Diet for heartburn


Heartburn is the name given to the burning pain that arises from the upper abdomen, which is mainly felt behind the breastbone, but sometimes also radiates into the throat and throat. They are the result of the so-called reflux disease or reflux esophagitis (from esophagus, Latin for esophagus). The stomach acid rises up into the esophagus and leads to irritation and changes in the esophageal lining.
In addition to taking certain medications and a weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter, the cardia, an unhealthy diet can also contribute to the development of reflux disease. But even if diet is not the cause of heartburn, adequate nutrition can often significantly reduce reflux disease.

What should be considered in nutrition?

The production of gastric acid is mainly stimulated by a hormone: gastrin. This is produced by specialized cells in the gastric mucous membrane and released in greater quantities through a series of different stimuli. These stimuli include, above all, alcohol and caffeine in the food that reaches the stomach. In addition, protein-rich food components and mechanical overstretching of the stomach due to large amounts of food lead to the release of gastrin.

With this knowledge in mind, a few basic rules for a good diet for heartburn can be derived. Above all, it is important to avoid drinks containing alcohol or caffeine as far as possible. In addition, one should also ensure that the protein content in the food is kept as low as possible and do not continue to eat beyond hunger. Ultimately, this means that it is better to eat several small and light meals throughout the day than a few oversized servings. In addition, you should not eat anything shortly before going to bed, especially no protein-containing foods such as meat. Fatty and high-sugar foods are also considered to be "acid looseners".

Apart from this, various substances contained in cigarette smoke also stimulate gastric acid production.In the long run, they also lead to a weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter, so that the stomach acid can rise even more easily. Along with caffeine and alcohol, smoking is one of the most important triggers of heartburn. A change in diet for heartburn should therefore ideally be accompanied by giving up smoking.

Which foods are recommended?

In the case of heartburn, a specific selection of foods is advisable. Everyone reacts differently to the foods they eat. Nevertheless, numerous stomach-friendly, inexpensive foods can be distinguished from heartburn:

  • Whole grain products (bread, rice, pasta)
  • Potatoes
  • low-acid fruit (including bananas, grapes, strawberries)
  • Salad (without vinegar), vegetables (including carrots, cucumber, spinach)
  • low-fat oils and fats (including olive oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil)
  • Non-carbonated and fruit acid drinks (still water, tea)
  • low-fat fish and meat products
  • low fat dairy products
  • Dried herbs

Please also read our topic: Home remedies for heartburn

Which foods should be avoided?

At the same time, there are also numerous unfavorable foods in the context of heartburn. These lead to an increased occurrence of the symptoms and, via an increased production of gastric acid, to an increased intensity of the symptoms. Often these are foods that also contain or provide acid:

  • Citrus fruits (including lemons, oranges, mandarins, limes, grapefruit)
  • Tomatoes, raw onions
  • Ground beef, chicken nuggets, spicy chicken wings
  • sour cream, milkshake, ice cream
  • French fries, mashed potatoes, potato salad
  • Alcohol, coffee, orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemonade
  • hot spices
  • Incense

Which spices should be avoided?

Often the complaints are also attributed to the food, although the spices used for the preparation are responsible for the complaints. Spices that often lead to an increase in heartburn include:

  • hot spices (such as chilli pods, curry powder, pepper)
  • fresh garlic
  • fatty mayonnaise
  • mustard

A nutritional example

To illustrate more clearly what an appropriate diet can look like for chronic heartburn, we have created a few diet examples for you.

  • The day should be best a lukewarm glass of water begin, which is drunk slowly. Then breakfast is served cereal Very suitable, which you can put together yourself from oat flakes, nuts, seeds and / or fruit. Bananas, apricots, apples and pears are particularly suitable for this because they are very low in acid. Ready-made muesli, on the other hand, usually contains a lot of sugar and should therefore be avoided. An alternative to muesli is finely ground wholemeal bread with cream cheese. Also Buckwheat pancakes make a good breakfast as buckwheat flour is an alkaline food. This can include a herbal tea to be drunk.
  • To the Having lunch can in any case salad recommended. With the help of lean meat this can easily be refined. Alternatively, all are possible Vegetable-based dishes conceivable, for example a vegetable casserole. There is nothing wrong with lean meat every now and then. How about one Pollack fillet or Mashed potatoes and cooked hot dog? Also Soups and vegetable stews should not be disregarded here.
  • As snack between big meals Apples, especially the milder varieties, very suitable. Would also be conceivable here Nut mixes, Fruit salads or light sandwiches.
  • To the dinner can then for example Jacket potatoes with cottage cheese, Whole wheat spaghetti prepared or plain Whole wheat bread with cheese and one salad to be eaten. However, be careful not to eat too much meat in the evening and not to eat anything shortly before going to bed. These two rules will pay off the next day.

In summary, general tips

For a better overview of a good diet for heartburn, here are some final tips.

  1. Take throughout the day prefer lots of small meals to yourself, as few and therefore oversized portions. This causes the stomach to overstretch, which leads to an increase in gastric acid production. This is also boosted by caffeine, alcohol and hot spices.
  2. Avoid Do the so-called as best you can Acid loosener such as coffee, higher percentage alcohol and spicy foods. Green and black tea are a good alternative to coffee. It is even better to avoid any kind of caffeine. You may prefer to use herbal teas.
  3. Do you prefer light food versus a heavy meal. Lean meat and especially vegetables, whole grain products, potatoes, rice and fruit are always well suited to prevent excessive acid production. Egg dishes, fatty meat products and heavy sauces, however, should be avoided.
  4. Take before bedtime Only eat light foods and eat right before bed nothing more!
  5. Let yourself Time to eat! The best thing to do is to put your cell phone aside and do not turn on the television or computer in the first place! Eat consciously, is one of the most important steps to a healthy diet.

Further therapy measures for heartburn

By far the most important thing to do with heartburn is avoiding its triggers and learning healthy behaviors. This includes next to one gentle and conscious diet and corresponding Drinking habits also the Quit smoking.

That being said, however, it is also possible to complain about reflux medicinal to treat. For this, on the one hand Antacids are used. They neutralize stomach acid and thus act as a buffer against over-acidification. However, not all antacids are suitable for long-term use. In particular, preparations containing aluminum should not be taken permanently. In most cases, preparations from the drug group of are more suitable Proton pump inhibitors, to which among other things the drugs Pantozol® and Omeprazole belong. This inhibit about a blockage certain ducts of the gastric mucosal cells directly the Gastric acid production. Even if proton pump inhibitors are considered a fairly safe group of drugs, their long-term use should still be discussed with the attending physician.