedures. Once the stone has been removed, the pain will cease immediately.
A dull, persistent pain can indicate inflammation in the bowel or liver capsule tension. In this case, the clinical examination can further narrow the diagnosis.
For further diagnosis, the inflammation parameters in the blood can be determined, which provide an indication of chronic or acute inflammation. For imaging, ultrasound (sonography) can first be used, which is non-invasive and can clearly depict the situation in the abdomen. Here free liquid or air can be seen as a sign of an organ breakthrough. But a swollen intestinal wall, a significantly enlarged gall bladder or congested liver veins are also indicators of inflammation or mass and can be made visible on ultrasound.
Read more on the topic: Ultrasound of the abdomen
All further examinations depend on which clinical picture ultimately affects the stomach pain responsible for. If it is a matter of food intolerance, which is usually associated with diarrhea, a laboratory examination of the stool could be carried out to identify the relevant pathogens.
At colicky pain you should get one as soon as possible Ultrasonic of the belly by placing the Gallbladderwhich should represent the biliary tract and the urinary organs.
When it comes to inflammation of the abdominal organs, various tests can be used. In the case of inflammation of the gallbladder, the so-called Murphy characters try to trigger on the patient. To do this, the lying patient has to exhale, then the abdomen is pushed in from the outside at an angle to the right above the navel and the patient is asked to inhale. The Murphy's sign is positive for pain (Inflammation of the gallbladder). At a Appendicitis there are many different tests. First, the patient is after palpating the so-called Mc Burney Point and Lanzpunkt (both are points on the right side of the abdomen) express severe pain.After deeply pressing in the left side and suddenly releasing it, the patient will indicate pain on the right side (so-called pain of letting go). Hold the left one leg of the patient lying on the couch and asks the patient to lift his right leg, the patient will also complain of severe pain (Psoas test).
The patient will generally report severe pain when asked to squat on his right leg. If you suspect a Appendicitis a laboratory blood test should definitely be carried out. A severe and acute inflammation of the appendix will result in an increase in the blood count White blood cell counts and one CRP- Make the increase noticeable.
stomach painwho have a gynecological or urological cause should always be shown using an ultrasound. Patients with vascular occlusions are usually identified by a corresponding history (Atrial fibrillation) and a characteristic course of pain (First severe pain, then symptom-free, then severe pain again) noticeable. To a vascular occlusion that the Intestines To be able to depict the artery supplying it, a contrast agent examination would have to be carried out with subsequent examination Computed Tomography be performed. Any abdominal pain caused by bowel obstruction should be treated with a X-ray be examined on the standing patient.
So-called standing intestinal loops and mirrors would be just as typical for an intestinal obstruction as either high-pitched intestinal noises (more mechanical Intestinal obstruction) or total silence in the bowel (paralytic intestinal obstruction). Diverticulitis can be recognized by ultrasound examinations and colonoscopies. Stomach inflammation or Stomach ulcers or ulcers of the Duodenum you can use a Gastroscopy represent.Also malicious changes and Tumors can be represented this way. Peritonitis could on the one hand be based on the blood count (Leukocytes and CRP increase) as well as an ultrasound image that would presumably show free fluid.
The diagnosis of psychogenic stomach pain poses a difficult challenge. Most of the time, this is a diagnosis of exclusion if no organic cause can be found.
Abdominal pain depending on the place of occurrence
Stomach pain on the left
Abdominal pain that more left can occur for various reasons. On the left side of the abdomen is the one stomach. Especially with one Gastrointestinal infarction it can happen that the stomach contents do not pass into the intestines as usual but instead vomited again becomes. Before that happens, you can severe stomach pain on the left occur, which then indicate either poisoning or something incompatible. However, there are too more serious causes for left stomach pain. Although the appendix of the Appendix (Appendix vermiformis) is in the right stomach, a Appendicitis (Appendicitis) lead to left stomach pain. At a Inflammation of the lining of the stomach it can also lead to severe stomach pain on the left.
