Skin fungi
Skin fungi are neither plants nor animals, so they represent a realm of their own. Accordingly, infections with fungi are treated differently than infections with bacteria or viruses. There are three groups of fungi that are medically important: First, the filamentous fungi (dermatophytes), which can digest keratin, a component contained in skin, hair and nails, and which almost exclusively attack them. Then there are the fungi, which are yeasts and primarily affect the mucous membranes. In the case of immune defects, however, they can also penetrate into the organs. Molds are the last group of medically relevant fungi. They are particularly relevant if there are severe burns or immunodeficiencies. Since our skin actually has a protective function, which is also supposed to protect us from infections with fungi, there are usually functional disorders of the skin when it is infected with fungi.
Read more on the topic: Superinfection
The skin fungus can manifest itself in many different parts of the human body. All forms of the skin fungus have similar symptoms that can indicate the existing disease. People who get a skin fungus often suffer from one dry and stressed skin. The fungal pathogens can penetrate through a damaged and attacked skin barrier and become a local infection to lead.
The affected areas mostly fall through a Reddening of the skin surface and one severe and very uncomfortable itching on. In the process, the affected skin begins to flake and it can be both small and small deep cracks and wounds train in the skin. It forms scaly plaques on the basis of which small blisters form in some forms of the skin fungus, which burst in the course and release an infectious liquid. If these blisters open or the cracks that have formed in the dry skin continue to tear, severe pain can occur.
Depending on the localization of the skin fungal disease is one limited mobility and function of the skin area possible. In the case of a fungal disease in the area of the foot, for example, severe pain can occur when walking. The symptoms of a fungal skin disease are, however not always clear and can also indicate other skin diseases that should always be clarified.
Please also read our article on this Mushrooms.
The treatment must be adjusted depending on the type and spread of the skin fungal disease. At local, superficial infections found in most cases Ointments and creams their application, which not only kill the fungal pathogens, but also care for the damaged skin and support the healing process. These ointments contain special active ingredients, such as bifonazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine, or ketoconazole, which have the Kill mushrooms, eliminate and prevent further growth and spread.
These ointments can locally two to three times a day be applied. When applying the ointment and caring for the damaged skin, a separate towel should always be used to prevent the pathogen from spreading.
The range of effects of the ointments is very diverse. she alleviate the very unpleasant one itching, inhibit growth and the Spread of the pathogen and fight the local infection of the affected skin areas. The ointments should too used for an additional 3 to 4 weeks after symptoms have subsided to prevent chronic skin fungal infections.
Canesten® is a creamwhich is used in the area of fungal diseases of the skin. These skin diseases caused by thread fungi (Dermatophytes), Yeasts or molds are triggered, often manifest themselves on the skin of the feet, hands, nails, genitals or even the face. The cream contains one Active ingredient called clotrimazole, which penetrates the deep layers of the skin affected by the fungus and which Attacks structures of the fungus. The ointment prevents the cell walls of the fungi from rebuilding, which means that the pathogens lose their protection and stability. As a result, the fungus dies and is hindered in its growth and reproduction.
Clotrimazole is a Antifungal agents, which can cover a very broad spectrum of pathogens and is therefore used in Treatment of many different fungal diseases finds. The cream should Apply a thin layer to the affected area up to three times a day become. Before doing this, you should wash the skin thoroughly to remove excess flakes. Before applying the cream, the Dry the affected skin area wellso that the cream can be absorbed quickly.
The application of a Canestencreme usually goes with it few side effects hand in hand. Mild irritative skin reactions such as redness, swelling or a burning sensation may occur. Besides, it can too slight hypersensitivity reactions come. If the cream is not tolerated or if the application does not have an adequate effect, it makes sense to consult a doctor and have another medication prescribed.
To prevent the Fungal skin infections you should go to a good personal hygiene respect, think highly of. Parents should make sure that the diaper is worn, especially with babies regularly is changed and the children do not lie in a damp diaper for long. Because moisture favors the development of a Diaper rash. Against the emergence of Athlete's foot especially helps wearing Flip-flops in public swimming pools and showers, as well as changing socks regularly.
There too Pets Carrier of Fungal diseases can be, it should be discussed with the veterinarian how to do this risk an infection avoid can. This should especially be done if you have a great deal of interest close contact to that animal and when infants and young children or people with a weak immune system are also in contact with the animal. Particularly immune-deficient keepers of birds or owners of a pigeon breed should get a very good hygienic handling with the Bird droppings consider. At the first appearance of symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In women who often attend Fungal infections of the genital tract suffer, on the one hand it may be advisable to have an advisory discussion with the caregiver Gynecologist to lead and on the other hand something about hygiene and Contraceptive method to change. So should too Tampons and Tie be changed regularly. Also special Shampoosthat are especially suitable for the genital tract and available at a drugstore can help.
