Inflammation of the rectum


Of the rectum is as its name suggests last part of the 5-6 meter long intestine in the human body. The rectum closes with a length of 20 to 30 cm in the lower right part of the abdomen to the large intestine and ends with the anus.

By the time the digested food pulp arrives in the rectum, he was already all usable nutrients, as well as almost all of the water contained withdrawnso that the porridge arriving here already the solid consistency of chair has.

The forward transport takes place in the rectum as well as in the rest of the intestine by undulating tension of the muscles around the intestine in the intestinal wall. Another name for the rectum is rectum or rectum in Latin. The rectum's task is to collect the completely digested food pulp in the so-called ampoule, the enlarged entrance piece of the rectum. The lower part of the rectum is then responsible for the controlled excretion of stool through voluntary muscle relaxation of the anus.

Of the anus consists of a very strong muscle ringthat holds the solid or liquid stool and intestinal gases in the intestine when tense. The muscle ring is supported by a network of veins that surround it. If these fill with blood, they can provide additional support to the sphincter muscle. If the ampoule fills and expands, so will Nerve signals forwarded, which then the Urge to defecate trigger and you get the urge to go to the toilet.


Causes a Inflammation in the rectum can be diverse. Clues to the cause can be a Gastrointestinal reflex deliver that can make statements about whether other parts of the Gastrointestinal tract (lat: gastrointestinal tract) are affected. If only the rectum is affected, one speaks of one in medical terminology Proctitis (the ending "-itis" is always used in medicine to denote an inflammation)

A pure inflammation of the rectum (=Proctitis) is not uncommon with hemorrhoids mistaken. However, these are found on the anus and not inside the rectum.

The causes are far-reaching and can range from STDs, Injuries, Cancer, Allergies or as part of a inflammatory bowel disease pass. In the case of venereal diseases, the so-called gonorrhea (lat: gonorrhea) or syphilis (lat: Lues) by bacteria or a genital herpes from herpes viruses such as Genital warts by Papillomaviruses a role.

A permanent inflammation due to a chronic disease is called a so-called inflammatory bowel disease designated. The best-known representatives are Crohn's disease or also the Ulcerative colitis. Both can affect the rectum and are similar in terms of their disease characteristics.

They both lead to a progressive inflammation of the intestinal wall, but differ with regard to the spread in different parts of the intestine. The rectum can be affected in both diseases. The causes of this inflammation are to this day not quite clear yet, however, a combination of different triggers is suspected among them hereditary predisposition, autoimmune disease, Eating habits or one Virus or bacterial infection as well as psychological influences are discussed.

A conclusion about environmental influences suggests that the number of sick people in the western world in recent years much higher than in other countries. Both diseases have one thing in common intermittent course, which means that those affected will repeatedly have phases in which no signs of disease can be recognized, which are followed by phases with severe inflammation.


An inflammation of the rectum can lead to tender tenderness.

Proctitis can very different signs cause in the person concerned.

In less pronounced cases, the anus is only very sensitive to the smallest touch and feels sore and not infrequently occurs itching on. Also Painful bowel movements are often found.

With severe inflammation can also pus or even Blood on the toilet paper or to be found in underwear. If blood is mixed in, a Anemia With Tiredness, pallor, dizziness, shortness of breath and Difficulty concentrating arise. If there is blood in the stool, it must always be Rectal tumor to be clarified.

Diagnosing a chronic inflammatory bowel disease is often not so clear and easy to determine and not all signs of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease directly indicate that the bowel is involved, because those affected suffer from so-called "General symptoms“.

These can be a problem with inflammatory bowel disease Drop in performance With fatigue, Loss of appetite and in some cases fever be. A clearly progressive weight loss is also very clear, since it is permanent Inflammation of the mucous membrane Nutrients can no longer be properly absorbed into the body.

In patients with a Ucerosa colitis Not infrequently, as in bloody proctitis, there is another Anemia as a result of blood loss from frequent bowel movements. Bloody stool forms Crohn's disease less often than with ulcerative colitis. The first thing most people will notice are changes in their bowel movements. Usually kicks diarrhea and those affected not infrequently report bowel movements with a frequency of over twenty times a day! This diarrhea is then accompanied by abdominal pain, which usually occurs before or after a bowel movement. These phases alternate through the batch-wise course of inflammatory bowel disease with phases almost complete freedom from symptoms from. A person affected can go through this change several times a year.


An inflammation of the rectum can often be prevented with a balanced diet

Depending on the cause of the proctitis, this is to treat differently.

Is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria, like the one gonorrhea or syphilis, the cause so becomes a Antibiotic therapy Remedy through Killing the pathogens and the rectum can heal. Other causes, such as injuries, often heal on their own.

Local narcotics in the form of Suppositories, Anoint or Gels can alleviate the discomfort during this healing time. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease is more difficult to treat and only rarely cures. It is not uncommon for a chronic inflammatory bowel disease to require one lifelong drug therapy.
In order to contain the inflammation, a Cortisone therapy or therapy with drugs that suppress the immune system. Have this significant side effects and should be reduced again when the symptoms improve.

A close relationship between the person affected and the doctor can optimally adapt the treatment to the current level of inflammation. In order to prevent a relapse, however, a low dose of cortisone or another drug must often be taken permanently. For the attending physician, a Log of bowel movements and complaints be helpful to determine an optimal therapy for the current condition. As a non-drug measure, it applies to one balanced nutrition pay attention to and avoid foods that cause intolerance. During an episode, light, low-fiber diet.


The diagnosis of inflammation in the rectum can often be made through a physical exam. A palpation of the rectum and swabs can help determine the cause. In the case of sexually transmitted diseases, the sexual partner must always be examined.

If anything is unclear or if you suspect a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, an ultrasound examination and a colonoscopy can be helpful. The colonoscopy will show strongly reddened wall parts and yellowish to whitish deposits in the case of inflammation. Final ambiguities can be resolved by taking a sample (=biopsy) and microscopic examination of the sample can often be clarified.

Read more on the topic: Ultrasound of the abdomen


Most of the inflammation of the rectum through infection, injury etc. heal by themselves as soon as the cause is removed.

A chronic inflammatory bowel disease is healing only in the rarest cases by itself out.Mostly it accompanies those affected throughout their lives with varying degrees of intensity. Long-term inflammatory bowel disease progression increases that too Risk Colon cancer to get sick.


Many causes of inflammation in the rectum can be caused by simple precautions Put a stop to it. Above all the sexually transmitted diseases by using condoms and lubricants to prevent injuries.

Like many other intestinal diseases, diseases of the rectum are caused by Smoke equally unfavorably influenced and nicotine should be avoided. A prophylaxis of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease is difficult due to the partly hereditary origin. For example, twin studies have shown that the second twin has one if his sibling is ill 40% increased risk got sick himself. Siblings of those affected only have a risk of 2-5%.