Right lower abdomen pain
The abdomen, which is also known from ancient times as the pelvic viscera, is a non-specific term for the internal organs of the abdominal cavity such as the intestine or bladder and the sexual organs, for example the uterus or ovaries of women.
The region extends roughly from the hip bones to the navel.
Abdominal pain can have many causes, although the location of the pain does not necessarily have to be the location of the disease. So it happens that pain that occurs in the abdomen can radiate into the back or legs. But the reverse is also possible: diseases of organs of the upper abdominal cavity such as the gallbladder can cause pain in the abdomen. If you feel pain in your abdomen without any indication of the cause, let your doctor clarify it!
Pain, which is particularly noticeable in the right lower abdomen, can have different origins.
Below are some of the causes that can cause it. Of the Intestines fills the entire abdomen with about five meters. A common and serious cause of pain in the right lower abdomen is that Appendicitis.
The one for her typical pain usually do themselves first in the area of Stomach and des Upper abdomen noticeable and migrate from there to the bottom right. The pain is convulsive and the lower abdominal region on the right pressure sensitive.
In children, pain can also occur in the left abdomen appear. Often the pain is accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, Vomit, Loss of appetite, fever and a poor general condition.
Another emergency that requires immediate medical attention is the Intestinal obstruction. He can also get through stabbing right-sided abdominal pain accompanied by Stool retention and Vomit to make noticable.
Other causes of right-sided abdominal pain that can be caused by the intestines are Constipation, Inflammation of the colon, Irritable bowel disorders, Entanglements of intestinal parts, Infections with certain bacteria, Tumors, inflammatory bowel disease how Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis or one that is rare these days Intestinal tuberculosis be.
Also the stomach, which is located in the upper abdomen, can be secondary harmless symptoms cause in the right lower abdomen. So can irritation of the Stomach, Stomach ulcers as well as tumors causing pain in the right lower abdomen by radiation.
Likewise, the right upper abdomen below the liver located Gallbladder Cause pain in the right lower abdomen. It is often in interaction with other organs. Causes can Biliary colic - spasmodic contractions of the gallbladder lining or inflammation of the gallbladder, gallstones or a problem with the drainage of the bile.
Those affected are mostly in one poor general condition, with disorders of digestion and metabolism as well as the typically yellowish Discoloration of the skin or eyes.
Another cause of pain in the right lower abdomen can be something called a Inguinal hernia be. Organ parts protrude through an anatomically given gap in the groin region in the abdominal wall and can pass through Pinch off Cause pain.
These are clear more men affected.
Other ways that can be associated with pain in the right lower abdomen are Abscesses (Pus) im Lumbar muscle, Urinary tract infections or Adhesions in the right abdomen from previous operations.
In general, with Hardening of the abdominal wall such as Pain Simply by touching the abdomen, a doctor should be consulted, as it can be a serious emergency!
The symptoms are differently, depending on the triggering cause.
The pain can also take off convulsive to stabbing or pulling feel.
The pain in the right lower abdomen is often accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the underlying disease.
These range from Bleeding, Convulsions, nausea, Vomit up to fever, constipation or diarrhea.
In the case of pain in the right lower abdomen, where and how the pain feels, whether or not it is important one or both sides occur in one place, or spread to other parts of the body.
The pain can also be more likely than one Burn be felt.
If you're not sure what might be behind your abdominal pain, go to the doctor.
Because abdominal pain, whether right or left, can be an indication of a so-called acute abdomen be.
You should go to the doctor if the Pain persists, but even increases, more symptoms like nausea, Vomit or fever step in, your abdominal wall feels hard and tense and Blood in the stool or in urine can be found.
A fast pulse and pronounced dizziness should also be taken seriously because it could be an impending one shock because of a internal bleeding act.
The doctor will advise you in detail Kind of pain question in the abdomen and then do a physical exam with Palpation of the lower abdomen make.
Additionally can Urine or stool samples on blood, bacteria or Signs of inflammation to be examined, Blood tests or Trade-offs carried out from body orifices such as the vagina or urethra.
Women in childbearing age should attend an investigation Gynecologist undergo and if necessary one pregnancy test have it done.
In some cases the doctor will ask you to pictorial representation of the abdominal and pelvic organs by means of Ultrasonic to make.
If the pain in the right lower abdomen is suspected of being a disease of the Intestine, the intestinal tract can have a Colonoscopy must be carefully examined.
If no cause for the right-sided abdominal pain can be found, the doctor can, if necessary, provide a Laparoscopy be performed. This is a small one surgical intervention, in which optical devices are inserted into the abdominal cavity for examination. If changes are found in the organs, these can be corrected immediately during the procedure.
Depending on the trigger root cause for the pain in the right lower abdomen, different measures are used.
Immediate action by means of surgery Is at the Testicular torsion, of the Appendicitis and the Ectopic pregnancy necessary.
For abdominal pain due to Menstrual period can Hot water bottles, Abdominal massages, Relaxation baths or Herbal teas help. Antispasmodic drugs should only short term can be used.
At bacterial inflammation, how Urinary tract infections or one Prostate inflammation you should get one antibiotic get a prescription from your doctor.
Abdominal pain during pregnancy
Pain in the right lower abdomen during a pregnancy, naturally put a pregnant woman in fear and worry, especially for her unborn child.
But rest assured, not all ailments are dangerous, most of them are quite normal. In the Early pregnancy, speak im first trimester of pregnancy, pain in the right abdomen is not uncommon.
