Toothache after drilling
After drilling the tooth it can happen that the tooth suddenly causes pain.
You usually only notice this when the local anesthesia subsides and the feeling comes back.
There are several reasons for this phenomenon. For the patient, the pain is great unpleasant, but pain relievers that numb the pain for a while often help with toothache.
If this condition persists for several days without improvement, another visit to the dentist should follow to eliminate the cause.
The most common reason for drilling the tooth is that Removal of a carious area, which is then filled. Depending on the size of the Caries it may also be necessary to incorporate a crown. It is then possible that the toothache will reappear after the anesthesia has subsided. There are numerous founde therefor. Since drilling the Tooth nerve irritates, it is not unlikely that pain will persist for some time after treatment. This is not uncommon, especially when the drilling was very deep and the filling or crown is close to the tooth cavity, called the pulp. In the worst case, drilling the Pulp injuredt and it could be there Invade bacteria. The metabolic products of the bacteria then cause pain. One of the most common causes of Bite pain is when the tooth is compared to the other Teeth closed high has been restored (restored). The tooth is heavily stressed or overloaded when chewing. He starts to hurt.
In addition, it can happen that the tooth and the filling material do not bond well or one Plastic filling contracts. Then a Space between the tooth and the filling. This "springs" the filling and releases a permanent one Irritation of the nerve out. For all of these reasons, one should Elimination of causes Have top priority. The permanent irritation of a tooth triggers one Inflammation of the roots (pulpitis) out. This causes further costly treatments. Other possible reasons represent a intolerance compared to the one used material or the Damage to the oral mucosa by the instruments used.
Other accompanying symptoms
Very typical symptoms after drilling a tooth Chewing painwhich will be described later in the article. In addition, there is often a increased sensitivity to hot and cold to feel. This thermal stimuli trigger a pain. But there are a number of other symptoms that come with it. Often times the treated tooth is pressing and it feels like it is too high stand. This is not unusual as the body has to get used to the new situation for a few days.
Furthermore, from time to time a Redness or even one Inflammation of the gums on. The trigger for this can be a Contact allergy by the used material be. But here would also be one Sensitivity to UV rays to think about when laying one Plastic filling a UV lamp is used. This means that part of the gums is also exposed, which can then become red and painful.
What to do?
You can try to treat the pain yourself for two or three days. In addition, pain requires treatment (is pathological). The cause should be found and eliminated by the practitioner. Pain relievers like ibuprofen and paracetamol can help here at times (see: Ibuprofen for toothache). It is also very often reported that cold and chewing cloves have a soothing effect. Depending on the cause, rinsing with chamomile or another disinfecting agent can also help with complaints of the gums.
If these measures do not work, the dentist should be visited again. Grinding in or replacing the previously fabricated restoration helps here. Sometimes the inflammation cannot be stopped without treatment. Then the only way to save the tooth is through a root canal treatment. In most cases this will preserve the tooth.
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Duration - how long?
It is quite normalthat after drilling on a tooth initially toothache occur. Using Pain pills or home remedies these usually subside after a short time. The Duration is from patient to patient differently, but after about two to three days should be a improvement to adjust. If this is not the case, one should dentist after sat the latest one week visit again. Otherwise, the symptoms can increase significantly and a Root canal inflammation trigger. In the worst case, this leads to pus formation.
Toothache after a filling
Often step after one Tooth filling Pain on. The causes have already been described above. In most cases that is Restaurationn after treatment too high. This creates early contact and when the jaw closes, the tooth meets its opponent before everyone else. At the beginning this is less of a problem.However, if this condition persists for a long time, pain occurs. The reason for this is the chronic overload of the tooth. The too high proportion should be removed by the dentist so that afterwards there is even tooth contact. If this doesn't relieve the pain, replacing the filling may help.
Also a leaky filling edge or one shrunk filling trigger these sensations. There is an intensification of pain especially at night instead of. This is due to the lying position and a warming of the cheek when lying on it. The warmth leads to an increased Inflammation mediatorRelease, whereby the Pain stimulus is perceived more intensely. Something similar can be felt at increased outside temperatures.
Toothache on the nerve
If the drilling is very deep because of an extensive carious lesion, the cavity is located in the dentin covered by the enamel (dentin), i.e. very close to the tooth cavity (pulp) and thus on the dental nerve. This can be problematic if there is still tooth decay there. For a long-lasting restoration, the drilled cavity must be free of caries. Otherwise it can get under it Secondary caries and attack the dental nerve. The dentist must now decide which type of treatment is best. The treatment of choice is called capping. A distinction is made between direct and indirect capping. The indirect method is used when directly above the pulp another thin layer Dentine is available. It then becomes a drug in the form of a containing calcium hydroxide Cement applied and the cavity closed. This stimulates a new one Dentine formation (tertiary dentine) on. Sometimes the tooth has to be reopened after several weeks and the residual caries removed before the final closure follows.
However, if the pulp is opened in a punctiform manner, a direct capping must take place immediately. In doing so, the bleeding is included Hydrogen peroxide breastfed and then put a drug over it. Then the final filling takes place. This method is more promising, the younger the patient and the smaller the affected area. It is also advantageous if there is no longer any caries at the opening. In the best case, there is no pain after the treatment. If the pain does not subside or it deteriorates, the dentist should be visited again and a root canal treatment performed.
Treatment without anesthesia
Some patients insist on going through dental treatment without anesthesia. This can be useful in certain situations. For example, if the caries is only very superficial in the enamel. However, as soon as that Dentine is affected by tooth decay, living and therefore pain-sensitive tissue is affected. This can cause pain when drilling. Initially, the pain is felt more strongly after the treatment than if you had an anesthetic. This may be due to the stress caused by drilling during treatment. So it is more of a subjective feeling than an actual amplification of pain. However, the uncomfortable feeling disappears just as quickly as the pain after drilling with anesthesia.
Toothache when chewing
Especially when chewing, it can sometimes feel very uncomfortable after drilling. Then there is talk of "chewing pain". They feel like a very strong pull that spreads into the bone. It occurs when hard food is consumed and lasts for a short time. Even thermal Stimuli, like very hot or cold food, can cause pain. It feels like it is "pulling" in the tooth. This increased sensitivity is caused by an irritated (“angry”) tooth nerve. Usually these sensations pass after a few days, there is no deterioration.
Read more on this topic at: Toothache when chewing
Throbbing pain
If the toothache persists without a break and then there is a throbbing, this is an indication of one irreversible pulpitis (not irreversible inflammation of the nerves). Pulpitis is the inflammation of the tooth nerve. A distinction is made between reversible and irreversible pulpitis. The hallmark of reversible inflammation (reversible nerve inflammation) is the triggering of pain in response to a certain stimulus (pressure or cold). There is the possibility of healing there, sometimes even without further intervention. However, if it is a irreversible pulpitis is a tooth rescue only by one Root canal treatment because the inflamed nerve is removed here.