What can I eat if I have an inflammation of the stomach lining?
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is a disease that affects more and more people. Due to various causes, the The gastric mucosa is acutely or chronically irritated and inflamedcausing upper abdominal symptoms such as pain, bloating and heartburn. However, these complaints can be alleviated by the right diet and the healing of the gastric mucosal inflammation promoted. An inflammation of the gastric mucosa should always be treated with medication, but a healthy diet is an important addition to the therapy. The avoidance of so-called is of central importance Noxious substances. This includes Coffee, nicotine and alcohol. Deliberately avoiding these foods can also lead to inflammation of the stomach lining prevented become.
Those affected often ask themselves: “What am I allowed to do with a Inflammation of the stomach lining eat? ”Basically there is food, so-called Noxious substances, which additionally irritate the stomach and also stimulate gastric acid production. These increase the symptoms and delay the healing process. Others, on the other hand, have a positive effect on the symptoms of gastric mucosal inflammation and can support healing. This applies to both solid foods and beverages. The number of meals and the amount of food consumed also play a role in symptom control. The following article should help to answer the question “What can I eat if I have gastric mucosal inflammation?”.
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa - what can I eat?
At a Inflammation of the lining of the stomach there are a number of foods that one should prefer. There are some basic principles when it comes to the question “What can you eat?”. For one thing, you should low acid foods consume that are gentle on the stomach. Also low fat food is better for inflammation of the gastric mucosa than high-fat. In addition, they are full-fledged and high fiber foods to recommend.
Care should be taken to spread the stomach mucosa throughout the day lots of small meals to be consumed in large quantities at once. The food should also always be chewed well. Fruits and vegetables can still be part of the diet as long as they are not high in acid. Low acidity fruit are e.g.
- Apples
- Melons
- Bananas
- grapes
Different types of vegetables are also not a problem if you have gastric mucosal inflammation:
- Green salad
- Zucchinis
- Leek vegetables
- Peas
- Carrots
- fennel
When it comes to the question “What can you eat?”, Carbohydrates play an important role. To meet the need for carbohydrates have become Potatoes and rice proven to be kind to the stomach. You should be careful to cook the potatoes and rice until they are soft and thus relieve the stomach of digesting work. Bread and rolls, on the other hand, are less recommended. If you want to eat baked goods, you should ensure that they are whole. White bread or toast is unsuitable for this, rather they are Multi-grain or whole-grain bread first choice. Whole oatmeal with low-fat milk has proven to be a good breakfast for those with gastric mucosal inflammation.
What should not be missing when answering the question “What should I eat if I have gastric mucosal inflammation?” yogurt. Probiotic yogurt has a calming effect on the lining of the stomach and helps to build up a protective film against the acid. Basically, you should also make sure to prepare the food in such a way that it is easier to digest. So you can grate fruit and vegetables before consumption or process potatoes into pulp. When it comes to the right drink, there is still silence water optimal. In addition, there are also low-acid teas such as chamomile on. There are also people who avoid solid food for a few days at the onset of an acute gastric mucosal inflammation. However, if the symptoms allow it, the above-mentioned foods are not a problem.
Obesity is basically a risk factor for the development of stomach problems. Therefore, weight reduction often helps healthy and low-calorie dietTo prevent stomach problems.
What should i avoid?
In the case of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the course of the disease and the symptoms can be negatively influenced by the wrong foods or luxury foods. The most important measure to prevent or relieve inflammation of the lining of the stomach is to stop Nicotine, alcohol and coffee.
Basically, should be high on food Fat content or high acid content be waived. These promote the formation of stomach acid and have an inflammatory effect. It should be on Meat and products containing meat should be avoided during gastric mucosal inflammation, as they have the strongest effect on gastric acid. Especially smoked or cured products have a negative effect on healing the inflammation. Cold cuts should also be replaced with another topping. Fatty dairy products, including cream and cheese, are also not recommended. Mold cheese or camembert in particular should be avoided. Other foods that should be avoided in the case of gastric mucosal inflammation are spicy and very spicy foods. Pepper, Tabasco or Chilli, but also too much salt can lead to increased symptoms. When it comes to the question “What should you avoid?”, You should of course also mention any kind of fast food such as hamburgers, French fries or ready-made products from the freezer. They contain too much fat and ingredients that are irritating to the stomach.
There are also some restrictions with fruit and vegetables that you have to consider in the case of gastric mucosal inflammation. So one should avoid citrus fruits during the period of inflammation. These include lemons, oranges and limes. With vegetables, care should be taken to avoid vegetables, which can lead to flatulence. These include Beans, cauliflower and leeks. The development of gas in the stomach also stimulates the production of gastric acid, which is counterproductive. Furthermore, onions and garlic are not advisable in the case of gastric mucosal inflammation. Sweets like wine gum, but also Nibbles like chips or greasy cookies, should be avoided. There are also a number of drinks that can have a harmful effect on the gastric mucosa, especially if it is already damaged. Sour fruit juices are also not recommended.
Thus, the above-mentioned foods should be avoided in the case of gastric mucosal inflammation, at least in the acute phase. At chronic inflammation of the lining of the stomach A long-term change in diet may be required.
Fatty food for inflammation of the stomach lining
In the diet for gastric mucosal inflammation, fatty food is an extremely negative factor. Fatty food stimulates the production of stomach acid, which should be avoided in the inflammatory phase. So VOily food usually aggravates the symptoms. Fast foods and fried products are particularly important among foods with a high fat content. These include e.g. French fries, croquettes and chips. Many meat products and oily fish can also be relatively fatty foods. You should therefore refrain from consuming these foods during the period of illness.
Various foods for an inflammation of the gastric mucosa
When it comes to the question “What can I eat if I have an inflammation of the stomach lining?”, Yogurt plays a decisive role. So low-fat and probiotic natural yogurt are even partially used when the stomach is irritated to recommend. On the one hand, yogurt helps to create a protective film over the stomach lining and inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid. On the other hand, the probiotic properties of yogurt are used when it comes to bacterial inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The germ, Helicobacter pylori, the growth of yogurt can be inhibited and the healing of chronic, bacterial gastric mucosal inflammation can be supported. However, low-fat products should be used.
For many sufferers the question arises whether ice cream can be eaten during an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can be said that in the case of acute gastric mucosal inflammation, the consumption of ice should be avoided. Ice is less harmful than fats, for example, but it still stimulates gastric acid production and the cold also irritates the mucous membrane. Relief from heartburn is observed symptomatically, though However, ice does not combat the cause of inflammation.
There are some types of fruit that can be safely eaten in case of gastric mucosal inflammation, whereas other types of fruit would be counterproductive in this situation. Are well suited Apples, bananas, melons, peaches and grapes. These varieties contain little acid and provide the body with substances that are important for the immune system. You should avoid fruits like avocado and especially citrus fruits. Lemons and oranges contain a lot of acid and thus lead to increased stress on the already irritated gastric mucosa. In addition, care must be taken not to consume unripe fruit in the context of gastric mucosal inflammation.