Pain in the buttock during pregnancy


The buttock describes the buttocks and parts of the pelvis and lower back. The buttock itself consists largely of large, powerful muscles. They serve to cushion the weight of the person sitting down and are useful for running and activities such as climbing stairs. The muscles are very strong and, when they are tense, mainly cause the thighs to stretch at the hips. If individual muscles in the buttock are paralyzed, walking is severely restricted.
Pain in the buttock doesn't just have to be muscular. During pregnancy in particular, the female body is exposed to additional stress in several ways. Often, pain is projected into the buttock, but originates in the thigh, hip, back, or genital area.


The pain in the buttock during pregnancy can be traced back to several anatomical structures. It is not uncommon muscle itself affected, of which the buttocks consist to a large extent. Like all other muscles in the body, the buttocks can also be under Sore muscles, strains, tension and hardening Suffer. Often these problems can be traced back to excessive strain or incorrect strain on the muscles. The muscles can be overwhelmed and painful at first, especially when they have just started sporting activities, for example jogging.
The movement that challenges the gluteal muscles the most is that Climb stairs. As the pregnancy progresses and the corresponding weight gain increases, the overall strain on the muscles is higher.
Muscle pain can also be attributed to sports accidents. Rapid turns can cause strains in muscles and tendons.

Besides the glutes you can also Nerve cords to be affected. Several nerves run from the lumbar spine to the legs, genitals, skin and other areas through the buttock. The nerves can be irritated and injured on their way through entrapment, cracks or pressure. In pregnancy are particular Irritation from increased pressure frequently.
Often during pregnancy the Sciatic nerve affected.
This poses an equally well-known problem Piriformis Syndrome in which a nerve is pinched by the piriformis muscle. Both diseases go with stabbing or pulling Pain in the buttock hand in hand.

Also the Spine itself can be the cause of the pain in the buttock during pregnancy. The lumbar spine is a common site of chronic back pain. During pregnancy, this pain is favored in several ways. Hormonal changes loosen the ligament and muscle structures that support and stabilize the spine and hips. At the same time, the additional stress caused by the growing child leads to tensile and compressive loads in the lower back and pelvis. All of this can cause pain, which can sometimes radiate to the buttock, groin or legs.

ISG blockage

The SIJ block is a blockage of the sacroiliac joint between the lower back and the hip. Muscles and ligaments block the freedom of movement and trigger the typical symptoms of an ISG blockade: pain.
During pregnancy, the release of hormones leads to the relaxation of various muscles and ligament structures in the body. This is said to favor childbirth, but is also predestined for injuries, pain and instability in joints. The therapy of an SI joint blockade consists of certain exercises, instructed by doctors, which are supposed to mobilize the joint.

Read more about this under: Dissolving an SIJ blockage, physiotherapy for SIJ complaints during pregnancy, exercises for SIJ complaints during pregnancy

Sciatica irritation

Colloquially, the pain caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve is called "sciatica" designated. In the technical language one speaks of a "Lumboischialgia". The sciatic nerve comes from the deep lumbar spine and runs through the buttocks to supply some muscles in the leg. Cause of lumbar sciatica is a mixture of different stresses during pregnancy. The weight load of the growing child is an important factor. The pressure from the growing uterus and the weakness of the gluteal muscle also promote sciatica irritation.
During pregnancy, light muscle exercises and stretches can relieve the nerve.Warmth and light movement also have a positive effect on nerve stimulation.
Read about this: Therapy of lumbar sciatica
After pregnancy, the symptoms often go away on their own. If not, medicinal and surgical measures can be considered.

Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome describes irritation of the sciatic nerve in the pelvis. The nerve runs through the pelvis, under the gluteal muscles, up to the legs, where it supplies various muscles. The syndrome gets its name from the piriformis muscle, which runs very close to the sciatic nerve and can exert pressure on it.
The causes of piriformis syndrome are numerous, but it is more common during pregnancy. This is mainly due to the pressure created in the pelvis by the growing uterus. This can quickly irritate the sciatic nerve. The pain can sometimes spread to the back and legs. As a rule, the symptoms should subside by the end of pregnancy at the latest.

For more information, read on: Piriformis Syndrome in Pregnancy.

Pain in the buttock during pregnancy from a wooden cross

A hollow back is created by the excessive tension in the lower back muscles. In the long term, the lower back arches forward strongly, which promotes pain and diseases of the spine. The hollow back is often reinforced during pregnancy. The abdomen bulges forward during pregnancy. So that the weight is not shifted too much, the back muscles are permanently tense. Targeted Muscle exercises and physiotherapeutic measures have to strengthen the abdominal muscles to counteract the hollow back.

Pain in the buttock during pregnancy due to weight gain

Weight gain often only becomes a problem for women in the last few weeks and months of pregnancy. By gaining weight and increasing Pressure in the pelvis the legs, hips and lower back are particularly stressed. Together with the hormonal changes during pregnancy, the weight gain puts a lot of strain on the hips and joints. The result is often pain in the buttock.


