The Glyx Diet


The Glyx diet comes from the ecotrophologist Marion Grillpanzer. She used the term Glyx as a short form of the glycemic index. In this diet, it is not the fat, carbohydrate and protein content of the food that is decisive, but the lowest possible glycemic index.

Read more on the topic: Diet


The Glyx diets evaluate the food according to its glycemic index.
Glyx or GI are short for the glycemic index.
The Glyx indicates how much a certain food causes the blood sugar level to rise after consumption. These values ​​were initially for the diet of the Diabetic significant. However, it was soon possible to prove that the development of obesity is also related to blood sugar levels and insulin production.

Course of the diet

The sequence of a Glyx diet is divided into a gradual change in diet. The diet begins radically with a detox over two days and is then continued like a diet to the end. In the context of this diet, carbohydrates in particular should be divided into good and rather unfavorable carbohydrates in a traffic light system (see also: Carbohydrates table). The principle is to primarily consume carbohydrates that have the lowest possible glycemic index. The glycemic index of a food is determined by the increase in blood sugar after it has been consumed. The less the blood sugar rises, the lower the glycemic index. The rise in blood sugar is mediated by the hormone insulin. It leads to the fact that the body absorbs carbohydrates and thus sugar and can store them as energy. If insulin is only released to a reduced extent because the absorption of carbohydrates is limited, no energy stores are built up in the body. As a result, no fat deposits are created and you lose extra pounds.

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Weekly plan / plan

Nowadays there are different ways to follow the Glyx Diet. Classically, however, it is divided into three levels. The first stage aims to purify the body. For two days you should only eat soup and drink a glass of liquid in the form of tea or water every hour. The aim is to cleanse the body of toxins.

The second stage then begins. During the Fatburner Glyx week you can eat three times a day according to given recipes. The recipes provide for food with the lowest possible glycemic index, which consists of vegetables or fruit as the main ingredient. The low intake of carbohydrates is intended to stimulate the breakdown of the body's own fat deposits. The carbohydrates otherwise ingested with food are lacking as energy suppliers, so that the body meets its needs from body fat.

Finally, the Glyx modular system follows for twenty days. In this third phase, everyone can independently choose the recipes for the time of day. Here, too, the principle applies to eat as much food with a low glycemic index as possible. In addition, sport should also be done in this phase. With the beginning of weight loss, a physical activity should be started that additionally stimulates fat burning.

Read more on the topic: Fat burner diet

Effects of the Glyx Diet

The body reacts to a rise in blood sugar by producing and secreting insulin. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that lowers blood sugar.
If a food with a high glycemic index is now eaten, the blood sugar rises sharply and correspondingly high amounts of insulin are released into the blood for counter-regulation. The blood sugar drops and often a little too low due to the high insulin concentration.
Even slightly low blood sugar triggers a feeling of hunger. This explains why after consuming sweets or white flour products (high GI), for example, a feeling of hunger arises again very quickly, up to cravings.
In addition, a certain "insulin resistance" develops through constant blood sugar spikes and the corresponding insulin release. This means that the body's sensitivity to insulin decreases and the pancreas has to provide more and more insulin in order to achieve the same effect.

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It should be noted, however, that the increase in blood sugar after consuming certain foods can vary greatly from person to person. The type of preparation and the composition of the food are also important. A higher proportion of fat, due to the delay in sugar absorption, has a rather dampening effect on the rise in blood sugar.
The Glyx diets take this effect into account, assess the foods according to their glycemic index and only recommend foods with a low GI.

The forms of nutrition according to the Glyx Diet principle consist mainly of:

  • Whole grain bread
  • oatmeal
  • Legumes
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Whole grain rice and other whole grain products

In addition:

  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • low fat dairy products
  • Meat, fish and eggs are recommended for the Glyx Diet

On the other hand, foods with a high glycemic index such as white flour and products made from it and sweets are severely restricted.
These dietary recommendations are broadly consistent with the principles of healthy eating.
However, the carbohydrate content often does not correspond to the usual recommendations.
Sometimes it is only 25% (recommended 50 to 55%).
The fat, cholesterol and calorie content of the daily diet are often higher than the recommended intake.
It is also often advised not to eat fat and carbohydrates together.
The Glyx diet comes from the so-called food combining according to Dr. Hay. There it is assumed that fat and carbohydrates cannot be digested together. There is no evidence of this and the separation of nutrients has no scientific basis.

Side effect of diet

The side effects of the diet can be many. If there is a particularly rapid weight loss, the person will primarily suffer from a feeling of cold. It can be purely about the feeling, but also about the development of cold hands or cold feet. In extreme cases, the changed metabolism even manifests itself in a tremor. The background for these symptoms is the breakdown of the body's own fat deposits. Fat normally serves as a heat store and insulating layer in our body. If this layer disappears, the person concerned freezes faster.

