Bach flowers

Also read our topics:

  • Application of Bach flowers
  • Emergency drops (Bach flowers)
  • Bach flowers for fear
  • Bach flowers in case of uncertainty
  • Bach flowers in despair
  • Bach flowers in loneliness
  • Bach flowers with excessive concern
  • Bach flowers if you are not interested

The 38 Bach flowers

Dr. Bach found a total of 38 Bach flowers and assigned them to human soul concepts or states of mind.

State of mind: fear

Bach flowers

  • Aspen
  • Cherry Plum
  • Mimulus
  • Red Chestnut
  • Rock rose

State of mind: uncertainty

Bach flowers:

  • Cerato
  • Gentian
  • Gorse
  • Hornbeam
  • Scleranthus
  • Wild Oat

State of mind: Insufficient interest in the present

Bach flowers:

  • Clematis
  • Honeysuckle
  • Chestnut Bud
  • Mustard
  • olive
  • White Chestnut
  • Wild rose

Emotion: loneliness

Bach flowers:

  • Heather
  • Impatiens
  • Water violet

State of mind: Exaggerated sensitivity to influences and ideals

Bach flowers:

  • Agrimony
  • Centaury
  • Holly
  • Walnut

State of mind: Despair

Bach flowers:

  • Crab Apple
  • Elm
  • Larch
  • Oak
  • Pine
  • Star of Bethlehem
  • Sweet Chestnut

State of mind: Exaggerated concern for the well-being of others

Bach flowers:

  • Beech
  • Chicory
  • Rock water
  • Vervain
  • Vine

The diagnosis is made by an experienced practitioner through an interview or a specially developed questionnaire. Others also rely on intuitive abilities, changing the breathing or pulse frequency when touching the respective flower or the corresponding storage bottle.

Since the 38 Bach flowers represent human soul concepts, you can assign a flower essence to familiar fairy tale characters as an introduction to better understanding. Cinderella, for example, would be a Centaury type; she is being exploited by her entire family and is not strong-willed enough to oppose it. When she finally married the prince, her two sisters would have used a few drops of Holly against hatred and jealousy.

There are also a large number of examples for the classics. Hamlet would have because of its indecision "To be or not to be" Scleranthus used. Because of his melancholy Mustard and Cherry-Plum against his delusions and suicidal thoughts.

If you look at your own personality, several flowers even come to mind. Then you should ask yourself: "Which flowers are needed now at this point?". Often the number can be limited and usually 1 to 2 correctly selected flowers have the better effect.

In the following text, all 38 Bach flowers are briefly described with regard to the key symptoms that you show when you need a certain flower and the associated positive development opportunities which should be achieved with the flower.

Of course, not all of the symptoms listed need to be present.

It is important to recognize emerging signs and then choose the right flowers.

The flowers are not listed alphabetically, as is often the case, but assigned to the individual states of mind.

Bach flowers with increased sensitivity to outside influences and ideals

Agrimony (Odermenning)

One tries to hide tormenting thoughts and inner restlessness behind a facade of happiness and carelessness. Lack of conflict ability, you accept everything, give in to avoid bad moods. Conflicts are repressed, you fool yourself (everything is fine!) So that no worries and fears arise. You are a "yes-man", behave like an over-conforming child ("make yourself nice child"). People who need Agrimony are often as silly as a child and show a fake cheerfulness. People love a cheerful and carefree atmosphere, are popular and are considered "easy going people". The environment is therefore not interested in the change in personality. Those affected often experience chronic fatigue, which is caused by internal restlessness, such as biting their nails, twirling their hair and playing with objects. Frustration smokers, frustration drinkers, frustration eaters when they are alone.

Positive development opportunities: ability to deal with conflict, joy of life, real inner happiness.

Further information is available from: Agrimony

Centaury (Centaury)

You cannot say “no”, weakness of your own will, overreaction to the wishes of others. One is the servant and henchman of a stronger man. One can be manipulated and planned, is submissive. One is too adapted and clinging to other people like a burdock. People who need Centaury are often members of a sect, are followers (Hitler and SS), worshipers, more slaves than conscious helpers. You are tired, overworked and often have gastrointestinal complaints. The environment (like Agrimony) does not want any change because it is served.

Positive development opportunities. Self-determination, learn to say “no”. Learning to serve a good cause without giving up on yourself.

Further information is available from: Centaury

Holly (holly)

One is emotionally irritated. Jealousy, distrust, hatred, envy and lack of generosity. One has the feeling of being unloved and falling short (Cain and Abel principle). Hatred and anger are triggered. You have a negative attitude towards life, you lack the ability to love, you cannot indulge yourself and be generous. You're jealous and jealous because you're not looking carefully. People in need of holly are out to get their own benefit and are not emotionally attached to anyone. One often develops heart disease, high blood pressure.

Positive development opportunities: Inner harmony and understanding, being able to indulge.

