
Nomen est omen. The liverwort helps with liver and gallbladder problems

Latin name

Hepatica nobilis

Common names

Blue windflower, liverwort

Plant description

in the early spring develop the blue flowers from the liverwort, even before the hairy fresh leaves appear on the underside.

Heyday: March to April.

Occurrence: Prefers shady places in woods.

Plant parts used medicinally

The entire herb from the liverwort is harvested without the roots until it blooms and then gently dried.


  • Tannins
  • Anemomin
  • Flavonoids
  • Glycosides

Medicinal effect and application

The liverwort does not play a role in conventional medicine. Folk medicine uses the liverwort Liver and gall bladder problems.


Hepatica tea: one takes 2 teaspoons of dried cabbage of liverwort and poured one over it large cup of cold water. The whole thing stays overnight, is then strained and warmed up slightly for drinking. You drink it unsweetened and in sips throughout the day.

Side effects

As long as dried liverwort is used, none are expected.