The osteopathy
Osteopathy is holistic manual therapy. It is divided into three parts: parietal, visceral and cranial osteopathy. The structures influence each other and are interlinked.
- On the subject Osteopathy
After the anamnesis, the treatment is carried out with the hands.
On the subject treatment
This form deals with the musculoskeletal system.
To Parietal osteopathy
The focus is on the organs in the chest, abdomen and pelvis.
To Visceral osteopathy
Medicinal plants and herbs
Medicinal plants
There are different parts of the herbs that are used medicinally. This includes flowers, stems, roots, and herbs. The components are usually dried to 80 ° C and then stored in a cool and dark place.
- On the subject Medicinal plants
Only the chamomile flowers are used.
On the subject chamomile
The use of nettle has a long tradition.
On the subject Nettle
Mint comes in the form of teas, tablets or oil.
On the subject mint
In 1755, Samuel Hahnemann founded this field of alternative medicine. Although it is one of the most enduring healing methods, homeopathy is also very controversial. It is important to find an experienced, reputable therapist or alternative practitioner.
- On the subject homeopathy
For cough
With a simple cold, simple remedies are also very helpful.
On the subject to cough
For headaches
Bryonia, Chamomilla, and Staphisagria are known remedies.
To a headache
For sleep disorders
Sleepless nights can be very stressful.
On the subject Sleep disorder
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The Naturopathy is an umbrella term for various treatment methods that aim to activate the body's self-healing powers and thus prevent and cure illness in a gentle and gentle manner and thus restore health.
In doing so, she makes use of a multitude of means and stimuli that occur in nature. These means and stimuli are the sun, the light, the air, the movement, the rest, the food, the water, the cold, the earth, the breathing, the thoughts, the feelings and volitional processes as well as all medicinal substances that come from nature above all can be obtained from plant substances.
One basically differentiates between classic naturopathic treatment of the procedures of alternative medicine. Alternative medicine is an umbrella term for a number of treatment methods used as a supplement to Conventional medicine be considered. Alternative medicine is also often called Complementary medicine designated. The effectiveness of alternative healing methods is often based on therapeutic experience and usually cannot be scientifically proven.
Synonyms in a broader sense
Holistic medicine, complementary medicine, alternative medicine, naturopathic treatment, homeopathy
The classic naturopathic treatments include:
- Water therapy (hydrotherapy and balneotherapy)
- Nutrition / Dietetics
- Phythotherapy (herbal medicine)
- Exercise therapy
- light therapy
- Order therapy
Alternative medicine includes:
- homeopathy
- Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
- acupuncture
- Ayurvedic medicine
- Anthroposophic Medicine
- Neural therapy
- Chiropractic / manual therapy
- Ostheopathy
- Orthomolecular Medicine
- Bach flower therapy
The classic naturopathic treatments and alternative medicine claim to be one holistic medicine, because in their therapy concepts they treat not only the body, but also the soul and spirit.
History of Naturopathy
The origin of naturopathy can be found 2000 years ago and is growing Hippocrates back. In this ancient understanding, the healing of humans was conditioned by nature as a healing force. The doctor was only a practitioner who made use of the healing powers of nature.
The climax of the practical implementation of these principles of natural medicine thinking can be found in the Roman bathing system. Emperor Augustus was already treated with obergusses, it was recognized that massages relax the muscles, provide blood circulation and strengthen them. Byzantine doctors used cold water applications for febrile infections.
In the 16th and 17th centuries Paracelsus gave the Hippocratic principle of the healing power of nature important impulses. Promotes in the 18th century J.S. Rooster the principles of water applications, diet and exercise and the Charite professor Hufeland propagated the bathing and drinking cures. Established at the same time S. Hahnemann the homeopathy.
In the 19th century the propagation took place Hydrotherapy through Prienitz, Oertel, Rausse and Hahn. Through their further development and massive expansion, three medical directions emerged: conventional medicine, homeopathy and hydrotherapy.
Johann Schroth connected these water cures with Fast and developed the Schroth cure. In 1850 the Bavarian military doctor ran the business Lorenz equal as an extension of hydropathy the term naturopathic art and naturopathic method. In addition to his over 100 water treatments, Pastor Sebastian Kneipp also performs Medicinal plants for internal and external use. The university professor W. Winternitz gave hydrotherapy a scientific foundation and integrated it into conventional medicine. Today, the boundaries between conventional medicine, classic naturopathic treatments and alternative medicine are fluid, but these boundaries are constantly being changed and redefined.
That's how they are Manual medicine and the Neural therapy today recognized part of medicine and were viewed with skepticism a few decades ago.
The situation is different with the drainage procedures such as cupping, leech and autologous blood therapy. These procedures are now counted as alternative therapy, while they used to be an integral part of medicine.
Proof of effectiveness of naturopathic methods
Proof of effectiveness is understood to be the temporal and causal relationship between a therapy and its therapeutic success.
Proof of the effectiveness of naturopathic procedures is usually difficult to prove scientifically, since many individual factors play a role in a holistic approach that cannot be captured with scientific methods.
Users of naturopathic and alternative healing methods often refer to their own therapeutic success when asked about the effectiveness of a method. It should be said that with one therapeutic success a patient does not yet have causality.
On the other hand, it must be said that the effects of naturopathic procedures should not be viewed as non-existent just because they cannot be proven with our current scientific methods.
Dissemination of naturopathic methods
If you believe the results of the polls, the demand for naturopathic and alternative healing methods has increased significantly in recent years. These procedures are mostly used not as an alternative, but as a supplement to traditional medicine applied.
The naturopathic and alternative therapy methods are mainly used by:
- Women
- chronically ill
- Patients from higher social classes and
- from patients with a high understanding of health
Training opportunities
A number of naturopathic procedures like Homeopathy, acupuncture, Naturopathic treatment or Manual therapy can be learned and deepened in a number of advanced training events.
After the specialist examination, the doctor must take an examination for these procedures in front of the responsible medical association, can then use the corresponding additional designation and bill the health insurance physician for these procedures. But there are also a number of naturopathic procedures that can only be billed by private doctors.
In addition to doctors, alternative healing methods can also be offered by other medical professions (alternative practitioners) and by laypeople.