Digestive problems
Synonyms in the broader sense
Indigestion, constipation, gas, stomach pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting
English: digestive problems
Digestive disorders are a group of disorders affecting the digestive system.
these can
- more mechanical or
- chemical causes to have.
The most common symptoms in indigestion are nauseaVomiting, diarrhea, constipation, cramping pain and food intolerances. Various medical conditions can lead to these symptoms.
You can find more information on digestion and bowel movements on our website bowel movement.
Causes of Digestive Problems
Allergies can be caused, among other things, by a reduced detoxification capacity in the liver or a perforated intestine. You can also get into debt due to harmful chemicals in everyday life. Especially when combined with bad eating habits and a lack of nutrients and exercise. Both diarrhea (Diarrhea) as well as constipation can be an allergy symptom that leads to digestive problems.
Carcinomas in the area of the papilla also interfere with digestion. For more information on this topic, the editors recommend the following article: Optic disc carcinoma
An inflammation in the esophagus (esophagitis) is usually not dangerous. Acute inflammation in the small intestine, including acute catarrh in the small intestine (Acute enteritis) called, can be caused by bacteria and viruses and lead to digestive problems. Symptoms include diarrhea, attacks of stomach pain, and high temperature. Appendicitis causes pain and hypersensitivity in the right abdominal region, intermittent bowel movements, nausea, mild fever, vomiting, and hypersensitivity that occurs when the affected area is pressed and then released. If inflammation in the appendix is suspected, the appendix is surgically removed as soon as possible.
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Candida albicans
The yeast Candida exists naturally in the intestinal system, interacts well with beneficial intestinal bacteria and is regulated by microorganisms. However, when the gut contains the wrong types of bacteria, the fungus can grow unchecked and cause digestive problems. A diet high in yeast, sugar, and dairy products can make the problem even worse, in that the Candida fungus thrives on these foods. It damages the intestines and causes quite serious symptoms and complications.
Excessive use of antibiotics, cortisone, too much sugar, poor diet, birth control pills or exposure to heavy metals - can result in fungal growth that ultimately perforates the intestines. This can cause particles from the intestines that would normally have been eliminated with stool to enter the blood instead. The immune system becomes inundated with all the foreign objects, and it ends up developing allergies. As the Candida grows, one has a great urge for the things on which the fungus lives, e.g. sweet things, white yeast bread, dairy products and alcohol.
Irritable stomach and bowel syndrome
Irritable stomach and Irritable bowel syndrome are the most common forms of digestive problems and the main reason to see a doctor. About 25 to 30 Percent of the population, predominantly women, suffer from so-called “functional gastrointestinal complaints”. This term was chosen because the digestive system no longer functions properly, although no organic disease can be found.
Both diseases can be triggered by infection, medication, food, and persistent stress be. Obesity, Sedentary lifestyle and alcohol consumption can also disrupt the natural functioning of the digestive system and trigger digestive problems. Irritable stomach and irritable bowel appear alone or together and usually severely limit the quality of life. With both diseases, recurrent pain occurs in the digestive tract.
The irritable stomach is also called "functional dyspepsia" designated. One of the main causes is hypersensitivity of the Nervous system in the upper gastrointestinal tract, which in turn can have psychological reasons. Digestive problems in the stomach and small intestine that recur for more than three months are typical: a feeling of pressure and fullness after eating, the feeling of being full after a few bites and pain in the upper abdomen.
In the case of an irritable stomach, there is also often unpleasant belching and heartburn, the causes of which can be either over or under acidification. Irritable bowel syndrome is also known as "irritable bowel syndrome". As in the case of an irritable stomach, emotional or psychological problems can also disrupt the function of the so-called abdominal brain - which can also lead to numerous complaints: severe pain and Spasms in the abdomen, Flatulence, Diarrhea, and constipation or unusual bowel movements. These symptoms limit the patient's lifestyle considerably, which leads to further stress that increases the symptoms again, as if in a vicious circle.
The acidity as a cause of digestive problems, so a lack of Stomach acid, plays a special role in the elderly who suffer from indigestion. The reason: The most important digestive hormone - the "Gastric motor“Gastrin - is no longer produced in sufficient quantities. This leads to a reduced secretion of gastric acid (hydrochloric acid), which plays a central role in the digestive processes in the stomach. The symptoms are similar to those of hyperacidity: heartburn, belching and pain in the upper abdomen. Those affected can notice their acidic acidity if the often hasty treatment with an acid inhibitor like Omeprazole or Pantoprazole does not show the desired success in the long term.
Diarrhea (diarrhea)
diarrhea is not a disease in itself, but a sign of physical stress caused by other food, bacterial, parasite, fungal and viral infections, various poisonings, side effects of medicine, physical and psychological stress or a reaction from time differences during longer trips can be caused. In connection with travel, digestive problems in the form of diarrhea can also be caused by a food infection from bacteria or from viruses that can spread epidemically.
Diverticulum (diverticulum)
Weak spots in the walls of the intestine can give in to the pressure of food and the air in the intestine, creating small pockets in which food penetrates and gets stuck and causes digestive problems. Both food and stool can lie in such bulges and rot, and inflammation, Diverticulitis and stomach pain arise. There is often talk of a large number of diverticula. The putrefactive bacteria that thrive in these diverticula produce toxins that can cause a variety of ailments. Most intestinal diverticula sit in the Large intestine. They can also be found in the esophagus, stomach and in Small intestine arise. The symptoms include bad breath.