Nausea medication
Nausea can have many causes. Almost everyone suffers from it one or more times in their life - gastrointestinal infections are usually the cause of the complaints. To relieve nausea, there are various home remedies, depending on the cause, but also medication that can be taken against it. These preparations are also known medically as antiemetics.
Drug groups
H1 antihistamines
H1-Antihistamines work in central nervous system against nausea, as they have special receptors for the signaling substance histamine block, which can otherwise cause nausea.
Examples from this group of active ingredients include clemastine (Tavegil®), Dimentinden (Fenistil®), Dimene hydriate (Vomex®).
Read more about this under Active ingredients antihistamines
Prokinetics strengthen bowel movement. This speeds up the passage of food and food that was heavy in the stomach and caused nausea is transported away more quickly. One example is the active ingredient Metoclopramide (MCP).
Dopamine receptor blockers
The next group of active ingredients are those Dopamine receptor blockers. These block the binding points of the messenger substance in the central nervous system Dopamine, which is significantly involved in the development of nausea.
Some belong to this group of active substances Neuroleptics. Such as sulpiride, for example.
Prokinetics also work by blocking the dopamine binding sites.
Serotonin receptor blockers
The Serotonin receptor blockers eventually block the binding sites of Serotonin in the central nervous system. Serotonin is also a signal substance that can induce nausea.
Muscarinic receptor blockers
Ultimately, other active ingredients, for example Muscarinic receptor blockers (for example Scopolamine) can be used against nausea. They are particularly useful in the case of nausea caused by imbalance, such as is the case with seasickness. Also Glucocorticoids, Cannabinoids and other herbal ingredients show effectiveness in the Therapy of nausea.
Home remedies
In the case of nausea, medication should not be resorted to directly depending on the cause. Often the symptoms can also be improved with simple home remedies. Most often, nausea occurs as part of an upset stomach or gastrointestinal infection and then usually goes away on its own within a few days. However, other causes can also lead to longer-lasting and more severe nausea, so that the person concerned suffers a lot. In this case, home remedies are often a good alternative to taking medication directly.
Please also read: Home remedies for nausea
Different types of tea can be drunk when you feel sick. It is considered to be particularly effective Mint tea, as it has a relaxing and anticonvulsant effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Works similarly Cumin teawhich also has a relaxing effect on the muscles in the digestive tract.
Furthermore are Camomile tea and ginger tea Hot drinks often used in case of nausea.
At Stomach crampsthat come with the nausea, warmth is a great way to relieve those cramps. A warm one Cherry stone pillow or one Hot water bottle on your stomach can be very effective for bringing relief.
Doing so will also like warm envelopes With Lemon juice or Fruit vinegar used.
Some people also help with nausea warm bath, for example with yarrow or lavender Additionally. Every patient has to test for himself whether this helps.
Fresh air
Going outside to the fresh air or to the open window can be very helpful if you feel sick. An upright posture relieves the stomach and often improves feelings of fullness. In addition, loose, comfortable clothing should be worn that does not put additional pressure on the stomach or intestines.
Lemon has also been used for nausea. Either you suck on a piece of lemon or drink some lemon juice - optionally mixed with water if it is otherwise too acidic.
Easily digestible diet
Only easily digestible foods should be consumed during periods of nausea. You should avoid fatty, spicy or spicy food. For example, are suitable dry potatoes, bananas, rusks or clear soups. Coffee, alcohol and tobacco are not part of the diet if you are sick.
Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and Vomit are in most cases signs of a Gastrointestinal infectionmostly by certain Viruses is caused.
The problem with taking medication to treat nausea in this case is that the preparations often cannot stay in the digestive tract long enough to have an effect. The affected person vomits them again after too short a time.
Nausea and vomiting with a gastrointestinal infection usually pass by themselves again after a short time. However, nausea and vomiting can also have other causes, which is why these symptoms should be clarified by a doctor if they persist for a very long time or if they show no tendency to improve. Applied externally Home remediesSuch as pressing an acupressure point to relieve nausea or a warm cherry stone pillow on the stomach to relieve cramps can be tried.
Medicines for nausea in pregnancy
Nausea in pregnancy a very common problemthat many pregnant women suffer from. Medication should be avoided if possible and home remedies should be used first. However, not all home remedies are suitable for pregnant women. Are especially important in pregnancy lots of small mealsthat are spread over the day. This prevents nausea and is far more digestible for the body than eating fewer large meals a day. In addition, fatty, spicy and spicy foods should be avoided.