Thread fungus infections
This group of mushrooms can come from the soil or from Animals come. Often the mushrooms of Pets such as passed on from cats to humans. In rural areas, cattle can also be the carriers of the thread fungi.
Symptoms and course
When the thread fungi in the top Skin layer (epidermis) penetrate, they then spread concentric, so in a circle around their entrance gate. This is clearly visible in the dem Ring patternthat the fungus leaves behind as it grows.
With these superficial forms of the thread fungus, can two types of growth differ from each other. The fungus can either be in acute Itchy bouts of small blisters grow or grow chronic in the form of slowly moving herds with strong scaling.
The deep forms of fungal attack (tinea profunda) hike mostly in the area of Hair roots or the Whiskers one and cause there Inflammation. This form is very common from Animals transfer. The thread fungi can come in handy all parts of the body occur, of course Contact points to be favoured. More often the fungus joins Diaper wearers with weak immune system in the Groin region on. However, this is not the classic form of the so-called. Diaper rash. This mostly affects small children and old people. The fungal growth on Body trunk usually occurs genetically heaped on and depends, among other things, with the Defense situation of the body together. The spaces between the toes are most often attacked by fungi, these are the very well-known ones Athlete's foot (tinea pedis). This fungus is mainly noticeable by itching. Also strong scaling on the Palm can be caused by a fungus. Also the Toenails can be attacked by thread fungi. Due to the fungal attack, the Nails, they can also become more brittle and tear. This fungal infestation is more common in the elderly and occurs in Europe with a disease rate of 5-12%. Also the head can be treated with thread fungi. The superficial shape usually in circular herds and causes scaling and breaking off of the hair. This gives the picture of this disease picture mowed meadow. At the head it can also become a deep shape of the fungal attack. In addition to a Swelling of the lymph nodes at the neck there is also often one with this form Hair loss in the affected area with subsequent Scarringresulting in a permanent lack of hair. Since this form of thread fungus infestation is very often transmitted by animals, pets should also be examined.
The diagnosis is carried out via a microbiological cultivation of the fungus from flakes of skin on the affected skin area. Then one follows microscopy for the exact determination of the fungus. In very special cases a molecular biological differentiation made.
The superficial infections the thread fungi can with Creams get under control in a local treatment. Often are also so-called Broad-spectrum antifungal drugs used, which not only work against thread fungi, but also at Yeasts and a certain class of bacteria. These are mainly used if, in addition to a thread fungus infection, further infections are feared. At a Nail fungus Nail polishes that come with antifungal agents such as azoles are added.
Both deep forms the thread fungus infestation is usually a so-called systemic therapy performed. That means that the patient does drug in the vein gets administered. These forms of skin fungal infections are also common Azoles used. The Medication also accumulate well in Hair and Nails from why the Therapy time can sometimes be shortened. However, care must be taken that there are no undesirable Interactions comes with other medication as an essential part of this therapy Degradation enzyme is blocked.
Yeast infections
Yeasts occur in almost all people on the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract, sometimes even in large numbers. These fungi can only cause diseases in patients with an immune deficiency. This is why this type of pathogen is also referred to as opportunistic pathogen.
Please also read the article:
- Yeast fungi on the skin
Symptoms and occurrence
If the yeasts in the mouth cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, it is also called oral candidiasis (Synonyms: oral thrush, candidomastitis). The white coverings of the oral mucosa are noticeable here, with often simultaneously affected corners of the mouth. Sometimes the inflammation spreads over the tonsils (Tonsils) down to the esophagus (Esophagus) continued. Those affected usually also suffer from loss of appetite and difficulty swallowing. This fungal infection can be more common in infants because they have weaker immune systems. If oral candidiasis occurs in adults, this may indicate an HIV infection or the presence of diabetes (Diabetes mellitus) be. This fungal infection can also occur as part of chemotherapy or long-term cortisone therapy.
For further important information please also read: Yeast in the intestine
The so-called diaper rash is also due to yeast. The moisture in the diaper can often lead to yeast infections. Often small pustules with white coatings can be seen. This leads to an initial confrontation between the child's immune system and the pathogen. Yeasts also feel good in the genital region of adults. If the immune system is impaired, an increase in yeasts can lead to acute inflammation of the genital area in women (acute vulvovaginitis). Itching occurs in combination with increased, whitish, cheesy discharge. If a man has a yeast infection of the genitals (acute balanitis) This is typically expressed by itching of the glans and papules. A chronic fungal infection of the genital tract can occur, especially in women, which is not so easy to treat because these pathogens are more often resistant to antimycotics. The fungal disease of the genital region is transmitted through sexual intercourse. However, the disease does not manifest itself in everyone, as there are also many asymptomatic carriers. A fungal infection of the genital area can also occur when the pathogens are transferred from the intestinal area to the genital area. The fingernails and toenails can also be infected not only by thread fungi, but also by yeast. This type of infection is favored by wet work. The nail wall in particular ignites here. The nails tend to turn dark while the nail plate becomes wavy and brittle. Sometimes the spaces between the fingers can also be affected.
