Symptoms of racing heart
Definition of palpitations
Racing heart or palpitations are the slang descriptions of the so-called Tachycardia, a state that is defined as a pulse rate of at least 100 beats per minute.
Normally, the heart beats about 60 times per minute in adults, but when it is very fast, the person concerned perceives this as being Racing heart true, which can be accompanied by other complaints.
Usually, most of the time, you can't feel your heart beating. However, if the pulse skyrockets, as in tachycardia, the patient will notice it as a racing heart in the chest. Depending on the case, cause and degree of expression, this feeling is called Throbbing, Beat or flutter described.
In some cases, the rapid throbbing is not limited to the chest, but radiates into the carotid arteries. Sometimes this is even visible in the veins.
Because the heart is racing, it has too little time to contract (to contract), whereby it is no longer possible for him to do the Blut pump out adequately. Since the blood is responsible for the oxygen Transporting it to the organs results in virtually all organs in the body Lack of oxygenwhich, however, manifests itself at different speeds depending on the tissue.
This lack of oxygen then leads to the various symptoms that are common with the Racing heart are socialized.
The function of the Brain impaired when supplying with oxygen is not efficient. This makes patients with tachycardia common dizzy (Please also read: Dizziness and racing heart).
This Dizziness can be relatively weak and temporary, but it can also be strong in some Drowsiness develop that up to unconsciousness can be enough. Through a Fall As a result of the sudden loss of consciousness, further problems can arise, which is why you should definitely sit down or, even better, lie down if you notice a racing heart. If the lack of oxygen persists, unconsciousness may persist; In some cases, however, lying down is enough to make it easier for the heart to pump blood to the brain, since it no longer needs such strong pressure. Then the drowsiness disappears immediately. It can also become temporary due to the under-supply of different areas of the brain Speech and / or vision problems come.
Some sufferers complain of symptoms of the shortness of breath respectively shortness of breathwhich comes from feeling that the body is lacking oxygen. In addition, the lung be supplied with oxygen from the blood in order to perform their task correctly. Areas of the lungs that do not receive sufficient blood are therefore excluded from breathing because they cannot fulfill their purpose of oxygenating the blood anyway. Also symptoms like a general one physical weakness can occur there too Muscles no longer receive enough oxygen and are therefore restricted in their functionality.
It is not uncommon for patients to not only have one Racing heart described, but also a Palpitations, so not a fast but still regular pulse, but a irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). In such a case there is usually one Rhythm disturbance of the heart, which should definitely be clarified.
The worst complication that can occur with tachycardia is that sudden cardiac death. If the heart beats much too fast and completely uncoordinated, at some point blood will no longer be able to be expelled. This is known as Ventricular fibrillation, which a patient in acute danger to life offset and one resuscitation requirement.
If the symptom palpitations occurs either in a strong physical (for example during sporting activities or when carrying heavy loads) or mental (For example, in the case of great nervousness, joyful excitement or pronounced stress) Stressful situations briefly on, and then disappears again by itself, this is usually a physiological processwhich is actually beneficial to the body and should not be a cause for concern.
However, if the palpitation occurs for no apparent reason, occurs more frequently in a wide variety of situations, does not go away or is accompanied by palpitations, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to be able to rule out an underlying illness as the cause.
Common symptoms of a racing heart
Palpitations and shortness of breath
If you experience difficulty breathing while your heart is racing, you should go to a doctor and have an examination. This composition of symptoms can be indicative of a Pulmonary embolism that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.
Here a blood clot blocks a vessel in the lungs and the corresponding lung segment is no longer supplied with blood.
Thus there is no exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide here. In addition, the heart has to pump against a resistance, which leads to too much stress Cardiac arrest leads.
But it can also be too fast a heartbeat in the heart chambers. This happens if, for example, a Atrial fibrillation/ -flattern and has now passed on to the chambers. If the stroke is too fast, enough blood can no longer be ejected into the circulation, there is an undersupply of oxygen and a falling blood pressure with circulatory weakness.
Even with longstanding lung diseases, shortness of breath and an accelerated pulse rate are not uncommon. If the body needs more oxygen than it is getting at that moment, it tries to increase its intake of oxygen by increasing breathing and a faster heartbeat. More oxygen is transported to the lungs and the body makes more blood available for absorption. This situation occurs during physical exertion or with organic diseases of the lungs.