These are made possible by the Growth of the embryo caused. Ligaments, muscles and organs are stretched and the connective tissue loosened. The uterus begins through the Pregnancy hormones to make room for the growing baby.
The pain occurs more often in the right lower abdomen in appearance, as the uterus in most cases to the right tends as the baby gets bigger. So don't worry, it is a completely harmless and natural process.
You should take it seriously, however, if the pain in the right lower abdomen is up to 12th week of pregnancy of strong Cramping or bleeding to be accompanied. See a doctor right away because it may be one impending miscarriage act!
Additionally occurs a tense abdominal wall, this can be an indication of a Ectopic pregnancy be.
This is also one medical emergency and you should see a doctor immediately.
In the Late pregnancy, speak from the 20th week of pregnancy can Pain in the abdomen and vaginal bleeding Be an indication of a premature detachment of the placenta supplying the fetus.
Bleeding and premature labor can be a threatening Premature birth to announce. A doctor should be consulted immediately with this symptom!
in the last trimester of pregnancy there is again harmless causes for pain in the right lower abdomen, but also serious complications. The pain occurs after the 37th week of pregnancy on, it is a completely natural process.
By spasmodic contraction the uterine muscles, the so-called Labor painsthe beginning of the forthcoming birth is initiated.
However, pain in the right lower abdomen can occur between the 23rd and 37th week of pregnancy indicate that the fetus is preparing too quickly for the birth and thus the impending premature birth. It could be a false alarm, but still, please don't hesitate to seek medical advice!
Other complications during pregnancy that can lead to right abdominal pain are one Disorder of the mother cake and thus the nutrient supply of the unborn child or a so-called Uterine tear.
Abdominal pain in women
The most common pain in a woman's right lower abdomen is called menstrual cramps, which is caused by the menstrual period.
Menstrual pain is something completely normal and occurs when the uterus contracts.
The pain is mostly of a pulling, cramp-like character and can radiate into the back, thighs or labia.
At the time of ovulation, around two weeks before your period, you may experience pain in your abdomen or back. These are completely natural processes in the so-called menstrual cycle, the regulating cycle of menstrual bleeding in women. Even so, some women can experience more severe abdominal pain when they ovulate.
Read more on the topic: Ovulation pain
Another common cause that causes abdominal pain and affects significantly more women is cystitis. Because the urethra is much shorter than that of men, germs can more easily penetrate the bladder in women, causing inflammation and the associated abdominal pain.
Typical symptoms are frequent, painful urination in small amounts of urine.
Diseases of the female genital organs also cause pain in the right abdomen of women. Small ovarian cysts, often twisting on themselves, can rarely cause pain in the right lower abdomen. However, these are usually not in need of treatment.
In the case of endometriosis, which are benign parts of the uterine lining in other parts of the body, such as the small pelvis, there can also be severe pain and stinging in the abdomen.
Since the mucous membrane in the wrong place is real skin of the uterus, it is also subject to the influence of female sex hormones and thus the menstrual cycle, which is why bleeding can occur in the abdominal cavity, where the scattered parts are.
If germs rise from the vagina into the ovaries and fallopian tubes, they can cause inflammation and thus pain in the right lower abdomen. These are then often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as discharge, spotting or nausea.
Sexually active women are often affected. These infections, usually caused by bacteria, should be treated with an antibiotic, which is why you should see a doctor immediately.
If a fertilized egg does not implant itself in the uterus intended for it, but in the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube, this can lead to a medical emergency, known as an ectopic pregnancy. This can lead to pain in the right lower abdomen, bleeding, and infection. A threatening complication is a rupture, a rupture of the fallopian tube. Therefore it is essential to consult a doctor!
Abdominal pain in men
If men have pain in the right lower abdomen, the cause is often in the area of the male reproductive organs how Testicles or prostate.
The reason can also be in one Urinary tract infection and thus one Cystitis often painful urination, but this is far less common in men than in women. However, the germs can move in from the bladder Testicles and Epididymis go up and there one inflammation cause, which is why a cystitis medication with a antibiotic should be treated.
A Inflammation of the prostate, the male prostate gland, which is roughly the size of a chestnut and surrounds the urethra in a ring, can cause pain in the abdomen and urination.
It is usually a bacterial inflammation, which is why going to the doctor is necessary to find a suitable one antibiotic to get a prescription.
A at Children A frequent medical emergency that can cause pain in the right lower abdomen is a so-called Testicular torsion. This is a Twisting of the testicle around its cord, which can lead to the death of the testicle within hours due to the blocked blood supply.
If you suspect that it may be a torsion of the testicle, take your child to the doctor immediately, otherwise if left untreated this will lead to Loss of the testicle!
Also Cancers in the area of the male genitals can cause pain in the abdomen. At the Testicular cancer there is initially a painless Increase in size of the testicle, which later leads to the displacement of surrounding structures and can cause pain in the abdomen. The most common type of cancer in older men, prostate cancer, makes itself felt relatively late due to abdominal pain as well painful and difficult urination, noticeable through the narrowing of the urethra.
Pain in the lower abdomen on the left
If the pain occurs in the left lower abdomen The same causes come into consideration as with right-sided abdominal pain.
There are also other possible causes such as a so-called Diverticulitis (Inflammation of small bulges in the area of the large intestine due to mostly stuck feces and the associated settlement of bacteria). The pain in the left lower abdomen is from here burning, pulling and convulsive character accompanied by Flatulence, diarrhea or the opposite constipation.
In addition, certain diseases of organs further away can cause pain in the left lower abdomen through radiation, including: Heart attack, lung infection, Diabetes mellitus or one Pelvic inflammation.