To a Fungal skin infection with yeast to prove is with a swab smear of the affected Skin areas made. Then the smears are grown microbiologically and microscoped or determined biochemically. If the Oral cavity If you are affected, you can rinse with a mouthwash instead of a swab.
For the therapy of Yeast infections are special Derivatives of azoles well suited. At a chronic infection can also Resistances that can then be treated with the new active ingredient caspofungin.
Bran fungus infections (Pityriasis versicolor)
The Bran fungus occurs naturally in the Hair follicles in front. The spread of the disease is from warmth and humidity and occurs in Europe with an incidence (new disease rate) of 0.5% to 5%. For comparison, the incidence of this disease in the tropics is around 60%. Like the trigger, the bran fungus belongs to the Candidacies to the yeasts.
- Pityriasis versicolor
- Bran lichen
Symptoms and occurrence
One form of the disease presents itself with minor itching represent. The change in skin is reddish brown and sharply defined and about the size of a penny. The surface can smooth or scaly be. The skin changes occur very often in the Chest and shoulder area on.
Another form of the disease leads to one Depigmentation of the skinafter this has been exposed to UV light.
At strong immunocompromised patients there can also be a third form of the disease. Small papules develop that itch when they tear.
Diagnostics and therapy
There are many in the affected areas Spurs of the mushroom. This finding is groundbreaking in the diagnosis of the disease.
Azoles can also be found in the Therapy of fungal treatments their commitment. An alternative to this is selenium disulfide. It is also important in the treatment of this disease that the hair Washed at least twice a week, as the pathogen is in the Hairlines sits. This is the only way to prevent further spread. In the case of very pronounced forms of the Fungal attack can also be a systemic therapy should be considered.
You can find a lot of extensive information on this topic at: Pityriasis versicolor
Infections with a cryptococcosis
The cause of cryptococcosis also belongs to the group of yeasts and lives naturally in the intestinal tract of birds. Since birds have a much higher body temperature than humans, namely 41 ° to 44 ° Celsius, they keep the fungus under control in this way. The fungus is mainly transmitted through pigeon droppings.
Be in this condition two types of the infestation:
On the one hand there is systemic formthat affects the entire body and spreads over the Lymphatics and Blood vessels can spread. The internal organs be infested.
On the other hand, there is a form of this disease that is the skin infested. In the process, injuries to the skin are formed which abscess resemble. Cryptococcosis occurs mainly in severely immunocompromised patients, for example in patients who are infected with the HI virus Suffer. In people with an intact immune system this disease is extremely rare.
Diagnosis and therapy
For the diagnosis, it can be enough that one Smear of the focus of infection is microscoped. Another possibility, as with all other fungal diseases, is the Cultivation of the pathogen.
The Cryptococcosis usually comes with a Antifungal infusion (Antifungal agent) treated. To do this, the patient is given a venous access laid over which the drug can enter. The drugs used here are mostly Amphotericin B and Fluconazole.
Athlete's foot
Athlete's foot is a skin disease that affects only the feet and affects many people. It is caused by the colonization of filamentous fungi, so-called dermatophytes, and in most cases occurs primarily on the soles of the feet and the spaces between the individual toes. The fungi tend to settle in these areas of the foot, because there they find a warm and humid environment in which they can grow and multiply.
Athlete's foot occurs primarily in people who sweat heavily or who wear footwear that does not fit properly for a long time. Sports shoes in particular and the use of public shower rooms without bathing shoes increase the risk of athlete's foot. Other diseases, such as circulatory disorders in the feet, diabetes or a weakened immune system, are also risk factors for athlete's foot.
The initial symptoms of athlete's foot include severe itching, as well as reddened and flaky skin. In the course of the disease, the skin begins to flake more and more and whitish skin plates form, which are very soft and also peel off. The itchy and reddened areas can develop blisters that ooze and cause pain when you run. Open areas of the skin that have been damaged by fungus are a possible entry point for other bacteria and germs, which can promote additional infections.
Read more on the subject at: How to recognize athlete's foot
Athlete's foot can be transmitted from person to person via direct contact or via a smear infection. The scales that come off and fall off the soles of your feet contain parts of the fungus and can affect other people's skin. Walking barefoot and going to public baths or the sauna should therefore always be avoided if you have athlete's foot.
