Leg cramps - what works best?


During one Cramp in the Legs, Leg cramp or cramps in the Thigh muscles, the Musculature together, hardens and persists for seconds to minutes, until the cramp usually resolves on its own.

The contraction of one Muscle is usually necessary for movement. However, if the tension does not go away, it is a cramp.

Usually these are cramps classified as harmless in the legs. However, if they occur more often, with a longer duration and accompanied by severe pain, the use of Stretching exercises not to improvement, medical advice should be sought. This should be done above all, if still accompanying Numbness- and Tingling sensations, muscular weakness or other symptoms like a headache or Night sweats occur. Even if the muscle spasms occur in other parts of the body and if they are accompanied by Exhaustion, fatigue and Movement insecuritiesthe attending doctor should also be consulted.

Around 40% of the population are occasionally plagued by leg cramps. The Muscle spasms need from the Muscle spasms be delimited, where there is also a Cramp of the Musculature comes, which is mostly painless.

Leg cramps after exercise

Typically kick Muscle spasms in the legs to or during sport on. This is usually the case when the Muscles excessively stressed by exercise were or the Sport very one-sided was operated. Also doing sports during a lot high temperaturesaccompanied by a inadequate hydration and strong sweat production often causes leg cramps.

See also: Sore muscles - what works best?

It is particularly dangerous if cramps occur while swimming. This is mostly the case when swimming in very cold water.

If after a long period of non-sporting activity, for example after a break from injury, sport is resumed, muscle cramps usually occur after or during sport, as the Musculature has shortened during the resting phase.

If the cramp occurs while exercising, it is helpful to stop physical activity with your lower leg too stretch and easy to massage. Part of the spasm can be caused by a badly fitting sports shoe or too tight-fitting sportswear caused, so this should be checked.

To Loosening the muscles should be go easy and something drinkto rebalance the fluid balance. If the temperature is cold, stockings or long trousers should be worn.

Leg cramps at night

It comes to you in the night Cramp in the legs, the associated pain is usually so severe that the person concerned wakes up.
These nocturnal muscle cramps mostly occur in less sporty people. But even if you have been exercising intensively during the day, cramps can occur at night.

Also at Pregnant women occur due to hormone- and Metabolic changes Frequent cramps in the legs at night.

In diabetics, muscle cramps can also occur frequently during the night. A short walk in the evening helps to prevent cramps during the night. You should also ensure that you drink enough. Stretching exercises before bed is also helpful.

A very rare cause of cramps in the night it is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a condition that affects the motor nerves.
The disease can lead to painful cramps and muscle twitching.

However, the ALS is considered to be the cause of night cramps very unlikely, because it is a very complex and rare disease.

Muscle cramps at night

Muscle cramps can occur acutely during exercise or typically at night during the rest phase after increased exertion. In most cases, there is a relative magnesium deficiency due to the muscular stress during the day, which leads to increased excitability with a lower convulsive threshold.

At night, particularly one-sided postures, uncomfortable lying positions or light permanent pressure on the muscles can lead to spontaneous cramps, which are very uncomfortable and wake the person concerned. Athletes, pregnant women or those affected by certain metabolic or gastrointestinal diseases are particularly affected.

Find out more about the topic: Nocturnal muscle cramps

Cramps in the thighs

The thighs are a relatively common location for muscle cramps. The thigh muscles are heavily used in many sports and everyday activities. Increased muscle work also leads to an increased metabolism and an increased consumption of important electrolytes and messenger substances in the muscle cells.This can lead to magnesium or calcium deficiency symptoms, which lead to over-excitability of the muscle cells and a tendency to cramp.

Even with a balanced diet and sufficient intake of electrolytes and minerals, intense sporting activities can often lead to muscle cramps, both in inexperienced and professional athletes.

Read more about the topic: thigh cramp


In general, leg cramps can have various causes. Older people are more likely to experience leg cramps. The reason for this is that older people usually drink less or the unbalanced diet. This disrupts the fluid and mineral balance. In addition, of course, with age, the muscles shorten and muscle mass is reduced. Magnesium in particular plays an important role in the mineral balance. If there is a magnesium deficiency, the dampening, muscle-relaxing properties of magnesium are missing and uncontrollable impulses and muscle cramps occur. Often a magnesium deficiency is caused by an unbalanced diet.

