Causes of inflammation of the pancreas
Different causes of pancreatitis
To the causes of the emergence of a Inflammation of the pancreas to identify one has to distinguish what kind of illness it is.
The acute and the chronic Inflammation of pancreatitis can be triggered by several different causes.
Biliary tract disease
The acute form can have several causes, often are Gallstonesthat the execution path in the Duodenum block responsible for inflammation. In the course of this, various enzymes get out of the cells and damage the tissue and this triggers an increased permeability of the cell membranes. Since the execution of the Gallbladder together with the execution of the pancreas in the duodenum (Duodenum) ends, there is a connection here. If the execution path, the so-called Common bile duct, by Gallstones is misplaced, there is not only a backlog of the bile fluid but also a backlog of the pancreatic secretion inflammation. Also the narrowing of the mouth in the Duodenum (Papilla vateri) causes a build-up of digestive juices 45 percent makes this cause the lion's share of all pancreatitis (Pancreatids) out.
The abuse of alcohol makes about 35 percent of the cases responsible for pancreatitis. Most of the time it is chronic pancreatitis.
In general, dangerous alcohol consumption among women is between 40 to 80g Alcohol per day, for men between 60 to 120g per day. We are talking about pure alcohol in beverages. A glass of beer makes up 13g of alcohol, a glass of wine already contains 16g of alcohol. With regular alcohol consumption, you have quickly exceeded the limit. Nevertheless, clinical studies show that alcohol is only considered to be in 10% of known cases sole Cause applies.
Wear in most patients other factors contributes to the development of chronic pancreatitis. Also the excessive consumption of nicotine can promote inflammation of the pancreas. In contrast to alcohol consumption, this is true Smoke as an independent trigger.
Idiopathic pancreatitis
In approximately 15 percent in the cases there is no apparent cause.
Inherited pancreatitis
In rare cases, the cause of the Inflammation of the pancreas also be genetic.
Here is a so-called autosomal - dominant inheritance in front. The mutation is therefore on one of the chromosomes that are not responsible for determining sex.
With a dominant inheritance, it is sufficient to have one mutated variant of the gene on a chromosome. Humans have two identical versions of each chromosome. In addition, of course, to the sex chromosomes X and Y.
About two percent of pancreatides are caused by drugs. Dehydration drugs come into question here (Diuretics), Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors against high blood pressure, but also Antibiotics and anti-epileptic drugs can cause this.
Patients who suffer from the so-called Hyperparathyroidism with increased Calcium levels, a regulatory disorder of Parathyroid, suffer, are far more likely to develop one in the course of their lives chronic pancreatitis, as healthy people. This statement is justified by the fact that those formed in the parathyroid gland Hormones are essential for maintaining normal calcium levels increased calcium content in turn, it can be the cause of inflammation of the pancreas.
Rarer causes
To this Causes of Inflammation of the pancreas for example include viral Infections or an endoscopic (i.e. from the inside) examination called ERCP. This is a method to, among other things Gallstones to remove or to stretch the papilla vateri (see above).
Pancreatic cancer
A tumor can also compress the drainage pathways and thus cause secretions to back up.
Further information on this topic can be found at: Pancreatic cancer
Pancreatitis as a result
All of these triggering factors then activate the following cascade:
First there is the training of Edema (Swelling caused by water retention), which Cell damage cause. The resulting release of various enzymes is created Pain and the Inflammation of the pancreas (Pancreatitis).
Chronic pancreatitis causes
For the Emergence one chronic pancreatitis (chronic pancreatitis) is there multiple causes and it is not always possible to clearly define the reason for such a disease.
In about 70 % of the cases it may be related to long lasting Alcohol abuse chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreas) come.
For this Mechanism of origin it was found that in the affected patients the daily alcohol consumption on average at more than 150 g over a period of 6 to 12 years amounted to. However, it cannot be assumed that long-term alcohol consumption alone is the cause of the development of a chronic pancreatitis serves. Clinical studies show that alcohol is the sole cause in only 10% of known cases. In most patients, other factors contribute to the development of chronic pancreatitis.
It can also be seen that the Enjoyment of tobacco products a clear one Risk factor is. In contrast to alcohol consumption, this is true Smoke as an independent trigger.
A special form of chronic pancreatitis (chronic pancreatitis) is the so-called hereditary autosomal dominant pancreatitis. This hereditary disease occurs particularly frequently in the Childhood up and bring a bursts occurring acute inflammation with itself. Sooner or later, these acute flare-ups lead to the development of a chronic pancreatitis With self-digesting, inflammatory Die of Glandular tissue. The cause is one mutation in one genewhich for self-activation (Auto-activation) different Digestive enzymes leads.
In about 15 % of the known cases of illness no recognizable root cause for pancreatitis, one speaks here of so-called idiopathic causes.
Also seem different drug in connection with the development of chronic pancreatitis (chronic pancreatitis) to stand. These drugs include Diuretics, so drugs that the Urinary excretion increase through the kidneys. Also Beta blockersused to treat high blood pressure and the coronary artery disease used can promote chronic inflammatory processes within the pancreas. In addition, the intake of ACE inhibitors, Cytostatics, some antibiotics and drugs against epilepsy as a risk factor.
Patients who suffer from the so-called Hyperparathyroidism With increased calcium levels, a regulatory disorder of the parathyroid gland, suffer from chronic pancreatitis far more often in the course of their life than healthy people. This statement is justified by the fact that the hormones formed in the parathyroid gland are essential for maintaining normal calcium levels increased calcium content in turn can root cause one Inflammation of the pancreas be.
Ultimately, a number of genetic factors can also have a positive effect on the development of this disease.