Black cohosh
Synonyms in a broader sense
Vegetable synonyms: Ranunculaceae, buttercup family, silver candle, cheek herb, bug herb
Latin name: Cimicifuga racemosa, Group: Ranunculaceae
The plant
The Medicinal plant black cohosh belongs to the buttercup family and is a 1 - 2 meter high herbaceous plant.
It is native to North America and Canada. But you can still find them today in Europe and North Asia.
Popular locations are open forests, forest edges, hedges and embankments. The plant has a strong, dark, cylindrical rhizome that is firm and knotty.
The leaves are large and double-pinnate, deeply serrated and ovate.
The inflorescence of the Black cohosh consists of an overhanging 30-90 cm long cluster of white flowers that are reminiscent of candles.
The fruits of the black cohosh consist of 6 mm long capsules with many seeds.
The black cohosh blooms in July.
The roots of black cohosh are used medicinally (as is the case with the Devil's claw, at the valerian or Sun hat, Comfrey and Umckaloabo). They are about 12 cm long and 2.5 cm thick in a normal plant. Besides the Medicinal plant Black cohosh or Cimicifuga racemosa there are still related species in the traditional chinese medicine (TCM) Find use.
In the 18th century the Black cohosh first importance in gynecology. In their homeland of North America, the medicinal plant was used by the Indians as Tonic for women for the treatment of rheumatism, osteoarthritis, sciatica and also snakebites applied. The black cohosh was also used for menopausal symptoms and gynecological diseases. The Latin name Cimicifuga is made up of the words "cimex" (bug) and "fugare" (to flee). Hence the name bug herb. Because of the unpleasant smell, it is supposed to drive away bedbugs. Today the black cohosh is used alongside red clover and soy Menopausal symptoms used.
The medicinal plant black cohosh is native to North America and was already used by the Indians to combat women's ailments. The medicinal substances are obtained from the rhizome of the 1.5 to 2 m plant.
In folk medicine, black cohosh is used in:
- Menopausal complaints
- rheumatic complaints
- if you have a fever
- with lumbago
- as a sleep aid
- and with snakebites
The dried rhizome of the medicinal plant black cohosh, which not only comes from the North American forests, but is also cultivated in Europe, is used medicinally. 4 - 12 m long rhizomes are dug up, washed and dried after the summer.
Characteristic ingredients are triterpenes (actein and cimigoside). There are also phenylpropane derivatives, cimicifugic acid and flavonoids. The effectiveness of the various active ingredients, however, only comes into play in combination with the active ingredients of the medicinal plant roots.
Preparations containing extracts are available in the pharmacy as drops or tablets.
Therapy and areas of application
The medical application of the black cohosh rhizome is particularly recommended for:
- premenstrual complaints (P.M.S.)
- at Menstrual cramps
- for problems during menopause
- bronchial asthma (Please also read our article on this Homeopathy for asthma)
- rheumatism / rheumatoid arthritis
Great successes were achieved with the ingestion of the medicinal plant for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes or profuse sweating, as well as with Sleep disorder, Anxiety and nervous irritability.
Extracts and ingredients of black cohosh influence the messenger substances of the nervous system and the bonds to the estrogen receptors. The effectiveness of black cohosh has been positively proven in clinical studies.
Menopausal symptoms improved after taking the medicinal herb. Preparations made from the roots of black cohosh are the first choice for mild menopausal symptoms. However, the first effectiveness is only achieved after two to six weeks.
The black cohosh continues to have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane in the case of psycho-vegetative complaints such as sleep disorders, hot flashes, irritability urinary tract as well as the Bone density (osteoporosis).
Extracts from the black cohosh root can also be used With the medicinal plant Johannis herbs combined become. However, the Duration of use the black cohosh do not exceed six months. Please always ask your doctor before taking !!!
Side effect and interaction
When taking the Medicinal plant Black cohosh, it can occasionally too Stomach problems come.
Black cohosh should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. With breast or Uterine cancer Black cohosh should only be taken under medical supervision !!
Occasionally there was also a slight Weight gain detected.
Dosage form
Preparations containing extract are available as drops or tablets.
A daily dose should consist of an extract of at least 40 mg black cohosh root.
Isopropane extracts (40%) or ethanolic extracts (40 to 60%) correspond to 40 to 160 mg black cohosh root
Film-coated tablets are also offered as ready-made preparations.
Tea preparations are not common.
The black cohosh should always be used over a longer period of time, as the effect only sets in after several weeks.
Manufacturer / trade name
Manufacturers are named as examples and were selected at random. we have with none Manufacturers a personal connection!
Climate dynon® N2 60 tablets € 7.60
Climate dynon® N3 90 tablets € 10.60
Status: January 2004
Phytopharmaceuticals in Germany
The list of the best-selling herbal preparations led by far the ginkgo:
- ginkgo
- Johannis herbs
- Devil's claw
- Horse chestnuts
- artichoke
- Milk thistle
- Nettle
- Umckaloabo
- Hawthorn
- ivy