An exact one is important Localization of the pain. The stomach pain radiates rather Towards flanks, kidney colic can be the reason. Will the pain be more likely Towards the lower abdomen localized, inflammation in the bowel may be the reason. For example, one leads to stomach pain on the left Inflammation of an embryonic relic, the diverticulum. In rare cases, abdominal pain can also indicate a left Heart attack give. It is therefore important to consult the doctor in the event of very long-lasting abdominal pain or suddenly extremely severe abdominal pain on the left or right. In most cases, however, the abdominal pain goes away very quickly and can be one of the causes bloated belly or one meal not tolerated to have.Abdominal pain right
In the right abdomen are liver, Gallbladder, Duodenum, Small intestine and Large intestine such as kidney and urinary tract. Accordingly have Abdominal pain right diverse meaning. The most prominent is probably that Appendicitis (Appendicitis). This is mainly characterized by abdominal pain in the lower right corner, but also in the left lower abdomen can shine. Here it is important to consult a doctor immediately so that it does not lead to one dreaded breakthrough comes, which then infects the entire abdomen. It comes in the sober state severe abdominal pain on the right, a duodenal ulcer (Duodenal ulcer) be the reason. The pain will be better as soon as you eat something. Another cause of right abdominal pain are Gallstones, the pain here up in the right shoulder area can radiate. Despite its location in the upper right abdomen, Liver damage (Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver) cannot only be diagnosed by abdominal pain right, as the pain is mostly in complete abdominal area felt become. With the so-called Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, severe abdominal pain occurs, especially in the right abdomen.
Pain in the upper abdomen
Located in the upper abdomen next to the stomach (Guest) also the liver (Hepar) and the gallbladder, as well as the duodenum (Duodenum). To Abdominal pain in the upper abdomen it happens, for example, with one Inflammation of the gallbladder. In this case, the patient feels colicky stomach pain in the upper abdomen, especially on the right side, mostly paired with fever. Gallstones lead to too Pain in the upper abdomen, but these occur more frequently after a meal.Also can Kidney stones lead to severe upper abdominal pain. If the pancreas is inflamed (Pancreatitis) there is also severe abdominal pain in the entire upper abdomen, which often radiates to the back. Such inflammations usually arise from chronic alcohol consumption. Furthermore, a Inflammation of the lining of the stomach severe abdominal pain (gastritis) in the upper abdomen. This pain usually disappears after a few hours, but it can occur frequent recurrence of a stomach ulcer indicate. In addition to the gastrointestinal organs, the spleen lead to severe pain in the upper abdomen. However, since the spleen is surrounded by a very strong capsule, pain usually only occurs when the Spleen swells enormously thus expanding the capsule. This is for example the Pfeiffer's glandular fever the case. One should also pay attention to the heart, which is not in the upper abdomen, but can with one Heart attack the pain radiates into the left upper abdomen. Especially with older patients, one should also use one Aorta bulging (Aortic aneurysm), as this can also lead to pain in the upper and lower abdomen.
Pain in the lower abdomen
Lie in the lower abdomen next to the small and large intestines also the Urinary tract as well as the Genital organs. Often abdominal pain has one simple explanation and can be traced back to incompatible food or to a bloated belly. If the small intestine bulges (Diverticulum) it can also lead to abdominal pain in the lower abdomen. At a complete intestinal obstruction (Ileus) extreme pain occurs, especially in the lower abdomen but also in the upper abdomen. If you localize the pain mainly on the right lower abdomen is one Inflammation of the appendix appendix (Appendicitis) probably. Here you should go to an emergency doctor immediately!
At the Crohn's disease it is an inflammation of the Intestinesthat initially caused severe pain in the lower abdomen and without therapy too general severe abdominal pain leads. At the same time, intolerances such as a Lactose intolerance lead to severe discomfort in the lower abdomen but also in the upper abdomen. In addition to the digestive organs, the Kidney and ureter lead to severe pain in the lower abdomen. Especially urinary tract infections or Cystitis are noticeable through severe pain in the lower abdomen.
