Muscle weakness in the legs


Muscle weakness in the legs describes reduced muscle tension, muscles that tire quickly or unsteady gait and weakness. The sensations can appear insidious or have a sudden onset and vary in severity. Persistent, increasing muscle weakness should definitely be clarified by a doctor in order to rule out a neurological or muscular disease at an early stage and to identify and treat other causes.

The thighs are one of the largest muscle groups in the human body and, together with the gluteal muscles, form the most important group for upright gait and walking. If the thighs are affected by muscle weakness, the patient will notice this through an unsteady, unstable gait and the difficulty of keeping on their feet.

Causes of muscle weakness in the legs

Muscle weakness in the legs can have various causes and requires a doctor's examination, especially if the symptoms worsen and everyday life is restricted. There are basically several possible causes for the symptom of muscle weakness. On the one hand, neurological causes are possible, including a sudden stroke with other symptoms such as slurred speech or a drooping half of the face. Muscle weakness in the legs is also a possible symptom of multiple sclerosis, a progressive neurological disease.

In addition, other progressive diseases come into question, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), myasthenia gravis or nerve damage caused by alcoholism and diabetes mellitus, polyneuropathy. Rheumatism can also be a possible cause of muscle weakness in the legs. In addition to other diseases of the nerves and muscles such as congenital muscular dystrophy, general diseases such as anemia, hypothyroidism and other metabolic diseases, infections or poor nutrition with a lack of nutrients can also be the cause of muscle weakness in the legs.

Micro-tears in the muscles due to high stress, for example in the form of sport, can lead to muscle soreness and temporary muscle weakness.

Hashimoto's disease

Hashimoto's disease is the most common cause of an underactive thyroid. It is an autoimmune disease associated with chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland. The underactive thyroid results in a variety of complaints. These include a higher sensitivity to cold, constipation and indigestion, water retention, a slow heartbeat, fatigue or concentration disorders as well as psychological symptoms, such as depressive moods and listlessness. Muscle weaknesses can also occur in the context of Hashimoto.

The hypothyroidism can be counteracted with a lifelong administration of thyroid hormone. Blood values ​​must be checked regularly and the dose adjusted if necessary.

Sudden muscle weakness

Muscle weakness can develop slowly or suddenly, depending on the underlying cause. A stroke is one of the causes of sudden muscle weakness. A herniated disc or circulatory disorders such as arterial occlusive disease are also possible.

A sudden onset of muscle weakness in chronically progressive diseases such as multiple sclerosis or ALS is rather unusual and the muscle weakness usually develops slowly, but can also occur.

Muscle weakness in the legs from sciatica

The sciatic nerve, often referred to as the sciatica, is the strongest nerve in the human body. If he is injured, for example by fractures, or irritated by a herniated disc, severe pain can result. They pull from the lower back to over the buttocks and into the leg and can severely restrict the person affected. In addition to pain, tingling sensations or a feeling of weakness in the muscles can also occur.

Sciatica symptoms should be clarified by a doctor to identify the cause, physiotherapy and exercise as well as relaxation exercises and applications can help.

Read more about this under: Pinched sciatic nerve

multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, progressive inflammatory nerve disease. The medullary sheaths that isolate the nerves are destroyed. The causes of the illnesses are not yet known and there is currently no therapy to cure them. The first symptoms appear in early adulthood and depend on the demyelinating focus affected. Possible symptoms of multiple sclerosis are, for example, visual disturbances, swallowing disorders, speech disorders, but also sensitivity disorders. If the motor system is affected, muscle weakness, for example in the legs, can occur, as well as spasticity.


The possible causes of muscle weakness in the legs are diverse and must be clarified by a doctor. When taking the anamnesis, the doctor will mainly ask about the beginning of the symptoms and how the weakness has developed, he will also inquire about previous illnesses and carry out physical tests, such as checking reflexes or comparing the strength levels. Blood tests are also part of the diagnostic repertoire.

The specialist in neurology can also carry out other, special examinations, such as examining the nerve conduction velocity. Only then can a clear diagnosis be made based on the symptoms and the examination results.

Since serious illnesses can also be the underlying cause, muscle weakness in the legs must be clarified.

Concomitant symptoms

Depending on the underlying causes, there may be other symptoms besides muscle weakness in the legs. In addition to pain, abnormal sensations such as tingling may also be associated symptoms. In addition, the muscle weakness increases the risk of falling, the gait is slowed down and unsafe.

In the event of a sudden onset of muscle weakness and other neurological symptoms such as slurred speech, swallowing disorders and a drooping half of the face, a stroke must be considered and the emergency services should be alerted as soon as possible.

In the case of gradual development and other symptoms such as visual disturbances in young adulthood, a possible multiple sclerosis must be clarified.

Since muscle weakness can also be a sign of malnutrition, skin problems, split fingernails and brittle hair can also occur here. The polyneuropathy associated with alcoholism or diabetes mellitus also leads to reduced sensitivity and reduced blood flow, which often leads to open, poorly healing wounds on the legs.

Therapy of muscle weaknesses in the legs

Treatment for muscle weakness depends on the underlying cause. If there is a lack of nutrients, it can be helpful to change your diet or you may have to resort to additional dietary supplements and vitamin preparations. In the case of hypothyroidism, therapy with thyroid hormones should be adjusted and regularly monitored.

Chronic, autoimmune nerve diseases such as multiple sclerosis or ALS cannot be cured to this day, but there are now ways to slow down the course of the disease and alleviate the symptoms. In the event of a stroke, the emergency services must be called immediately. The longer the time elapses between the event and therapy, the worse the prognosis.


How long the muscle weakness in the legs lasts depends not only on the cause, but also on the therapy. In some cases, for example in the case of sore muscles or malnutrition, the course can only be short-term, but severe diseases such as multiple sclerosis have a chronic course. In some cases the muscle weakness improves, but more often it is progressive and worsening.

Early diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease improves the prognosis.


Without a precise diagnosis, no statement can be made about the prognosis of muscle weakness in the legs. Depending on the cause and course, it can be a short-term symptom that regresses with the right therapy. In the case of chronic illness, a significantly longer course is recorded, in some cases there is also a gradual deterioration.

Treatment of the underlying disease or cause is essential. Together with the doctor and a physical therapist, the patient should also find a way to maintain the muscles in the legs to support recovery.