

Ampicillin is a prescription broad spectrum antibiotic (beta-lactam antibiotic) from the class of penicillins and is used to fight bacterial infections against which classic penicillins are not effective.
Today, the follow-up drug, the so-called amoxicillin, is used more often, but the two drugs hardly differ in their mode of action. Ampicillin is therefore used, like amoxicillin, for bacterial infections of the ear (otitis media, otitis media), the nose (rhinositis), the maxillary and frontal sinuses (sinusitis) and the upper and lower respiratory tract (pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis).

Ampicillin is also used for bacterial infections of the skin and gall bladder (cholecystitis) and as part of multi-therapy against infections of the stomach caused by Helicobacter pylori.
Because the urine and CSF can pass well, ampicillin can also be used to treat urogenital infections (e.g. bladder infections) and inflammation of the meninges (meningitis). In addition to the treatment of new bacterial infections, ampicillin is also used for the prevention (prophylaxis) of bacterial infections, for example to protect against heart valve inflammation (endocarditis) in patients who are to be operated on.

Ampicillin is also used to prevent bacterial infections in bite wounds, for example from dogs. Ampicillin does not work with all bacterial infections and especially not with viral infections, which is why it is particularly important not to take any tablets that remain on your own if you suspect an infection, but always to consult the responsible doctor beforehand. Since some pathogens have become resistant to ampicillin, which means that ampicillin no longer works against these pathogens, ampicillin often has to be combined with other antibiotics in order to tell a good effect.

Dosage and intake

Since ampicillin is stable against stomach acid, it is usually taken orally as a tablet, but it can also be given as a juice or via an infusion.
The general dose is 250-500 mg every eight hours for 7-14 days or 500-800 mg twice a day.
In general, depending on the severity of the infection, ampicillin can be taken in different doses over a different period of time, the exact dose setting is the responsibility of the attending physician.

Before taking it, it is important to inform the attending physician about any ampicillin or penicillin allergies and about any other medication taken at the same time in order to avoid interactions and allergic reactions. In addition, if you have a known kidney disease, you should inform the attending physician, as ampicillin is almost exclusively excreted via the kidneys.

In the case of known phenylketonuria and medication with blood thinners, the treating doctor should be discussed in advance about alternatives or a specially adapted treatment plan.

When taking it, it is important to take ampicillin every day at the same times and to distribute the times of intake as far as possible over the day so that a constantly high level of the drug in the body can be ensured. Only in this way can the bacterial infections be adequately combated. In addition, alcoholic beverages should be avoided during treatment with ampicillin. If a dose is missed, it should be taken immediately unless it is close to the next dose. In this case, the missed dose will not be taken and the normal medication plan will be returned to. Under no circumstances should two doses be taken at the same time if forgotten.

It is also important that ampicillin is taken for as long as the doctor treating you has prescribed. In particular, patients who feel they are no longer sick tend to stop taking the drug on their own and can relapse.

If you have problems taking tablets, the tablet can also be crushed and mixed with food or drink. Juice can also be given for patients with extensive swallowing difficulties.

While you are taking ampicillin, it is important to tell other doctors, such as the dentist, that you are currently taking the drug. Furthermore, the attending physician must be informed about an existing pregnancy, the current breastfeeding of an infant or an existing desire to have children in order to adequately advise the patient about the advantages and disadvantages of taking ampicillin under these circumstances.

Side effects

Compared to other penicillins such as amoxicillin, ampicillin causes more side effects when taken orally. This is mainly due to the fact that ampicillin is poorly absorbed in the intestine, remains in it and can thus weaken and damage the natural intestinal bacteria, the intestinal flora. In addition, in rare cases inflammation of the large intestine (pseudomembranous colitis) can occur, but this disappears again after the drug is discontinued.

In addition to this irritation of the intestines, a rash called ampicillin rash can occur a few days after the first dose. Despite the rash, one should not forego giving ampicillin or other penicillins in the future, as the rash usually subsides again without any further side effects.

Generally speaking, treatment with ampicillin and treatment with amoxicillin often do not have any side effects. Even so, you may occasionally experience abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.
It is recommended that many small meals to eat, one good oral hygiene operate as well sugar-free chewing gum to chew. If the symptoms occur particularly when taking the tablet, the tablet can be mixed with food. In addition to vomiting, diarrhea can also occur. This can be curbed by consuming yogurt or other probiotic foods.

Women can get a fungal infection of the vagina, which should be reported to the attending doctor or gynecologist if itching or discharge occurs. In addition to the side effects already listed, there may also be side effects that require immediate contact to the treating doctor.
An unknown allergy to ampicillin or penicillins in general can lead to an allergic reaction to the consumption of ampicillin. In the event of an allergic reaction, a doctor should be consulted immediately. This can cause severe swelling, redness and itching. In addition, in a few cases severe shortness of breath and fever can occur, which can also be fatal due to anaphylactic shock and should therefore be admitted to the emergency room immediately. If the vomiting or diarrhea is particularly severe or persists after stopping ampicillin, it is advisable to consult a doctor here as well. In the case of new bruises (hematomas) and bleeding without any detectable external causes, a doctor should be consulted immediately. In addition to the side effects already mentioned, a doctor should be consulted immediately in the event of the following symptoms: Mental changes, insomnia, confusion, anxiety, increased sensitivity to light and noises and clouding of consciousness.
As a rule, penicillins are non-toxic for humans and can therefore normally be taken during pregnancy, however, due to a lack of studies, precise consultation with the treating doctor is always required as to whether antibiotic therapy is really necessary.

When prescribing ampicillin, it is important to inform the attending physician about all current medications. The following drug groups can cause side effects: blood thinners (anticoagulants), allopurinol (used to treat gout), pill, other antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents used to treat cancer (methothrexate) and typhoid vaccination.