Nerve diseases, the so-called polyneuropathies, which can have different causes, can also be responsible for leg cramps.

Read more on the topic: You can recognize a magnesium deficiency by these symptoms

Through the thyroid

An underactive thyroid can also cause cramps in the legs. In addition to the thyroid glands, the four parathyroid glands also play a role, or to be more precise, they are underactive. The parathyroid glands produce parathyroid hormone, which among other things regulates the calcium balance. If too little parathyroid hormone is produced, the calcium concentration falls and the phosphate concentration increases. Since calcium mediates the tension of muscles, it comes to overexcitable muscles and as a result muscle cramps.

Through the kidney

In addition to these frequent and largely harmless causes, there are also rarer causes with a higher disease value. If the symptoms of a calf cramp recur, possibly not limited to the legs and feet, and symptoms such as pain, swelling, or numbness occur, the cause may be more serious. One reason for this can be severely impaired kidney function, as the kidneys are responsible for maintaining the fluid, acid-base and electrolyte balance. In particular, patients who require dialysis (dialysis = blood washing) sometimes suffer from leg cramps that often occur because their mineral balance is disturbed.

Diabetics are also prone to leg cramps. Initially, the calf cramps are also caused by disturbances in the electrolyte balance, later on poorly adjusted sugar levels lead to nerve damage and then to a so-called polyneuropathy, which can cause cramps and numbness, among other things.

The so-called disease of diabetes insipidus also leads to disorders of the electrolyte balance. The cause for this is either a hormone deficiency from the pituitary gland or there is a functional disorder in the kidney, so that it cannot respond properly to the hormone from the pituitary gland. As a result, there is an increased feeling of thirst with a strong urge to urinate, similar to diabetes mellitus, the sugar disease.

The adrenal glands also have an impact on the electrolyte balance. Various hormones are formed in the cortex of the adrenal glands, including glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol) and mineralocorticoids (e.g. aldosterone). Both hormone classes are important for the mineral balance. If the adrenal cortex is underactive, this mainly affects the potassium and sodium balance.

From overwork and muscle diseases

There are two opposing causes of leg cramps. On the one hand, the muscles can be underutilized, but on the other hand, they can also have been overstrained.

Overuse occurs especially in competitive athletes when they do not allow their body enough rest. If there is also profuse sweating and insufficient fluid intake, the fluid and electrolyte balance is also disturbed. Electrolytes are important minerals that are required by nerves to transmit stimuli to the muscles so that they either tense or relax. Magnesium and potassium are particularly important for the muscles. In contrast to this, muscle cramps often occur even after a long break from training, when the muscles have shortened due to the lack of stress. People who do little or no sport usually get muscle cramps at night.

Overall, it can be said that overuse or underuse of the muscles, a temporary lack of fluids and minerals (e.g. from vomiting and diarrhea), pregnancy and metabolic nerve damage caused by alcohol or sugar disorder are the most common causes of cramps in the legs .

Read more on the topic: Cause of cramps

Rather rarely cause muscle disorders (Myotonia, dystonia, myopathies) Cramps. These diseases often affect children and are mostly hereditary. It is typical for these clinical pictures that the cramped muscles can only be relaxed with difficulty and the diseases are accompanied by increased muscle stiffness.

Leg cramps can also occur during pregnancy.
Read more about this at: Leg cramps during pregnancy

With alcohol

Cramps and paresthesia in the legs are also common among alcoholics or people with increased alcohol consumption. These symptoms are to be seen as a sign of a deficiency due to a one-sided diet and as a sign of nerve damage and should be perceived as a warning signal.

Through infections

Infections with massive vomiting and diarrhea can lead to cramps due to the high electrolyte and fluid loss. Some medications can also cause leg cramps. These include drugs for high blood pressure, cholesterol-lowering drugs, chemotherapy drugs, asthma sprays, laxatives, and hormonal contraceptives.


