Granufink® is a herbal medicine that is used to treat ailments caused by an enlarged prostate. These include, for example, increased urge to urinate at night, the product contains active ingredients based on pumpkin seeds and saw palmetto. The product is available for women with problems urinating Granufink femina®.
There are contradicting statements about the effectiveness of Granufink®. So far there is no clear evidence of the effectiveness through studies.
Indications for Granufink®
The indication for Granufink prosta® and Granufink prosta forte® are symptoms of urination in men due to an enlarged prostate gland (prostate). The symptoms can be expressed by an increased urge to urinate, especially nocturnal, a weak or trickling urine stream and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
However, since it is a herbal medicine without any scientific proof of benefit, there is no conventional medical justified indication for the symptoms described. A great many men suffer from the consequences of an enlarged prostate with increasing age. A urological check-up is indicated for every man over the age of 45 and is also covered by health insurance.
Through the examination, the doctor can determine whether there is a disease of the prostate that should be treated with conventional medical drugs or whether the intake of herbal preparations such as Granufink® can be tried. In some cases, additional diagnostic measures should be performed first. In any case, new or increasing problems with urination of any kind should be clarified by a medical examination.
In some cases, a malignant disease (prostate cancer) is also hidden behind the symptoms, which can often be treated well if it is recognized in time. It is therefore not advisable to take Granufink® if you have symptoms without consulting a doctor or an examination. According to the package insert, the indication for Granufink femina® is a hyperactive bladder (irritable bladder) in women, which causes symptoms.
However, it is also pointed out here that the product should only be taken after serious illnesses have been ruled out by a doctor. It is also mentioned that there is no medical indication based on scientific studies that prove the benefit. The recommended dose is based solely on long-term use for the area of application.
Bladder weakness
According to the package insert, Granufink® is used to strengthen or strengthen the bladder function. However, it is not known how the medicine works and for what form of bladder weakness it should be used. Granufink® is a traditional medicine that is only registered due to its long-term use.
There is therefore no proof of any benefit in bladder weakness. If there are complaints and an illness that requires treatment has been ruled out by a medical examination, an attempt can be made to alleviate the symptoms by taking Granufink®.
Read more on the subject below: Bladder weakness
Prostate enlargement
The most important disease due to which Granufink® is taken is benign prostate enlargement and the resulting symptoms. The prostate (prostate gland) is only present in men and produces part of the seminal fluid (ejaculate). With age, the organ naturally increases in size.
Since it surrounds the part of the urethra that is located within the body, it becomes narrower with increasing enlargement, which leads to discomfort when urinating and an increased urge to urinate (especially at night). By taking Granufink®, the prostate enlargement should be counteracted and the symptoms alleviated.
Read more on the subject below: Prostate enlargement
Active ingredient, effect
Granufink® contains plant extracts from pumpkin seeds and saw palmetto fruits as active ingredients. These are intended to counteract the growth and enlargement of the prostate gland and alleviate the associated discomfort when urinating. How exactly the effect should take place is not known.
This is due to the fact that the effect cannot be scientifically proven and, in contrast to conventional medicine, the mechanism of action cannot be explained. This also applies to the in Granufink femina® additional contained extracts from hop cones.
side effect
As with many herbal medicines, side effects from taking Granufink® are very rare. Mild gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, abdominal pain or diarrhea are most likely to occur. Significantly less frequent are allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to one of the active substances contained.
Such a reaction may include a rash and itching, for example. If side effects occur, Granufink should be discontinued. In the case of very pronounced side effects, a doctor should also be consulted.
Interactions with other medications are not to be feared if Granufink® is taken properly. The active ingredients contained have no influence on organ function and also do not lead to a change in the breakdown function of drugs in the liver.
Nevertheless, all medicines, including herbal products such as Granufink®, should be indicated to every doctor.This is especially true if the doctor wants to start a new medication or discontinue an existing one.
Clear counter-signs that Granufink should not be taken only exist if you are hypersensitive or allergic to one of the ingredients it contains. It is important, however, to see a doctor and have a doctor examine you if you have new or worsening symptoms that arise from the prostate or bladder.
In some cases there is a benign or malignant disease that should be treated early. If you do not visit the doctor and only try to alleviate the symptoms by taking Granufink®, complications and progression of the disease can threaten.
