Figure duodenum
- Duodenum -
Duodenum - Pancreas -
Pancreas - Small intestine -
Intestine tenue - Jejunum -
Jejunum - Right kidney -
Ren dexter - Gallbladder - Vesica biliaris
- Liver - Hepar
- Stomach - Guest
- Duodenum
descending part -
Duodenum pars
descending - Duodenum
upper part -
Duodenum pars
superior - Gastric gate muscle -
Pyloric sphincter muscle - Section of the stomach near the gatekeeper -
Gaster pars pylorica - Large duodenal papilla -
Major duodenal papilla - Duodenum
lower part -
Duodenum pars
inferior - Duodenum
ascending part -
Duodenum pars
ascending - Duodenal
Jejunum junction -
Duodenojejunal flexure - Jejunum -Jejunum
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