Connective tissue of the chest


The female breast is made up of differently sized proportions of adipose tissue and connective tissue, as well as the functional mammary gland with its excretory ducts. The connective tissue of the breast forms the basic structure and provides the shape. In the course of life, the breast becomes important, especially in aesthetic terms.

In women, the breast is one of the secondary sexual characteristics. Its most important function is the development of a mammary gland during pregnancy to nourish a child. Usually the breasts develop during puberty, between the ages of 12 and 17. However, the full, functional gland does not develop until pregnancy. The breast tissue then rebuilds and most of the fat is replaced by glandular tissue and excretory ducts.

Please also read our topic: Breast Growth During Pregnancy

connective tissue occurs everywhere in the body and also includes in a broader sense Muscles, fat, bone and cartilage. However, if one speaks of Connective tissue of the chest, This means above all the so-called "collagen" connective tissue, which consists of tight fibers. The collagen fibers form a tight mesh that is enriched with proteins. It should withstand tensile forces and cushion compressive forces. Connective tissue fibers can overused in the long run will and theirs Lose tensile strength. The everyday stress on the chest due to gravity also leads to the connective tissue of the chest in the course of life less tight becomes.

Especially in the aesthetic medicine this fact has been gaining in importance for decades. Many women strive for the youthful ideal of firm and not sagging breasts. Plastic surgery is largely concerned with the appearance and aesthetics of the female breast.

Methods of tightening

The causes of a sagging chest are extremely diverse. Collagen fibers of the connective tissue of the breast can cushion strong tension, but they change with stress over years and lose elasticity. Genetic factors or the consequences of pregnancy are possible causes for the loss of firmness in the connective tissue of the breast. The proportion of adipose tissue is also decisive. If the fatty tissue predominates, the connective tissue loses its function. There are a few methods that can be used to tighten the breasts.

After pregnancy, the connective tissue of the breast rebuilds, which promotes the development of sagging breasts. If your breasts sag after a pregnancy, proper care can help you get firmer breasts.

Sagging breasts can also be surgically corrected with a relatively uncomplicated procedure, which strengthens the self-confidence of many women. In addition, the shape, appearance and size of the breasts can be changed individually.

Read more on the subject at: Breast lift.

If the breasts are already sagging, the process can rarely be reversed with home remedies. However, it can be slowed down and stopped by sustainably strengthening the connective tissue of the breast. As a preventive measure, the connective tissue of the breast in young women should be strengthened by various methods to prevent sagging breasts.

Strengthen the connective tissue

There are various approaches to strengthening the connective tissue of the breast. The aim is to maintain the elasticity of the breast so that the connective tissue does not sag and lead to a sagging breast.Exercise in particular has a decisive, positive effect on the connective tissue of the breast. However, time and genetic factors mean that the connective tissue of the breast will eventually sag.

Targeted muscle building has a preventive effect against sagging connective tissue. The chest muscles can also be easily trained without equipment. Pushups and the chest press are the most effective exercises for strengthening muscles. If you do the push-ups wide, with a large arm spacing, the pectoral muscle can be specifically strengthened. With the chest press, you stand upright and hip-width apart and press the palms of your hands firmly against each other at about chest height, with your fingers and elbows pointing upwards. With strong force, the pressure should be held for at least 15 seconds. The exercises can be repeated at will and strength. Regular swimming is also considered to be strengthening for the chest muscles.

Many creams, home remedies and naturopathic remedies are also said to help strengthen the connective tissue of the breast. The ingredients of the firming creams are very different. Frequently used remedies contain elderberry, algae, olives or avocado extracts. How well the agents work, however, has not been conclusively scientifically clarified.

Hormones only seem to strengthen the connective tissue of the breast. With the use of the birth control pill or the beginning of a pregnancy, the breasts grow and look plumper. However, the connective tissue is not strengthened in the long term.

Read more on the subject Strengthen connective tissue

Tear in the connective tissue

Cracks in the connective tissue are often caused by too rapid expansion of the breast during pregnancy and appear on the skin as reddish to whitish stripes. These tears in the lower layers of the skin are also known as stretch marks and are primarily an aesthetic problem. They do not pose a health risk.