The body reactively tries to maintain its temperature through blood circulation. If the fat layer is reduced too quickly, the body tries above all to keep the trunk with the vital organs warm through the circulation. If the body has not yet got used to the new basal metabolic rate as part of the diet, it acts as a protective mechanism to reduce the blood flow in the regions furthest away from the body. The effect is cold hands and feet.

Another symptom can be the noticing of poor performance with fatigue. Dieters notice that they have less ability to concentrate at work or school and that they have to take breaks more quickly while exercising. In this case, the symptoms are explained by the limited carbohydrate intake. Our body normally draws its energy from readily available carbohydrates in food. If the usual intake does not take place, there are no quick energy suppliers available. The breakdown processes in the body must first be initialised and take longer to release the required nutrients. This is shown in an often subjectively felt weakness.

If the diet is too radical, it can even lead to deficiency symptoms. In the worst case, these can lead to circulatory disorders. A diet should therefore only be pursued to the extent that you feel comfortable yourself. Sports activities should not be affected.

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Criticism of the diet

The Glyx diet must be viewed critically, as it does not focus on a full diet. Rather, it generalizes food by dividing carbohydrates into good and bad using the glycemic index. How much fats or proteins are consumed with other foods is irrelevant. A balanced energy supply cannot therefore be guaranteed with a Glyx diet.

In addition, it must be noted that the need for carbohydrates differs depending on the person and depends on the general condition and sporting activity. Even blood sugar behaves individually based on personal characteristics. The Glyx diet generalizes the need for carbohydrates and can therefore theoretically in individual cases lead to the need for carbohydrates not being adequately met.

The lack of carbohydrates then leads to a metabolism that breaks down fat as desired, but also valuable muscle mass at the same time. The result can be physical weakness. It would be much more important to decide in each individual case whether the carbohydrate intake needs to be reduced. Should a reduction be necessary, it should not be associated with avoiding healthy foods such as bananas, but rather with a reduction in number or quantity.

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What are the risks / dangers of this diet?

The risk of the Glyx diet is that the food on this diet will have too high an energy content. This means that the energy supplied exceeds the daily requirement. The result can be an unbalanced energy balance with weight gain despite diet food. In addition, there is a risk of excessive fixation on carbohydrates. A full diet consists of proteins, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates. All nutrient groups belong to a balanced diet and must be seen in relation to one another, regardless of whether a diet is being made or not.

Where can I find good recipes for the Glyx diet?

Good recipes for the Glyx diet can be found both in books of the same name and on various Internet portals. The principle is always the same and differs mainly in the proposed recipes. Therefore it does not matter where you get the information for the diet. The only important thing is that the recipes list the ingredients exactly. Only in this way can the glycemic index be precisely determined and the diet carried out according to plan. The course of the Glyx diet and the associated weekly plans are usually presented in more detail and more precisely in books. They therefore bundle all the information required quite well and can be easily supplemented with additional recipes from the Internet.

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How much can I / should I lose weight with this form of diet?

In general, as with any other diet, the Glyx diet should not lose too much weight too quickly. The recommended weight loss depends on the initial weight and the general condition of the person. In general, it is recommended to lose about half a kilogram per week and one to two kilograms per month. The circulation is not overloaded with this gentle weight loss and the metabolism is not shut down. If you lose too much weight too quickly, the body reduces its metabolism. He suspects a shortage of food and protects himself with a slower breakdown of fat deposits. To avoid this, moderate and long-term weight loss should be sought. The weight can then also be maintained over the long term, as there is no increased storage of energy reserves in response to the “state of hunger”.

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How can I avoid the yo-yo effect?

To avoid a yo-yo effect, weight loss should be done in small steps. To achieve this, the change in diet should not be too radical from the familiar eating habits. Rather, the changeover should take place gently and gradually, but should also be adhered to in the long term. On the other hand, it signals to the body that it is in a state of hunger. The consequence of this is a shutdown of the metabolism for self-protection and, when eating again, an excessive storage of nutrients. The reactively increased storage following a diet that is excessive for the body is then the well-known yo-yo effect, which manifests itself in weight gain. To avoid it, it is therefore advisable to take breaks after a weight loss of around three kilograms for around three weeks after a diet episode.

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Medical evaluation of the diet by

From a medical point of view, the Glyx diet should be seen as a temporary change in diet as safe if there is no kidney disease. The usefulness of this diet is questionable, however, since very healthy foods are sometimes referred to as bad and their actually good nutritiousness is shown in a bad light. Thus, for example, bananas are called falsely bad carbohydrates, although they are the only fruit that can fill you up for a long time and provide a lot of potassium and magnesium.