For the therapy of athlete's foot, ointments and creams are used, which, when used correctly, lead to complete healing. After treating the fungal infection with a local ointment, it should be used for another 3 - 4 weeks after the symptoms have subsided. If the fungus is not treated properly or for long enough, the infection can flare up again and become chronic. In addition, the fungus spreads further and can also attack the toenails next to the soles of the feet and the spaces between the toes. The fungal pathogens continue to multiply in the damaged skin and can also lead to severe inflammation and infections of the surrounding soft tissues and tissues.
Hand fungus
At a Hand fungus is a local skin disorder that only affects the hands. The diseases, like athlete's foot, are caused by a Thread fungus infection, called dermatophytes, which are preferably in the palm and between the fingers settle and continue to multiply there. The transmission of the fungal components takes place via smear or contact infections and is often associated with a previously existing foot or nail fungus.
To that Athlete's foot itching to counteract and to get relief, is on the affected area scratched. If you don't clean your hands sufficiently afterwards, they can Fungal components that settle on the hands, affect damaged areas of the hand and spread further there. A simple, polite handshake is enough to transfer the infectious fungal components to another person.
In most cases, a fungal disease begins in the hand very slowly and insidiously. Especially in the Spaces between the fingers you start to sweat easily and there is a lot of heat created by friction. These conditions offer the mushrooms a optimal environment to settle and multiply.
At first the skin begins to itch and is reddened. In the course of the process, flakes of skin loosen and it can form small cracksthat with a Feeling of tension and Pain can go hand in hand and lead to limited mobility of the hand. Small cracks in the skin provide an entry point for other bacteria and germs, which can promote additional infections and inflammations. In some forms of the hand fungus, liquid-filled ones form Vesicles that settle in the entire palm and in the area of the fingertips and release an infectious secretion when they burst.
To effectively treat hand fungus, you should Anoint be used that the attack and kill infectious fungal components, as well as care for and repair the damaged skin around the hands. The substances used also alleviate severe itching. After healing the fungal disease should be treatment continued for another 3 to 4 weeks so that a new infection can be prevented.
In order to lower the risk of developing hand fungus, it is necessary to have one thorough hand hygiene to pay attention and the To take good care of the skin. In order not to irritate and strain the skin too much and thus prevent possible entry points for further pathogens, it is advisable to mild and pH neutral soaps to use. By using nourishing creams, the skin is given enough moisture and, in addition, they develop an oily component. This helps to regenerate and care for the damaged skin.
Fungus on the face
A fungal skin infection can manifest itself anywhere on the body, including the face. By Contact or smear infections the fungal pathogens can be transmitted from person to person very quickly and accumulate and multiply in the facial area. A fungal infection occurs on the face often as part of an infection the hairy skin of the body or in people with a severely weakened and damaged immune system on.
The infection with the fungi will be on the face severely itchy, reddish and flaky inflamed areas evoked. The pathogens are particularly dangerous to spread to the face, as they can lead to infections that can spread to the entire body, the blood or even the brain and thereby severely damage vital organs.
A long and extensive exposure to light can in many cases become a Worsening of symptoms contribute. Also skin diseases like Acne, psoriasis or eczema don't just hire Risk of the development of a possible fungal infection but can also delay healing. In addition to the symptoms and complaints mentioned, the also plays a significant role cosmetic blemishes a major role that must always be taken into account during treatment.
Reactions to mold
Molds usually call no fungal skin diseases out, but they can allergic reaction of the skin trigger and in patients with a poor immune system serious illnesses, such as a lung infection (pneumonia) trigger. Allergic reactions to mold can turn into one Redness express the skin. It can also become a strong one itching come. In people who are permanently exposed to mold, it can be caused by the Inhaling the fungal spores also to an allergic asthma come.
The skin's reactions to mold can initially start with a Rinse with cool water be treated. The fungal spores are also affected by the skin washed. If itching and redness persist, mild can also be used Cortisone ointments lead to symptom relief. The general rule is that you should try to have as little skin contact with mold as possible. If mold is a known problem in the apartment, you should try to remove the mold as soon as possible.
Special problems of immunocompromised patients
At immunocompromised patients put Infections with fungi pose a particular risk. Immunocompromised patients are patients who currently have a chemotherapy or is recovering from chemotherapy. Even people who suffer from a disease of the Immune system suffer, have weaker immune systems. This does not only include patients who attend HIV but also people who suffer congenital disorder of the immune system. This is particularly the case with the so-called opportunistic diseases on. These include the inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by the yeast Candida (Oral thrush). This disease can occur because it is natural flora the oral mucosa through the defective immune system can no longer be kept under control. So the mushrooms can multiply and one inflammation trigger. It is important to note that the Antifungal drugs (Antifungal drugs) can also become ineffective. The more often the drug is used against the fungus, the higher the likelihood of the fungus Resistances against that drug developed. Therefore, in immunodeficient patients with recurring yeast infections, on the gift of Medication in relation to the development of Resistances pay special attention.