

Femibion® is a dietary supplement that is specifically geared towards the needs of women who want to have children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. The products are put together differently depending on the phase.

The main ingredient is folic acid, which is said to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the unborn child. It also contains various vitamins that are supposed to support the metabolism and reduce fatigue.

Read more on the subject here: Vitamins in pregnancy

What do levels 1, 2 and 3 mean at Femibion®?

Femibion® is a dietary supplement that is adjusted to certain phases. The numbers are indicative of the various phases in which the woman finds herself. The different forms of Femibion® are recommended for the following stages:

  • Desire to have children - Femibion® 0
  • Early pregnancy - Femibion® 1
  • Late pregnancy and lactation - Femibion® 2

The components are for the most part identical, apart from a few differences. The main component folic acid is contained in the same dose in all phases. From Femibion® 2 onwards, omega-3 fatty acids are supplemented.

Indication of Femibion®

Since almost all women have a relatively low folic acid level and this level is important for the development of the unborn child, Femibion® is recommended as soon as a pregnancy is desired. The intake is continued until the child is weaned.

Most of the other vitamins it contains are less necessary as they can be ingested in sufficient quantities with food. In the case of certain deficiency symptoms, a specific dietary supplement should be selected.

Femibion® in pregnancy

Femibion® 1 is available for early pregnancy. This is a combination for pregnancy up to the 13th week. From the 13th week you should switch to Femibion® 2, as the omega-3 fatty acids support the development of the brain and eyes of the unborn child.

During pregnancy, the need for folic acid increases, which many women do not get enough from food. However, adequate folic acid levels are required to prevent neural tube defects in the unborn child.

You can find out more about the topic here: Food supplements in pregnancy

Femibion® in pregnancy planning

Even before pregnancy, women can prepare for the increased nutritional requirements during pregnancy. With Femibion® the vitamin and folic acid level is built up. A good supply of vitamins and other nutrients also increases the probability of conception. However, the vitamins can also be increased through a conscious, adapted diet, which means that dietary supplements are not absolutely necessary.

Read more on the topic: Folic Acid During Pregnancy

Active ingredient and effect of Femibion®

Femibion® is a combination of various dietary supplements.

The main component of Femibion® is folic acid in all phases. Adults take an average of around 200 micrograms of folic acid a day. In contrast, a folic acid level of 800 micrograms is recommended during pregnancy.

Femibion® contains 800 micrograms. This prevents malformations such as neural tube defects in the unborn child. These include anencephaly and open back.

Another component of Fembion is iodine, which is necessary for the normal function of the thyroid gland. The vitamins B6, B12 and niacin reduce the rapid exhaustion during pregnancy.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, but there is so much vitamin C in food that additional intake does not bring any additional benefit.

Vitamin D3 supports cell division, which can support the development of the unborn child.

Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative stress.

Read more on the subject here: Vitamins in pregnancy

Possible side effects of Femibion®

Femibion® only contains normal vitamins and nutrients which the body absorbs anyway and needs in certain quantities. However, overdoses are possible with some vitamins. Vitamin D hypervitaminosis can lead to increased calcium levels in the blood. This can lead to severe kidney damage and osteoporosis.

Severe overdoses can even result in death. An overdose of folic acid only occurs when the daily dose of Femibion® is increased fifteen times and can then be associated with neurological damage and even paralysis.

Another component that can lead to side effects is iodine. Femibion® is available with and without iodine. This is necessary because people with a certain form of hyperthyroidism are very sensitive to iodine. Those affected should therefore choose the iodine-free Femibion® variant.

Femibion® can cause an allergic reaction in some women. This can go as far as life-threatening allergic shock, which is an emergency doctor's indication. Mild allergic symptoms include itching, dry eyes, and easy breathing. Femibion® should be discontinued in the event of an allergic reaction.

Interactions of Femibion®

With anti-epileptic medication, folic acid can increase the likelihood of seizures. In the case of certain cancer drugs, Femibion® and the drugs can cancel each other out. If you take fluorouracil, also a cancer drug, severe diarrhea can occur.

Chloramphenicol, a broad spectrum antibiotic, can inhibit the effects of Femibion®. If Femibion® and lithium are taken at the same time, hypothyroidism may be favored.

Femibion® with iodine

Femibion® is available in iodine-containing and iodine-free form. The iodine-containing form makes sense for healthy women, since iodine is a substance that the body needs for the production of thyroid hormones.

Since table salt has been iodized in Germany, deficiency symptoms have been rare, but pregnant women have an increased need. With certain thyroid diseases, however, those affected must avoid sources of iodine and can then switch to the iodine-free Femibion® variant.

Read more on the subject here: Iodine in the human body

When should Femibion® not be taken?

Femibion® is a combination of dietary supplements and therefore has only a few absolute exclusion indications. For the iodine-containing variant of Femibion®, an overactive thyroid is excluded from ingestion, as high amounts of iodine can damage the thyroid in this case.

In the case of epilepsy, the attending physician should decide whether to take Femibion®, as some anti-epileptic drugs should not be combined with Femibion®. In the event of allergic reactions to ingredients, the intake should also be stopped.

Dosing of Femibion®

Femibion® is dosed in such a way that one tablet a day corresponds to a pregnant woman's daily requirement of nutrients and vitamins.

This dose should not be exceeded either, because on the one hand no additional gain is to be expected and some of the substances contained can also be harmful if overdosed. Even without other sources of folic acid in the diet, one tablet is enough to meet the daily requirement. Forgetting a tablet is not a problem and the tablet does not have to be taken.

What is the price of Femibion®?

Femibion® is sold in different pack sizes, which also affects the purchase price. The 30-day pack costs around 18 euros for all variants, i.e. fertility phase, early pregnancy and late pregnancy.

Larger packaging units are a little cheaper. Femibion® is a dietary supplement that is available over the counter in pharmacies. The means must be financed by yourself. If there is a proven deficiency of certain vitamins, other preparations can be prescribed on prescription.

Femibion® and alcohol - how do they get along?

As a dietary supplement, Femibion® has no ingredients that are not already ingested through food. A combination with alcohol therefore does not pose a risk to women.

However, since Femibion® is intended for pregnancy, women should not drink alcohol under any circumstances, as alcohol harms the unborn child and can lead to severe disabilities. Even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy can trigger fetal alcohol syndrome, or FAS for short. Affected children suffer from intellectual disabilities and hyperactivity.

You can find out more about the topic here: Alcohol in pregnancy

Alternatives to Femibion®

The most important alternative to the Femibion® dietary supplement is sufficient intake of the substances through a healthy diet.

There are still many preparations that only specifically balance one nutrient. For some time now, paediatricians have been demanding that all pregnant women should take a folic acid supplement to prevent neural tube defects. These preparations can also be taken without any other nutritional supplements. Other mixed preparations are also available in pharmacies.

You can find out more about the topic here: Nutrition in Pregnancy

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