So the question arises whether the Glyx diet starts at the right point. Carbohydrates should not be divided into good and bad, but should be seen as a component of nutrition. This is exactly what is missing from the Glyx diet. Fats and the natural calorific value of food are ignored. Protein intake alone has a minor role in the design of meals. Depending on the type of diet, protein intake is even said to sometimes exceed the recommended guide values, so that it can pose a health risk for kidney patients. In the case of a previously damaged kidney, an excessive number of proteins can additionally damage the filter function.

From a medical point of view, one can summarize that the diet can definitely have an effect on healthy people. However, it is not suitable for a long-term change in diet. The body needs sufficient carbohydrates and their intake must also be in proportion to the other food components. The Glyx diet focuses too much on carbohydrates and disregards individual factors such as the body's own initial weight, general condition and basic sporting activity of the individual. It therefore does not necessarily draw up a comprehensive concept. The prospect of long-term weight stabilization is rather questionable, as nutritional principles in their generality are not sufficiently explained.

What alternatives are there to the Glyx diet?

As an alternative to the Glyx diet, we recommend a conscious diet with sufficient exercise. Strictly speaking, this is not a diet, as the conscious handling and consumption of food should be the focus for life and not just for the desired weight loss. If you supplement the new eating habits with exercise, the pounds should drop on their own.

In order to lose weight, certain foods should not necessarily be avoided right from the start. It makes much more sense to swap them for healthier alternatives or just reduce them to their enjoyment at first. A practical example of this would be drinking water instead of lemonade or drinking apple spritzer as a compromise to pure apple juice. But reducing the number of sweets to just one piece a day would be a good start.

A prerequisite for the successful implementation of a change in diet is knowledge of the energy and nutrient content of foods, which can be easily acquired using the Internet or books (see also: Carbohydrates table). If the change in diet is followed by weight loss, success in sport will also be quicker and motivate you to increase physical activity. Anyone who does not trust themselves to make a permanent change in diet on their own can use the gourmet diet as an introduction. It gives tips on how to save unnecessary calories by avoiding side dishes such as white bread, peeled rice, pasta or potatoes. Weight loss can thus initially support you and promote a conscious but not excessive use of calories.

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What is the cost of a Glyx Diet?

The cost of a Glyx diet is not particularly high because you don't have to buy special products from a special company. So you are independent of the shopping market and all brands on offer. It is up to you how much you spend on the food you need. Which ingredients you need for which recipes also depends on you, as you can choose the recipes yourself with sufficient research. The prescribed recipes for the respective Glyx week in the diet plan should therefore not be viewed too rigidly and should be sensibly changed at your own request if suitable alternatives for the diet arise when shopping. This can save costs when buying offers.

Only the increased consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables can mean higher costs. Buying whole grain products can also be more expensive than buying products made from white flour. However, since whole grain products and fiber make you full longer than white bread and normal pasta, the cost-benefit question is difficult to answer. In general, however, a Glyx diet should be possible for everyone, as it is usually cheaper to cook yourself than to go out to eat or buy ready-made diet products.

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Is a Glyx Diet also vegetarian?

Of course, a Glyx diet is also possible as a vegetarian. Going on a Glyx diet doesn't change much, even for a vegetarian, since the diet is mostly about carbohydrates. Meat does not contain carbohydrates, but proteins, fats and vitamins. Thus, the consumption of meat is not essential for the implementation of the diet as it does not lead to an increase in blood sugar. Meat does not even appear in the table for the glycemic index of a food. This means that vegetarians can even more easily control the energy content of the diet than meat eaters.

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How can I balance this diet with professional life?

Combining the Glyx diet with professional life can be difficult. If you bring your own food to work, you shouldn't have a problem with the implementation of the diet. In the case of home-cooked food, the composition of the food is known and the glycemic index can be precisely determined. However, if you go out to eat during your lunch break, you will not be able to exactly understand the ingredients of every dish. The glycemic index can then only be estimated and can distort the diet. In any case, the consumption of three meals a day is definitely compatible with working life, as it corresponds at least mostly to natural eating habits.

More diets

  1. Overview diet
  2. The best known low-energy mixed food diets
  3. The Glyx diets
  4. The low-fat diets
  5. The fat burner diets
  6. Fasts and crash diets
  7. The formula diets
  8. High protein diets
  9. Dinner cannelling
  10. The 5-element diet
  11. The Ayurvedic Diet
  12. The blood group diet
  13. The food combining diet
  14. Cabbage Soup Diet