Pain During Urination - Signs Of Pregnancy?

Painful urination and pregnancy

Pain when urinating is initially not a typical sign of pregnancy.
Increased pressure on the bladder from the growing belly leads to a frequent urge to urinate in pregnant women in the early months, and the person concerned has to urinate frequently. Even at night, pregnant women often have to go out when the pressure on the bladder becomes too great.

If, however, pain, which is often described as a burning sensation, occurs, this rather indicates a urinary tract infection. A urinary tract infection is inflammation of the urethra (urethritis) or inflammation of the urinary bladder (Cystitis), which is usually caused by bacteria.
Urinary tract infections are usually caused by intestinal bacteria. The bacteria can e.g. enter the urethra due to poor intimate hygiene or sexual intercourse. Hypothermia, stress or hormonal fluctuations can also promote a urinary tract infection. Due to the hormonal change or certain pregnancy hormones, there is a change in the properties of the urinary tract during pregnancy in the sense of an expansion of the structures.
The factors mentioned make it easier for the invading bacteria to multiply, so that the likelihood of a urinary tract infection increases. If there are signs of a urinary tract infection such as burning sensation when urinating and frequent urination during pregnancy, a doctor should always be consulted.
Some antibiotics can also be taken during pregnancy, but self-medication should be avoided in any case. In addition, care should be taken to drink enough (2-3 liters of water) and the bladder should be emptied frequently and completely.

If there is no adequate therapy, the infection can rise in the ureter and cause inflammation of the renal pelvis (Pyelonephritis) cause. The renal pelvis is the collecting basin for the urine in the kidneys, from where the collected urine reaches the bladder via the ureters. Renal pelvic inflammation is a serious disease that, in addition to permanent kidney damage, can, in the worst case, lead to premature birth or stillbirth in pregnant women.

Read more on the topic: Cystitis During Pregnancy

Signs of early pregnancy

The nine months of pregnancy are divided into thirds, with the first three months being called early pregnancy. In the first few weeks, the changes described can lead to an increased urge to urinate.
However, painful urination primarily indicates a urinary tract infection and not an early pregnancy.
However, the factors mentioned above can make it easier for a urinary tract infection to occur during pregnancy, which is accompanied by painful urination.
Pain when urinating indicates a urinary tract infection, which can occur more often during pregnancy, but is not a typical sign of early pregnancy in and of itself.

Pain in the abdomen and urination

Abdominal pain combined with painful urination are not typical signs of pregnancy. Rather, they point to a urinary tract infection or a bladder infection. Urinary tract infections can occur during pregnancy, but most of the time the women have noticed other or more specific signs of pregnancy such as chest pulling or missed periods. If there is unclear pain in the abdomen or pain when urinating, women are always advised to see a doctor.

Read more on the topic: Painful urination during pregnancy