If the heart is unable to pump the blood it needs through the body due to a weak heart, there is a lack of oxygen although the lungs are perfectly healthy. Nevertheless, the physical reaction here is the same, an increased pulse rate and a feeling of shortness of breath.
Racing heart and tremors
If there is tremor as well as a palpitations, one is suspected Hypoglycaemia Near. In addition, there are often symptoms such as nausea, drowsiness or sweating. Even a psychologically stressful situation can lead to inner restlessness or fear and trigger palpitations and severe tremors.
Chronic or acute blood loss leads to an unstable circulatory situation. Blood pressure drops occasionally and, if it is maintained, the heart rate increases. A general feeling of weakness or tremors are accompanying symptoms.
Excessive consumption of beverages containing caffeine can also lead to this symptom complex. After a while, the symptoms resolve on their own.
Racing heart and nausea
One that accompanies the racing heart nausea can be triggered by various causes. One of the main causes here is this Cardiovascular system if there is a heart attack, it can be next Chest pain and palpitations also lead to nausea. Also a too low blood pressure can cause palpitations and nausea.
An existing hypoglycemia, mostly occurring in diabetics, can also be through Nausea and racing heart to make noticable. In addition, there may be sweating, drowsiness, or tremors. In the case of acute circulatory weakness or impending fainting, nausea can occur in addition to palpitations and sweating.
If the body's electrolyte balance is disrupted during severe diarrhea or vomiting, or as a result of kidney disease, this can include nausea and a fast heartbeat.
Racing heart and tiredness
Heart muscle inflammation triggered by bacteria or viruses leads to palpitations, often combined with a drop in performance and fatigue. You may also feel a fast, strained heartbeat or Palpitations. It is not infrequent that the symptoms affecting the heart are not present, but only general tiredness or exhaustion with or without dizziness, which can make the diagnosis more difficult.
Anemia also leads to tiredness and a racing heart. The red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen, but in the case of anemia their number is significantly reduced. This leads to a lack of oxygen in the body, which it tries to compensate by increasing the heart rate. At the same time, the physical resilience decreases and the person concerned is “quickly out of breath”.
Racing heart and sweating
Sweating and palpitations occur together in many situations, as these are reactions of the so-called vegetative or autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system controls breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, metabolism, but also digestion and cannot be deliberately influenced.
Emotions have a major impact on the autonomic nervous system and cause a variety of reactions.
For example, a heart attack in many cases causes great anxiety in the person concerned.The body is in an alarm situation and releases stress hormones, among other things Sweats have as a consequence.
With an overactive thyroid, more hormones are released, which increases the sensitivity to circulatory-enhancing hormones in the body and accelerates the metabolism. Palpitations and sweating can result.
Even if an infection in the body leads to a fever, the heartbeat increases and you sweat more. In extreme cases of blood poisoning, i.e. an infection of the blood with bacteria, the fever can lead to a greatly increased pulse and sweating.
Racing heart and headache
If the heartbeat is fast, this can lead to increased blood pressure a headache trigger. If the blood pressure remains at a high level or even increases, one speaks of a hypertensive crisis. The blood pressure rises above a systolic value of 230mmHg, which can damage most organs.
Flickering in front of the eyes or ringing in the ears can also indicate that the blood pressure is too high. Such a crisis can be triggered by a tumor on the adrenal gland. There is then an increased release of stress hormones, which strongly activate the body.
If you have hypoglycaemia as mentioned above, headaches can also occur, along with other symptoms.
Palpitations during pregnancy
Many changes occur in the body during pregnancy.
Most of them are entirely natural and are part of the body's adaptation to pregnancy. However, new diseases can also develop or unnoticed diseases can only be discovered.
Among other things, it can be in the Pregnancy to palpitations come that is completely harmless and can also occur in every other person. Sometimes it is due to the pregnancy itself that in the last third of the pregnancy the now tall child in the supine position (the mother) presses on the large vein in the abdomen and the heart tries to compensate for the reduced reflux.
However, it can also be a newly appeared or revealed disease of the heart, for example a Myocarditis or enlargements of the heart muscle. Atrial fibrillation / flutter or bronchitis can also lead to a racing heart.