Women may also experience lower abdominal pain caused by the uterus (uterus) caused. Especially before the period muscle contraction can cause severe pain. Also one Ectopic pregnancy can manifest itself through severe pelvic pain as well as inflammation of Fallopian tubes or the Ovaries (Adnexitis).Abdominal pain in the middle
Will be abdominal pain located in the middle, the cause is usually in stomach or in the pancreas (pancreas). Harmless causes of abdominal pain are in the middle Flatulence, Constipation (Constipation) or a so-called Irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is one overly sensitive gastrointestinal tractwho reacts with digestive problems and severe pain, especially in the case of psychological stress (stress, overload). Less harmless reasons are for example one Gastric ulcer (Ulcer) or one Inflammation of the lining of the stomach (gastritis), which also lead to severe abdominal pain in the middle. But also a Gastric perforation, mostly as a result of Stomach cancer or a stomach ulcer develops, can lead to severe abdominal pain in the middle. At the same time, the Abdominal wall very hard and it comes to Sweats. This is one absolute emergency!
Also a Intestinal obstruction (Ileus) leads to severe abdominal pain in the middle of the abdomen, but this usually spreads further to the entire abdomen. Special attention is given in the elderly required. Have this extreme pain in the umbilical region that then after about 7 hours can slacken Occlusion of a blood vessel (by arteriosclerosis) be the case. Since the abdominal cavity cannot be adequately supplied, a inflammation (Peritonitis) which then becomes life-threatening Blood poisoning (sepsis) can lead. A Inflammation of the pancreas (Pancreatitis) can also lead to severe abdominal pain in the middle, but these are radiant mostly up to the flanks. One should not forget that appendicitis can also start in the middle of the abdomen. If the abdominal pain persists for a long time and there is also a fever, you should if possible see a doctor quickly.Special forms of abdominal pain
Abdominal pain in pregnancy
Most women experience abdominal pain during their pregnancy. Most of the time these are only expressed by an llight to medium pulling, but in some women they increase up to Abdominal cramps.
The abdominal pain is usually an expression of the increasing stress and usually manifest themselves in the first trimester of pregnancy. Usually these are stomach pains harmless for the good of the child.
The stomach ache will though Always stronger, should the The cause is clarified by a doctor become.
Especially when the pain is through Concomitant symptoms how Fever, chills, nausea, painful urination or Bleeding a doctor should be consulted.The most common cause for mild to moderate abdominal pain this is Growth of the child and the uteruswhat Muscles, Tapes and The mother's organs are increasingly stressed and stretchedand the blood supply to the abdomen is increased.
The pain comes mainly from the increased tension on the mother ligaments come about that ensure that the uterus is in a stable and upright position remains.
In the course of pregnancy, the uterine ligaments are increasingly stressed, causing it to bilateral abdominal pain, such as Back pain comes.
This pain occurs in one early pregnancy and can have a very strong character. Often the pain is on the right side a little more pronounced, as the uterus tilts increasingly towards the right side of the body.Also the Movements/Kicks of the baby can lead to pain.
Around half of all women suffer more from constipation during pregnancy, especially in the first few months of pregnancy. That which is mainly educated during pregnancy hormone Progesterone ensures that the muscles of organs and blood vessels relax, which then also causes the Muscles in the intestine are slack and the intestines no longer work well can. This usually manifests itself in flatulence, one Bloating and stomach pain. Helps against blockages much to drink and a high fiber diet, for example in the form of cereal products. Laxatives are not recommended.
In some pregnant women, abdominal pain is also increased after eating on. This is due to the fact that the stomach does not have as much space to expand as the child grows. You can prevent this by Several small meals spread over the day takes in and eats slowly. Above all, they help with this harmless stomach ache Relaxation, one changed stop position and the Application of heat, for example through Hot water bottles, Cherry stone pillow or one hot bath.
If the pain is unbearable, paracetamol can be taken as a pain reliever. Supplements like ibuprofen and aspirin must not be taken become. Taking pain medication should be best agreed with the doctorn be.
On rare occasions, there are abdominal pain, especially Stomach cramps, a sign of pregnancy in pregnancy occurring complication. If they occur in the early stages of pregnancy, they can lead to an early miscarriage or an Ectopic pregnancy Clues. If one of these two complications occurs, it usually comes in addition to the abdominal cramps vaginal bleeding.
A early miscarriage can up to the 12th week of pregnancy occur and is unfortunately comparatively relatively common. In most cases, medical measures can no longer be taken to prevent this.