The pain as a leading symptom can express itself in many forms. Diffuse pain has to be differentiated from localized, punctiform pain. The type of pain also varies with the cause. This can be burning, stabbing, tearing or dull pain.

For local complaints, for example in the muscle, the pain can be provoked by pressure and movement. In particular, movements that strain the gluteal muscles are also restricted. This applies above all long runs and stairs. In the case of muscle complaints, in addition to the pain, a faster one can often also be achieved Fatigue determine. During pregnancy, this fatigue occurs more quickly due to the increased weight load.
Is the pain in the nerve or in move, other symptoms can join. If the nerve is affected, the pain is pulling and stabbing and spreads along the nerve cord towards the leg and spine. In the case of herniated discs or other diseases of the spine, there is sometimes a dull pain in the back. In emergencies it can Pain, tingling, and numbness in the legs come. In severe cases, paralysis of the legs is even possible.

Pain in the buttock during pregnancy up to the groin

A pain that extends from the buttock to the groin can indicate many causes. Even with nerve irritation, the pain often spreads and can pull along the groin into the leg. However, with pain of the outer groin must also be from joint diseases like the arthrosis or a Hip impingement be thought.
If the pain is deeper, there may also be diseases of the pelvis and genital organs. In the vast majority of cases, only Groin strains in front. However, if the pain persists for a long time, other causes should be clarified by a doctor.


Since severe or long-standing pain in the buttock during pregnancy could be due to causes that require therapy, a doctor should be consulted for clarification. With the help of a detailed questionnaire, the doctor can often narrow down the causes of the pain and discomfort based on the type, duration and circumstances. In addition, the doctor can palpate the affected area in order to discuss whether the pain can be triggered by pressure or movement. A palpation can also detect hardening of the muscles and inflammation in the muscle. In the latter, there is often externally noticeable redness and swelling.
A previous sporting activity, an injury or another potential trigger is also decisive for the diagnosis. Jerky movements can be thought of as having a muscular problem. Heavy lifting with subsequent pain suggests a disease of the intervertebral discs. In the case of a so-called “ISG blockade”, a typical “step into the void” is often the trigger.
Read more about this under: Slipped disc during pregnancy, exercises for a slipped disc during pregnancy

If a cause is suspected in the back, imaging tests can be used. Using MRI and CT scans, diseases of the spine and intervertebral discs can be identified and assessed more precisely.
Read more about this under: MRI in pregnancy - is it dangerous?


There are many treatment options for buttock pain during pregnancy. However, first and foremost, a detailed diagnosis must be carried out so that the correct cause can be treated.
During pregnancy, the hormonal changes in the body and the additional weight load in the pelvis can quickly cause pain. Before resorting to invasive measures in therapy, the changes after the end of pregnancy should be awaited.

If the muscle is injured, for example tension or torn muscle fibers, it is often only helpful to wait and see. Cooling and protection also have a supportive effect. So that the muscle can recover, at least the loads, for example the sport that triggered it, should be stopped.
Painkillers can also be taken during pregnancy to make the pain more bearable until the time of healing. However, during pregnancy, the dose of medication should be kept to a minimum. The pain reliever of choice in these cases is paracetamol. In the case of major injuries to the muscle, physiotherapeutic measures can then be taken to build up the muscle.
Read more about this under: Paracetamol in pregnancy

If the nerves are irritated, for example in the piriformis syndrome, the first priority is to take care of yourself. Physiotherapy and targeted stretching can help to relieve the nerve over the long term. If this does not relieve the pain and irritation of the nerve, the nerve can be numbed for a short or long term. Cortisone is used as an anti-inflammatory and a local anesthetic. Surgery to relieve the nerve is possible, but is rarely performed.
Read about this: Local anesthetics in pregnancy

Back complaints should first be treated with exercise therapy. The end of pregnancy should be awaited before invasive measures are chosen. In this case, the doctor should decide whether surgery is necessary. In the case of long-term complaints, the causal nerves can also be numbed or sclerosed by local anesthetics. This represents one of the last measures in treatment and it is no longer a causal but a symptomatic therapy.

Read more about pain in the right buttock in our article Pain in the right buttock.


The duration depends on the cause of the pain in the buttock during pregnancy. For the most part, the pain is mild Pulled muscles, sore muscles or tears in the muscles traced back. The muscle needs time to regenerate. The symptoms often go away within 3-5 days. However, the more severe the injury and damage to the muscle, the longer it will take to heal. In the case of tears in larger muscle parts, the healing time is a few weeks to months.

If the annoy in the buttocks, hips or back, the duration depends on the success of the treatment. The pain can often be explained by hormonal changes in the woman. With the birth and the end of the pregnancy, this pain should also subside. If not, therapy should be continued or intensified. If the nerve can be relieved, the symptoms can subside within a few days. Otherwise, they can become chronic and persist for months. Back pain can also become chronic, which means it lasts for more than 6 months.