Since morning sickness occurs in pregnancy, it is advisable for the pregnant woman to eat easily digestible food such as a piece of rusk, a biscuit or a piece of crisp bread in the morning after waking up. Then she can lie down for a while before she gets up. This can prevent nausea in many cases, as the blood sugar level is raised directly in the morning before the pregnant woman becomes stressed.
Furthermore, the pregnant woman should exercise enough in the fresh air, drink enough and reduce stress factors.
If you are sick, you may smell or suck on one lemon help. Also Teas, for example peppermint tea, have a relaxing effect on the gastrointestinal tract due to their relaxing effect.
After all, some pregnant women benefit from having a certain one Acupressure point on the wrist press, which should help against nausea. There are also special bracelets available, which can be put on and lead to permanent stimulation of the acupressure point with an attached knob.
However, if all these measures do not improve the nausea, drug therapy can also be used. Safe in pregnancy for example, the H1 antihistamine applies Meclozin. In the central nervous system, it blocks certain docking points of the messenger substance histamine, which can trigger nausea. An alternative preparation from this group is Doxylamine.
Furthermore, the prokinetic Metoclopramide (MCP) can be used for nausea during pregnancy. It promotes faster gastrointestinal passage, but can also have serious side effects (Parkinson's-like symptoms).
If these drugs are not effective, other preparations can also be given, for example Promethazine, Odansetron or Glucocorticoids.
Read more about this under Nausea in pregnancy
Drugs for nausea in children
Nausea medication should be used in children only if absolutely necessary can be used. Nausea and vomiting are most common due to relatively harmless gastrointestinal infections and therefore usually go away on their own after a short time.
However, if medication is absolutely necessary, dimenhydrinate applies (Vomex®) as Means of choice in childhood. It is with children from 6kg body weight approved and can also be used as a Suppository or juice administered. Dimenhydrinate acts in the central nervous system on docking points of signal substances that promote nausea and vomiting and blocks them. This will reduce the symptoms.
Even with children, however, can initially Home remedies be tried, for example Teas. However, in the case of insatiable vomiting, a doctor should be presented as soon as possible, as the loss of fluid through vomiting can quickly become dangerous in children. The fluid and electrolyte balance must be balanced.
Read more about this under Vomiting in children
Chemotherapy drugs for nausea
At Chemotherapy nausea and vomiting are very common. This is why drugs against nausea are now part of the chemotherapy concept. Since most of the drugs used in chemotherapy can cause severe nausea, strong drugs are also used for nausea.
This includes the Serotonin receptor blockers (more precisely: 5-HT3 receptor antagonists), which block certain binding sites of the messenger substance serotonin in the central nervous system. Serotonin is one of the messenger substances that mediate nausea and vomiting. Accordingly, the 5-HT3 blockers are very potent anti-nausea agents. This group of active substances includes, for example Granisetron, Odansetron and Dolasetron. They are also commonly referred to as "setrons".
Additionally, often Steroids used, as these in combination also have anti-nausea properties. For example Dexamethasone.
Finally comes that too NK1 receptor blockers Aprepitant for use.
If these drugs don't work, other drugs can be given. For example Metoclopramide (MCP), Antihistamines (for example dimenhydrinate), Neuroleptics or BenzodiazepinesWith the last two classes of active ingredients, the focus is on calming the patient's mind. Depending on the type of chemotherapy and the substances used, the antiemetic therapy is chosen for the patient.
Read more about this under Chemotherapy side effects
Drugs for nausea after alcohol
No medication should be taken against nausea after drinking alcohol. In the case of the famous "hangover", more general measures are more suitable to make the symptoms more bearable. The symptoms usually go away on their own as the day progresses.
Above all, you should drink a lot of water. Herbal teas, for example peppermint or chamomile tea, have also proven effective for nausea. Going out into the fresh air is also beneficial to combat headaches and nausea.
If you can tolerate it, the so-called hangover breakfast can help the symptoms subside more quickly. Food that is particularly rich in nutrients is consumed. However, if you feel sick, you should start eating slowly and carefully.
Find out more about the topic here: Hangover after alcohol- what to do?
Over-the-counter medications for nausea
Numerous anti-nausea medications are available from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. These include, for example Antihistamines Diphenhydramine and dimenhydrinate, which are available in different dosage forms (tablets, suppositories, juice, chewing gum).
Also Preparations with ginger root and vitamin mixtures are available in the pharmacy against nausea and can be bought without a prescription. Metoclopramide (MCP), Setrone, neuroleptics, benzodiazepines and dexamethasone can only be purchased at the pharmacy upon presentation of a prescription.