
Synonyms in a broader sense

Latin name: Asparagus officinalis

Common names: Sponge root, asparagus

Family: Asparagus plants

Plant description

The asparagus plant is anchored in the ground with a woody rhizome with thick root fibers. In spring sprouts as thick as a finger, our favorite Vegetable asparagus. If they are not harvested the stems will be up to 1m long, form small, elongated leaflets and later small, greenish white flowers. From this form in the fall Red berries. This is also known as Coffee substitute utilized.

Heyday: July to August

Occurrence: The asparagus came from the Orient to us to Europe and is today in great Cultures to generate Vegetable asparagus cultivated.

Plant parts used medicinally

The root.


Asparagine, arginine, asparagose, saponins

Effect and application

The ingredients of the vegetable asparagus increase the cell activity in the Kidneys and promote the Water excretion. There is also an easy one laxative Effect before and so the asparagus is generally known as the so-called "Blood cleansers". For medicinal purposes, the root used and mostly mixed with others diuretic Drugs. The asparagus root alone is not used.

As a home remedy, asparagus root tea is mainly used for problems in Kidneys and urinary tract, Urinary retention and also at rheumatism and gout. A decoction made from asparagus root is also found at Blemishes for envelopes use.


Asparagus root tea is prepared as follows: 2 heaped teaspoons of asparagus root are poured over ¼ l of cold water. The whole thing is heated to a boil and strained. Two cups a day are recommended. For one too envelope this decoction is suitable for blemishes.

Combination with other medicinal plants

Often you mix them up Asparagus root with another diuretic drug equal parts. The following are possible: Birch leaves, Bean shells, Dandelion root, Parsley root, Juniper berries or Horsetail, to name just a few. These drugs are often used for ready-made tea blends. At Urinary tract infections it is advisable to mix drugs against bacteriabacteria are effective, such as Bearberry leaves or Horseradish root.

Side effects

You need in normal dosage no side effects to fear.

Phytopharmaceuticals in Germany

The list of the best-selling herbal preparations led by far the ginkgo:

  1. ginkgo
  2. Johannis herbs
  3. Devil's claw
  4. Horse chestnuts
  5. artichoke
  6. Milk thistle
  7. Nettle
  8. Umckaloabo
  9. Hawthorn
  10. ivy

A list of all medicinal herbs / medicinal plants that we have already published can be found under: Medicines A-Z.