Eczema on the glans
The definition of the term eczema is not very easy as it encompasses a large number of dermatological diseases. In some places, eczema is also equated with "dermatitis".
In general terms, it describes an inflammatory skin disease and is divided into many different forms. This article deals with the seborrheic, atopic and weeping eczema of the glans skin.
However, there are other forms of eczema that will not be discussed further here.
The word "seborrheic" is derived from the Latin and means something like "sebum". It describes an increased sebum gland, primarily on the face, but also on the male glans.
Atopic eczema describes a tendency of the body to react more allergically to certain substances after contact with them.
Weeping eczema describes, according to its name, a weeping change in the skin.
The symptoms, causes and treatment of the above-mentioned clinical pictures are discussed in more detail below.
Seborrheic eczema
A seborrheic eczema represents a severely flaky skin changes represent that usually chronically relapsing occurs. It mostly affects Body parts, on which tallow ("Sebum") produced such as the scalp or face. The sebum glands are always located on the Roots of hair, hence all are very hairy areas basically affected on the body.
A seborrheic eczema on the Glan's penis - as the glans is called medically correct - is therefore relatively unlikelyas here no hair roots are located. However, it can extend from the penis shaft to the glans.
Seborrheic eczema presents itself as fatty, yellowish flaking represent the skin is mostly reddened. Seborrheic eczema also affects men more often in other parts of the body, Hair loss promotes the occurrence in addition.
The cause is mostly in one Interaction of several endogenous and exogenous factors seen. Endogenous factors are a genetic predisposition, as well as a basic sebum overproduction. Exogenous factors are stress, in conjunction with Colonization of the skin flora by certain Yeast species.
However is not finally clarifiedwhat the trigger of seborrheic eczema is.
The therapy is aimed at this chronic recurrent skin disease according to the current level of discomfort. There no final cure is possible, try that symptom-free intervals to keep it as large as possible. This can be achieved with Glucocorticoids and optionally antimicrobial additives.
A dreaded complication is that Generalization of eczema, and Spread to other parts of the bodythat are normally not primarily affected, such as the male glans. It has also been shown that Sunlight the symptoms improved. For self-medication we recommend as Visits to the solarium (in moderation) or in general Sunbaths.
This is a special form of seborrheic eczema infantile, i.e. early childhood eczema it already occurs with the birth but usually heals by itself after a few months. Only at strong expression must be here corticoid be treated.
Atopic eczema
Dem atopic eczema is also a genetic predisposition based on certain endogenous or exogenous factors after first exposure (exposure) disproportionately strong to react.
For example, a one-time Dust exposure cause the body to react intensely and very violently to dust. Following Itching of the glans, dry, scabbing skin, up to Redness and Crust formation. These symptoms mainly affect the areas of the extremities near the joints, i.e. the insides of the arms, hollows of the knees and fingers.
Triggering factors can next to dust but also Stress, infections, change of season, heat build-up or food intolerance be. So the factors are manifold and not always easy to spot. Clarify the so-called Prick test and Food intolerance tests.
Besides the ones described above typical skin regionsthat manifest atopic eczema are also Pubic rashes not uncommon. Both boys and girls are Genitals often also affected.
The disease affects mainly childhood, around 10-15% of all children suffer from it to varying degrees. She starts for usually in the 3rd - 6th month of life and usually regresses completely by adulthood.
The therapy is largely about the avoid triggering factors. In case of a Food allergy is this mostly still relatively easy, stress can, however difficult to influence and can far less easily fought become. Antihistamines can used in support they suppress the body's excessive immune response. However, many patients complain about sedating (drive-inhibiting) Side effects, which is why long-term medication is difficult.
A Phototherapy, so the high-dose irradiation with UVA or UVBLight creates good results. As with seborrheic eczema, it often comes with a Glucocorticoid therapy combined. For shame regions like the Intimate region are also recommended cortisone creams. They can also be applied when the limb or glans are involved, and promise good success results.
Oozing eczema
At the weeping eczema should avoided fatty creams as they tend to make the situation worse. Create a good relief from the feeling of warmth wet clothes or cold envelopes. The latter are particularly suitable for Treatment in the genital area. The evaporation of the moist compresses removes heat from the skin, which causes the Relieves discomfort. The affected area is also helpful "dry" in the room air allow.
Causes of Eczema
If eczema occurs on the glans, this can have several causes, which can be roughly divided into infectious and non-infectious causes.
The non-infectious glans eczema is often caused by an incorrect and excessive hygiene routine. The use of unsuitable cosmetics and strong friction can irritate the glans and cause eczema. However, neglect of hygiene can also lead to glans eczema. Finally, eczema caused by mechanical irritation or contact allergies such as e.g. possible on latex (e.g. in condoms).
Acorn eczema can also be infectious, i.e. triggered by pathogens. Bacteria are often involved here, which penetrate through small cracks in the skin and can provoke inflammation. Fungi such as the yeast Candida albicans can also lead to eczema on the glans. Finally, there are also sexually transmitted diseases that can be the cause of the disease. These include, for example, the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can lead to cervical cancer in women and has become known since the vaccination against them was introduced. Since infection with the HP virus can also lead to penile cancer in men, vaccination has also been recommended for men since 2018.
Finally, a seemingly harmless eczema on the glans can also be a sign of a tumor disease, so it is urgently advisable to show your doctor a long-standing, non-healing eczema so that he can rule out serious causes.
Concomitant symptoms
The eczema on the glans is often not just reddened. The sore spot may be very itchy and painful. Blisters can form that ooze and, depending on the cause, pus can also leak out. If it is infected eczema, holistic symptoms such as fatigue and fever can also occur. The lymph nodes, especially in the groin area, can be swollen and painful. If the urethra is also affected by the infection, it can lead to painful, frequent urination.
However, if there is an incipient cancer, the eczema can also be completely symptom-free, so it is advisable in any case to consult a doctor!
Therapy for eczema on the glans
From a medical point of view, eczema is a scaly, oozing and itchy skin change of unclear origin. Therapy is therefore mainly based on the symptoms and starts with glucocorticoids for mild courses.
More severe courses are treated with antiseptics, persistent and pronounced courses with systemic immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive drugs. As a result, a temporary freedom from symptoms can be achieved.
Ultimate healing is difficult and often unsuccessful. A multifactorial approach from naturopathy, stress management and classical medicine appears promising.
The disease is associated with natural shame, especially in the genital area. However, it is important not to avoid going to the doctor for this reason, but to seek medical care anyway. Especially on the limb and glans, eczema also means impairment during sexual intercourse - partly because of the pain, partly because of the shame.
It is important to understand that this is a genetic predisposition and not a lack of intimate hygiene. At best, this promotes an exacerbation, i.e. a worsening of the disease.
The duration of eczema on the glans depends heavily on the cause. If it is caused by inadequate or excessive hygiene, it should disappear a short time after the hygiene routine has been changed. The same applies to mechanical irritation or an allergic reaction. If the eczema is caused by pathogens, healing can be delayed and may be without adequate therapy, e.g. Cannot be brought under control with antibiotics or fungicides. If the eczema is a preliminary stage of cancer, a decrease can only be expected after appropriate therapy.
While at atopic eczema a possible improvement during the puberty exists is with seborrheic eczema currently no final cure possible. Here the goal is one Freedom from symptoms for as long as possible to get.
In either case is one Presentation to a dermatologist makes sense, as this is also possible with non-drug procedures like the Phototherapy a crucial one Symptom relief can reach.