The influence of pregnancy leads to changes in the hormonal balance and metabolism. Especially in the second half of pregnancy, there is a high need for magnesium, which is why nightly calf cramps can often occur, especially in this phase of pregnancy. Magnesium deficiency is the most common cause of calf cramps in pregnant women.

Another reason for the increased susceptibility during pregnancy is the increased weight, which also has to be carried by the leg muscles.

Sometimes the stretching uterus also puts pressure on nerves, which leads to leg cramps.

Read more on the subject at: Leg cramps during pregnancy


To clarify the muscle cramps, the doctor first looks at the affected muscles. He also checks the Vascular status of the Leg arteries, by measuring the Pulse and des Blood pressure. Since the legs are mostly affected, the pulses are applied in different places strip, leg and foot groped.

Also one Blood collection can provide information about the Electrolyte balance, the Kidney values and the Blood sugar levels give. Also determining the Thyroid hormonesto get a Hypothyroidism excluding is helpful. In addition, the urine test is often included.

If there is a suspicion of an underlying illness, the supervising family doctor will often refer you to you Neurologist (Neurologist), Orthopedists or Endocrinologist. A neurologist often does nerve function tests like the one called Electromyography (EMG). EMG measurement makes it possible to measure the nerve activity in a muscle. A supplement is often used Electroneurography (CLOSELY) to determine the nerve conduction velocity.

In rare cases, imaging tests, such as a Computed Tomography or one Magnetic resonance imaging. These imaging procedures are mainly the Spine and the Band washers examined to rule out spinal cord damage. Also the investigation of Arteries and Veins by a Ultrasonic measurement or one Blood pressure measurement on the legs is partly part of the examination repertoire.

What helps / what to do

Physiotherapy is very useful in some cases.

Often those affected instinctively get the right relief: They stretch the calf muscles by pulling the tip of the foot towards the body or by stretching the affected leg back and pressing the heel firmly on the floor. These measures often resolve the cramp. Sometimes an uncomfortable feeling remains like with one aching back.
The use of warmthFor example, taking a hot bath can often provide relief. The use of also helps some patients cold.

Regular and moderate exercise, as well as balanced exercise, is the best preventative measure nutrition and sufficient Drinking amount. Because often a Magnesium deficiency is responsible for the cramps in the legs, the doctor can prescribe a magnesium supplement, which is freely available without a prescription. The consumption of magnesium should be discussed with the doctor in order to prevent interactions with other drugs or an adverse influence on existing diseases. Especially at pregnant women and elderly patients comes magnesium for use. In addition to magnesium is partly still Quinine sulfate Used for severe, recurring nocturnal leg cramps, which, however, should only be administered for a limited period of time. However, quinine sulfate is only prescribed by the doctor in very rare cases due to the sometimes severe side effects. Since a calcium deficiency can also be the cause, they also help Calcium tablets.

Read what else you can do at: Cramps despite magnesium

Cramps while lying down

Cramps in the legs when lying down are not uncommon. This happens quite often when the Musculature was heavily used beforehand has been.
At rest, the overexerted muscles are no longer adequately supplied with blood and cramps are more likely.
In contrast, cramps can also occur with prolonged rest occur. Here is one too insufficient blood flow of the musculature. Therefore you should always pay attention to sufficient but also moderate and adapted movement of the muscles.
Cramps are particularly common at night. To prevent this, care should be taken that the legs and especially the Feet be kept warmso that the muscles are relaxed.

Also should be on a comfortable position Care should be taken when lying down, as an unfavorable position of the legs can also lead to cramps.

Spasms from a herniated disc

In addition to the reasons for leg cramps listed under “Causes”, these can also be caused by a Herniated disc of the lumbar spine caused. If you have a herniated disc (Prolapse) part of the intervertebral disc slips out of its anchorage and enters the spinal canal in which the Spinal cord is available. The spinal cord is not always constricted. However, if there is increased pressure against the spinal cord, a nerve root or the emerging one annoy, can this cramps in the legs or arms (depending on the height of the Herniated disc of the lumbar spine) trigger.