These cracks are scars and can be stimulated for regeneration by special processes, which makes them appear very pale after a certain time and are barely noticeable. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals as well as special creams help the healing process.

Read more on the subject at: Stretch marks

Breast lump

When palpating the breasts, many women notice small swellings. As part of the monthly rule it can be too Tensions, Swelling or Pain come in the chest. If the swelling persists, it could also be a lump. A lump is not always a cause for concern, but a doctor should examine the breast more closely for clarification.
Upon closer examination of the lump in the chest, the cause is in malignant in less than 20% of cases.
Especially in younger women, benign tumors, cysts or inflammation are usually the cause of the lump in the connective tissue in the breast.

Breast fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma is the most common benign change in breast tissue that occurs primarily in young women between 18 and 35.

The adenomas grow under hormonal influence and are mostly formed from glandular or connective tissue. Due to the lack of hormone exposure, fibroadenomas can shrink again during menopause. They appear as round, spherical structures that can be easily demarcated and moved from the remaining tissue.

The diagnosis can be made on the basis of an ultrasound scan of the breast tissue and confirmed with a biopsy. The risk of breast cancer for patients with a fibroadenoma is about 5% higher than for women who do not have this disease.

Read more on the subject at: Fibroadenoma

Breast lipoma

A lipoma is a benign, soft and slowly growing structure or overgrowth of adipose tissue. Lipomas appear not only on the breast, but also in other parts of the body directly under the skin as movable lumps. In the breast, they can also contain parts of connective tissue or glandular cells. They are then called fibroadenomas or adenolipomas. Most of the time, the resulting knot is easy to distinguish from the rest of the tissue and does not cause any discomfort. It is the most common cause of breast lumps in menopausal women.

Read more on the subject at: Breast lipoma

Chest pain

Chest pain can become very uncomfortable. Men, too, can experience chest pain during their lifetime. The most common cause is the woman's menstrual cycle. Every month, just before menstruation, a pulling, tense pain in the chest is not uncommon.

Since the female breast is exposed to many hormonal changes, structural changes in the connective tissue of the breast can lead to pain. Many younger women develop breast lumps known as "fibrocystic mastopathy," which can also cause pain when they develop.

Breast pain during pregnancy is a common side effect when the connective tissue of the breast is remodeled to enable milk production.

Typical chest pain usually subsides during menopause. If hormones are taken after menopause, however, they can lead to chest pain.

The so-called "mastitis", the inflammation of the breast, is often painful. It can occur at any age and can also affect men. It is usually the result of an infection with bacteria and should be clarified by a doctor.

Read more on the topic: Chest pain woman.

Torn connective tissue fibers

Connective tissue fibers in the chest can tear and become superficially visible Stripes to lead. Stripes can appear on the chest and stomach, especially during pregnancy.
As a result of increased growth, the connective tissue of the breast can give way and tear. On the belly, this is known as Stretch marks. On the chest, the damage to the connective tissue can be seen in the form of blue-red stretch marks.

Especially if one Connective tissue weakness is known, you should expect typical stretch marks. However, they cannot yet be avoided. You are one normal by-product pregnancy and not harmful to health. For some women, the stripes are at best a cosmetic problem.
How much the connective tissue fibers suffer from pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding cannot be predicted and varies from person to person. Torn fibers of the connective tissue of the breast accelerate the sagging of the breasts.

One way to eliminate them are surgical interventions. Surgical procedures can be used to tighten the breasts after fibers of the connective tissue of the breast are torn.

Should a bra be worn?

The bra has a decisive influence on the development of the female breast. The scientific opinions about the influence of the bra on the connective tissue are controversial.

Some believe that wearing a bra all the time causes the connective tissue to break down and become less taut as the bra takes over the function of the connective tissue of the breast. Some experts believe that living without a bra should strengthen your breasts. However, that is not true. A properly fitting bra should support most of the weight of the chest and Maintain elasticity. So he has one supportive effect and relieves the connective tissue the chest.

Especially in sports like to jog is a The right bra is extremely important. The stress on the chest is enormous from jumping up and down. A Sports bra is the method of choice to relieve the connective tissue of the breast.