The recommended dosage for Granufink prosta® is three capsules a day, for example in the morning, at noon and in the evening. One capsule contains 400mg pumpkin seed powder and 320mg pumpkin seed oil. Granufink prosta forte® contains 500mg of pumpkin seed extract and should only be taken twice a day.
Women should take Granufink femina® three times a day. This product contains 227.3mg pumpkin seed oil, 56mg dry extract from sumac bark and 18mg dry extract from hop cones per capsule.
The price for a pack Granufink prosta® with 60 tablets is around 30 euros. A package Granufink prosta forte® contains 40 tablets and costs around 40 euros. The price of the product for women, Granufink femina®, is 30 euros. One pack contains 60 tablets. The prices can vary depending on the provider and it is worthwhile to compare.
In internet pharmacies, the price for Granufink® may be lower, but shipping costs are often added. Sometimes Granufink® is available at reduced prices.
Granufink® and alcohol - are they compatible?
Alcohol is basically compatible with the consumption of Granufink®. There are no direct interactions. However, the consumption leads to an increased urine production, so that urination symptoms and an increased urge to urinate can increase further. Anyone who has to go to the toilet more often at night due to an enlarged prostate must fear that the consumption of alcohol will exacerbate the symptoms.
In principle, excessive alcohol consumption is not recommended, as it can damage various organs such as the liver or the pancreas.
At this point you might also be interested in the following article: Effect of alcohol - influence on the various organs
Alternatives to Granufink®
In addition to Granufink®, various alternative herbal preparations are available that are intended to treat complaints such as frequent and nocturnal urination. This includes all products that contain extracts from pumpkin seeds, nettle root or saw palmetto fruits.
As a non-herbal alternative, various conventional medical drugs are available that have been proven to alleviate symptoms and, in some cases, also counteract the increasing enlargement of the prostate.
In the case of very pronounced complaints that may have already led to complications such as urinary retention or bladder infections, the only alternative is often a urological intervention. The prostate can either be peeled off through the urethra (transurethral resection of the prostate= TUR-P) or surgical removal of the entire prostate.
The following article may also be of interest to you: The surgical treatment of an enlarged prostate
Granufink prosta forte®
In contrast to Granufink prosta®, Granufink prosta forte® contains a higher active ingredient content of the pumpkin seed extract per capsule. Granufink prosta forte® also lacks the extract from saw palmetto fruits as a further active ingredient. In addition, it should only be taken two instead of three times a day.
There are no further differences between the two products of the manufacturer and the information given here regarding effect and area of application apply equally to both preparations. There is no evidence that Granufink prosta forte® can achieve a better effect than the original product.
Granufink femina®
Granufink femina® is a medicine that is specially offered to treat bladder weakness in women. In contrast to men, women do not have a prostate, which should be positively influenced by Granufink prosta®. There are many causes of bladder weakness in women. For example, weak pelvic floor muscles can occur after pregnancy and childbirth.
The most common symptoms of female bladder weakness are involuntary leakage of urine (Incontinence) and increased urination. The herbal active ingredients in Granufink femina® should help to alleviate the symptoms.
Pelvic floor exercises and bladder training can often also improve bladder function. However, if there are signs of a potentially serious illness such as urinary retention or bloody urine, a doctor should then be consulted at the latest.
Prescription only
Granufink® does not require a prescription and can be purchased freely. However, it is only available from a pharmacy and therefore cannot be bought in a drugstore, for example. The cost of the drug is not covered by statutory or private health insurance and must therefore be borne by the patient. The information relates to all Granufink® products, i.e. Granufink prosta®, Granufink prosta forte® and Granufink femina®.
Success evaluation by
In order to scientifically demonstrate the benefits of a drug, one needs large-scale studies that meet certain scientific criteria in order to meet general validity. For the products from Granufink® and comparable preparations based on pumpkin and saw palmetto, there is insufficient scientific evidence of a benefit in the case of complaints caused by an enlarged prostate or an overactive bladder.
However, since no negative effects are to be feared either, there is nothing to prevent you from trying the herbal product if you experience symptoms. Anyone who subjectively feels a sense of relief can safely take Granufink. Regardless of this, the recommendation applies that all men aged 45 and over should undergo regular prostate examinations, as in some cases serious complications threaten if a prostate disease is not recognized and treated in good time.