A Ectopic pregnancy usually does in the eighth to tenth week of pregnancy noticeable by bleeding and abdominal cramps. The pain starts on the side where the embryo has implanted and later spreads over the entire abdomen.
To step Abdominal cramps between the 13th and 23rd week of pregnancy (2nd trimester of pregnancy), a late miscarriage exist.
Abdominal pain can also be a sign of premature birth. These then occur between the 24th and 37th week of pregnancy on. Usually it comes along with the stomach ache Pelvic and back pain. Sometimes they occur in connection with diarrhea. Should a premature birth be suspected Immediately a transport to the hospital respectively. When the amniotic sac not yet burst the birth may still be delayed.
In the second half of pregnancy severe abdominal pain can also be caused by that HELLP syndrome which is a dangerous pregnancy complication acts. The pain occurs in the right upper abdomen and is usually caused by a nausea, such as Eye flicker, Double vision and a increased sensitivity to light accompanied.
As a rule, however, the abdominal pain is harmless painmostly in Connection with growth occur. But if in doubt, they should always be clarified to be on the safe side.
The pain can of course also regardless of the pregnancy occur, for example in the context of kidney stones or a bladder infection.
Abdominal pain and diarrhea
Abdominal pain can various causes have depending on Location and intensity. In order to make the correct diagnosis, it is important to have the Concomitant symptoms to be observed. Go with the stomach ache diarrhea (Diarrhea) hand in hand, it is certain that the cause of the abdominal pain is due to the gastrointestinal tract and not for example on the kidney or the spleen is due. Most common is the reason for Abdominal pain and diarrhea a gastrointestinal infection, for example caused by a Norovirus. Another reason for abdominal pain with diarrhea can be the so-called Irritable bowel syndrome be. This is one hypersensitive colonwho respond to specific emotional stimuli such as stress or heartache reacts with indigestion that is too severe abdominal pain and diarrhea to lead. Diarrhea is often followed by one Phase of constipation. In women, the symptoms can worse during your period become. This is mostly to blame Hormones (for example Acetylcholine, a transmitter that stimulates digestion) that affect the gastrointestinal tract and in Stressful situations increased or decreased available.
More reasons for Diarrhea and abdominal pain can be intolerance. It is known Lactose intolerance, in which lactose cannot be broken down in the intestine because an enzyme is missing. this leads to tremendous abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gas. Also celiac disease, one Gluten intolerance, leads to abdominal pain and diarrhea. One is also possible Hyperthyroidismwhere the Thyroid hormones ensure an increased energy metabolism. This leads to increased digestion (which can lead to diarrhea and abdominal pain), racing heart, restlessness and sweating. Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or diverticula can also lead to abdominal pain with diarrhea. It also occurs in colon cancer increased diarrhea with severe abdominal pain. Here are other symptoms of fever, night sweats, pale skin and increased tiredness. However, in most cases, the diarrhea as well as the abdominal pain have one harmless cause. For example, something incompatible can lead to diarrhea, but that too soon disappears again. In addition, many drugs contain diarrhea and stomach pain as a side effect.
Food intolerance can be the reason. Abdominal pain can after eating occur. The reason for this can either be a Intolerance to food his or one intolerance (Lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, etc.). Depending on how often the pain occurs after eating, you should have one See a doctor.
If you only have stomach pains every now and then after eating, it can harmless reasons to have. Cabbage, onions and beans puff the stomach very and can lead to abdominal pain after eating. But you have after consuming dairy products Every time digestive problems, one should rely on one Lactose intolerance get tested. If you experience severe abdominal pain immediately after eating, no matter what you eat, one can too Gastric ulcer (Ulcer) be the reason for this. Occur abdominal pain especially after very greasy food on, can be a reason one Inflammation of the gallbladder or gallstones be. Also one Inflammation of the pancreas can lead to increased abdominal pain after eating.