In addition to cramps, it often occurs Pain, Paralysis and Sensory disturbances. Step through one Herniated disc of the lumbar spine If there are cramps in the legs, the herniated disc is usually at the level of the Lumbar spine in front.

Leg cramps in multiple sclerosis

With some MS- Patients can be under the disease as well Muscle spasms occur. These leg cramps are so-called Spasticity. The spasticity can too involuntary movements like stretching or pulling in your legs. About half of those affected suffer from spasticity severe pain which are perceived as very restrictive in everyday life. Circa 80% of MS patients are affected by spasticity at some point in the course of their illness. Often the spasticity occurs at night so that sleep is severely impaired. MS patients are more prone to muscle spasticity, as the disease can damage the muscles brain and comes from nerve tracts that transmit motor impulses.
The spasticity occurs when the first motor neuron, which is located in the brain, is damaged. Therapeutically come among other things physiotherapy, Muscle relaxants such as Baclofen and Diazepam from the class of Benzodiazepines, one Cortisone therapy and the injection of Botulinum toxin for use.

Cramps in the hands and legs

Less than kicking your legs Muscle spasms in the hands on. The fingers usually contract as a result of the cramp and those affected are no longer able to grasp or hold anything. The causes of cramp in the hands are similar to those of leg cramps. More often than with calf cramps, a impaired blood supply be caused by a lack of oxygen in the muscle. To relieve the spasm, you can go through strain and massage of the hands Muscles bring you back to relaxation.

Cramps despite taking magnesium

Should have cramps in the legs in spite of of the Intake of magnesium can also occur Lack of other electrolytes Be the trigger for the muscle cramps. Thus a Lack of calcium, sodium or potassium Cause leg cramps.
Also, it should be borne in mind that some Medication Have muscle cramps as a side effect. So can diuretic drugs so-called diuretics or laxative a Electrolyte disturbance and cause leg cramps.
Also one Overloading the muscles after exercise can trigger cramps during or after exercise. This is why you should do one between and after the sports sessions good stretching be thought.
Leg cramps can also occur from too little movement to be triggered. Therefore the Muscles when sitting for a long time something emotional or. stretched become. If convulsions recur despite a normal electrolyte balance and adequate exercise, a doctor should be consulted. Because cramps, for example, also from a Spinal problems or Nerve paralysis If cramps in the legs persist, a doctor should look for a cause in order to rule out serious illnesses.


Painful cramps in the legs can by certain Lifestyles and behaviors prevented become.
Because often a lack of magnesium The reason for leg cramps is that a sufficient daily amount of magnesium should be ensured. The recommended amount is approximately 350 mg. Especially athlete should in addition to having proper nutrition foods rich in magnesium about taking Magnesium supplements think.
Foods rich in magnesium include, among others oatmeal, nuts and whole grain products. vegetables and fruit are also good suppliers of magnesium.
Because cramps in the legs are often due to one low fluid intake arise, care should be taken to ensure adequate hydration. This should be done daily 1.5 to 2 liters be. Since drinking from alcohol Promotes muscle cramps, alcohol should only be consumed in moderation. After sport and also during prolonged sitting the muscles should be stretched and loosened sufficiently to promote good blood flow to the muscles.
Also Alternating baths can stimulate blood circulation and prevent leg cramps. Furthermore is comfortable footwear a way to prevent cramps.
Around cramps occurring at night fend off in the legs, should the Muscles are kept warm, because the muscles are better supplied with blood and can relax better.

Home remedies

The most important initial measures for muscle cramps can be carried out at home with simple home remedies. The basic principle in the presence of muscle spasms is to relax the muscle and compensate for missing nutrients in the muscle.

First, the muscle should be relaxed, stretched, massaged and immobilized. The body should then be adequately rehydrated with water.If available, magnesium and calcium can be supplied in the form of effervescent tablets. In order to reduce an inflammatory reaction immediately after exercise, the affected muscle can also be cooled. In order to promote the recovery reaction in the long term and relax the muscles, light heat also helps.

Here you can find out more about the topic: Cramps despite magnesium