However, there is often a harmless cause behind the symptoms. One eats in stress or very quickly, this can overload the gastrointestinal tract and also become too Abdominal pain after eating to lead. It is therefore important to eat in peace and to pay attention to which foods the stomach can tolerate better and what is worse for it.Abdominal pain in babies
Babies usually get through their stomach ache loud screaming announce. The cause is often one inflated belly. On the one hand, the baby's intestine still has to adapt to the get used to new foods. On the other hand, many babies drink too hasty, breathe in a lot of air and can suffer from flatulence. Breastfeeding mothers should also take care: no bloating foods to take in. These include legumes, pears, cabbage and bulbous plants. Often the baby also tolerates no chocolateso that baby may experience stomach pain when consuming chocolate. Do the baby's stomach ache always occur when the mother first? Bread with gluten or dairy products has eaten, an intolerance (celiac disease, lactose intolerance) may be the reason. There is also the so-called Three-month colic. Boys in particular are often affected. This is severe colicky cramps after eating, which causes severe pain in babies. The important thing is the baby upright on the arm after eating to take to give him the opportunity to burst open and thus let air escape. If that doesn't help, you can Rub baby bump with massage oil. The baby's stomach pain lasts for a long time and is combined with fever or prolonged colic should occur Consulted a doctor become. Appendicitis, an inguinal hernia, gastrointestinal infections or an intestinal obstruction are also possible in babies.
Abdominal pain in children
Children can go out different reasons suffer from abdominal pain. Children in particular eat food at some point not suitable for children's stomachs is. Eating for example spoiled food can lead to severe abdominal pain in children, usually combined with diarrhea. Also too greasy food or the Eating too many sweets can quickly lead to severe abdominal pain as the gastrointestinal tract is overwhelmed.
But also emotional aspectssuch as fear of school or being overwhelmed can be the triggering reason for abdominal pain in children. Abdominal pain in children with no organic cause is referred to as one Umbilical colic in the child. Are the abdominal pain persistent and / or colicky and mainly project into the right lower abdomen can a Appendicitis (appendicitis) be the reason. Vomits the child can also have a Gastrointestinal infection or one Worm disease be the cause of the abdominal pain in children.
But also harmless reasons like Gas or constipation, can be the cause of increased abdominal pain. However, the abdominal pain does not necessarily have to come from the gastrointestinal organs.Especially small children project most of the pain in the abdominal area. Also Kidney disease or one lung infection can interpret a child as a stomach ache. With recurring Abdominal pain after consuming milk one can assume a lactose intolerance. Are the Paired abdominal pain with fever and sweat attacks In addition to an infection, an allergic reaction can also be the reason. Stomach ulcers are rare in children, but they can happen. It is therefore recommended for recurring abdominal pain See pediatrician.Abdominal pain after eating
Abdominal pain is a very common symptom that can have very different causes and diseases, as well as intolerances. The following section deals with the occurrence of Abdominal pain after eating go.
One possible cause of abdominal pain after eating can be certain foods. For example, dairy products can lead to gas and stomach pain. Since a slight Lactose intolerance is very common, this is also a very common cause of the abdominal pain. The best way to see if your stomach ache after eating certain foods occur. This indicates an intolerance.
Read more on this topic at: Food allergy
Also Caffeine and alcohol can irritate the stomach and cause mild abdominal pain. Other foods like Cabbage or onions act similarly and can also cause stomach pain. However, abdominal pain after eating can also appear as a symptom of an illness. For example, inflammation of the stomach lining causes pain when eating or immediately after eating.
Read more on this topic at: Inflammation of the stomach lining
Ulcers in the stomach or duodenum can also cause discomfort after eating. Typically lead Ulcers in the stomach (Ulcus ventriculi) prefers to pain immediately after eating. An ulcer of the duodenum usually experiences one relief from eating, but pain after eating may also occur.
Gallbladder stones (cholecystolithiasis) only cause symptoms in around 25% of those affected. One possible symptom is abdominal pain, especially after high fat Meals occur. Typically it is stabbing, cramp-like abdominal pain in the right upper abdomen. Chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) causes belt-shaped upper abdominal pain that worsens after eating. Also alcohol can promote this pain. Typical is the radiating of the pain in the pages and in the move.
Also the therapy of the stomach pain depends on the diseases causing the abdominal pain. Abdominal pain caused by infections either does not need to be or if it persists for a certain time Antibiotics be treated. Food intolerances like that Lactose intolerance, can only be treated with avoiding the appropriate food. Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, like that Ulcerative colitis or the Crohn's disease can with the help of cortisone and newer drug groups (so-called biologicals) be treated. Treatment depends on the type of inflammatory bowel disease, its progression, and the stage.
In some cases, inflammatory bowel disease may need surgical treatment. Gallstones and Kidney stonesthat cause abdominal pain can be treated by surgical removal of the gallbladder or kidney stones. Diverticulitis can be treated surgically on the one hand with antibiotics on the other. If the inflammation of the diverticula occurs regularly, surgery should always be performed sooner or later.
A Appendicitis usually has to be treated surgically. In the past you always had to cut open your stomach and operate on your open abdomen, today you do it laparoscopic appendectomy advantage. In this procedure, instruments can be placed in the abdomen through small incisions in the skin and the inflamed appendix can be extracted. Inflammation of the stomach usually does not need to be treated in an acute course. In the case of chronic inflammation of the stomach, light foods should be consumed. In addition, the gastric acid production should be inhibited by medication and a possible stressful life situation should be redesigned.
Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum should sooner or later be surgically removed, as failure to treat them could result in malignant degeneration.Intestinal obstruction should first be tried to remedy with laxative measures. If this is not possible, surgery should be considered. Illnesses causing abdominal pain, which are accompanied by a hard stomach and immune tension, must be surgically examined and, if necessary, treated. Here, too, one usually makes a so-called laparoscopy that only requires small incisions in the skin. In many cases, however, due to the severity of the disease leading to an acute abdomen, a laparoscopy in a regular laparotomy (Cutting open the abdomen) being transformed.
Before the acute abdomen is treated surgically, a blood sugar level should be determined. In the case of blood sugar imbalances, symptoms similar to the acute abdomen can occur. The treatment of psychogenic abdominal pain, like the corresponding diagnosis, is a difficult undertaking. Most of the time, patients with symptoms are simply tried to calm down. If you do not respond, you should consult a specialist in psychiatry.
In the case of children who are afraid of school, one should speak to the child accordingly about the situation. Teachers could also be involved in the problem. The support from a child and youth psychiatrist should by no means be given in the first instance. If parental attempts remain unsuccessful, a visit to the child and adolescent psychiatrist can always take place.Read more on the topic: Medicines for gastrointestinal diseases
Home remedies for stomach ache
In most cases, simple home remedies can help relieve abdominal pain that has no serious organic cause. The advantage of home remedies is that they often have no or only very few side effects, but can still work well for mild abdominal pain. The use of a hot water bottle or a hot cherry stone or flax seed pillow can relieve stomach pain. You can also drink tea at the same time, which calms the digestive tract and also warms it from the inside.
Particularly recommended for the teas are varieties such as chamomile, fennel or peppermint, which are particularly gentle on the digestive tract and at the same time can relieve pain. It is also important that you start yourself in a relaxed position, usually lying on your side on a couch or on the bed. In order not to put additional strain on the abdominal muscles and thereby calm the digestive tract, it is recommended to bend the legs additionally.
Home remedies generally work well for mild stomach upsets or stomach pains, for example if you have eaten the wrong thing. However, if the symptoms persist for more than 24 hours and do not get better, the abdominal pain should definitely be clarified by a doctor.
Read more on the topic: Home remedies for stomach ache
stomach pain are one of the most common reasons to see a doctor. In many cases, the diseases are harmless and cause abdominal pain. These include Food intolerance or one Food poisoning or infections. Kick the Abdominal pain right after eating it could be an ulcer disease of the stomach. If the pain disappears after eating, an ulcer of the duodenum could be behind it.
Inflammation of the stomach is usually noticeable through stomach pressure. Colicky, wavy abdominal pain are mostly caused by Gallstones or Kidney stones triggered. The dangerous diseases include all those who have a so-called Acute abdomen can trigger. This symptom means a hard stomach with immune tension and very severe pain. The cause could be a perforated organ or an advanced stage intestinal obstruction. Surgical diagnostics must always be carried out here. Pain on the right side of the abdomen could indicate inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis ) speak while left-sided abdominal pain (see Stomach pain on the left) indicate an inflammation of the diverticulum. In any case, it is important to examine abdominal pain very carefully, as there can always be life-threatening situations behind it.