Further information is available from: Holly

Walnut (walnut)

You get confused. Influenceability and fickleness in decisive phases of new beginnings in life. You know what you want (new beginning), but the spiritual readiness is missing and you can't let go of the past. You are already sitting in the boat, you can see the other bank but the anchor has not yet been lifted. You allow yourself to be influenced from outside, but most of all by yourself. You are your own greatest enemy and you don't manage to separate yourself from old structures. In life phases of a new beginning such as puberty, change of school, climacteric, retirement but also change of occupation, relocation, divorce.

Positive development opportunities: steadfastness, perseverance, calmly ready to start over.

For more information, visit: Walnut

Bach flowers for people who suffer from loneliness

Heather (Scottish heather)

You are self-centered, completely occupied with yourself, need a large audience.

You want to be the center of attention and you are the “navel of the world”. You show needy toddler behavior and, for example, invent accidents to get attention again. Only your own ailments count and you want to talk about them all the time (conversation partners are held by the sleeve!) People who need Heather keep talking about themselves, about their children, family, job. But they don't listen to other people because they think they are important alone. Religiousness portrayed on the outside, I feel worst in this world.

Positive development opportunities: willingness to help, empathy

Impatiens (glandular balsam)

One is impatient, easily irritated, shows excessive reactions.

You work very quickly and effectively yourself and cannot accept being different (slower). You're a choleric, impatient boss, excited, tense inside. You yell, blush, can't stand criticism. Outbursts of anger smoke, however, quickly. People who need Impatiens can hardly endure clumsiness of beginners (master and apprentice). "Before I explain it to you, I did it myself a long time ago" or "Give this to me, it makes me really nervous". Sometimes you seem mean and cruel. In the impatiens state one is often plagued by pain (tension pain, tearing pain).

Positive development opportunities: patience, gentleness, compassion

Water Violet (swamp water feather)

One withdraws internally, has an isolated feeling of arrogance

You're proud and arrogant, wanting to be different and special. One seems aloof, often remains silent, wears unusual clothes, does not like to mingle with the people. You solve your problems on your own and you are able to do so.You stop communicating with the environment (autism) and you can lie perfectly. People who need Water Violet do not initially suffer from their loneliness, they like to be alone, they need distance "my home is my castle" You often act as a ringleader in the background and don't get your hands dirty. You are a good advisor and, as a boss, you are often solid as a rock.

Children in this state want to be able to do everything, do not want to shake hands (nobody touches me!), Are model children and can deal with their problems themselves. Risk of isolation.

Positive development opportunities: Humility, wisdom, a feeling of togetherness

Bach flowers for people who care too much about the well-being of others

Beech (European beech)

You judge other people without any compassion, you are overly critical and not very tolerant. You are extremely arrogant and have prejudices with no experience. You have no opinion of your own, you have no mercy and you see the mistakes of others immediately. One is wrongly friendly and pretended to be understanding for everything. You are tense and hardened inside and isolate yourself through your overly critical attitude. You always see the splinter in the other person's eye, but not the beam in your own eye!

Positive development opportunities: tolerance, understanding and understanding that everyone is different.

Chicory (chicory)

You expect full attention from your surroundings and break out in self-pity if you don't get your will. A possessive attitude that likes to interfere and manipulate. Outwardly, motherliness and selflessness are demonstrated but in reality they are used as leverage. One demands honor, respect and gratitude for one's behavior (possessive supermother who controls the life and feelings of her family). “I love you …… .. but under the condition that…!” People who need Chicory use illnesses (including imaginary ones) to bind other people to themselves, sometimes therapies are refused because they fear their own position of power will be undermined.

Positive development opportunities: real ability to love.

Vervain (verbena)

You stand up for a good cause, exploit your resources, are irritable and fanatical. Missionaries and manager types. You think your own opinion is always one hundred percent correct. You use force and pressure and you are cruel for everyone to do it that way. You are overzealous, act for others and try to force them to be happy. The world will end without me, I mustn't be sick.

Opportunities for positive development: Allow other opinions to apply, focus energy on a worthwhile task.

Vine (grapevine)

You are a strong personality and you absolutely want to get your way. One is ruthless, does not tolerate contradiction and has a high claim to power. One oppresses weaker people and considers one's will to be the only thing that saves. People who need Vine are overly authoritarian and their assertiveness is misused. You don't argue because you're always right anyway.

Positive development opportunities: Positive authority and assertiveness, willingness to help

Rock Water (healing spring water)

You are hard on yourself, have strict and harsh views, suppress your needs. You live in self-imposed, narrow structures. You want to be ideal, you are arrogant, proud and immobile. People are prone to exaggerations and extremes (anti-smoking, anti-alcoholic, etc.) and are fanatical about their opinions. However, you don't try to proselytize, you put yourself above others.

Positive development opportunities: adaptability and inner freedom.

Bach flowers for people with insufficient interest in the present

Clematis (white clematis)

Your thoughts are out of focus, you show little attention to what is going on around you. You withdraw into imaginative worlds of imagination, you don't want to participate in real life (daydreamer!). You are not interested in the current situation (not even in getting well), you do not listen ("Indeed! What you are not saying!"). People who need clematis are creative, artistically gifted and have a creative idealism. Children appear as "Hans peeping into the air" and adults as "absent-minded professor". One forgets a lot, is satisfied with one's dream world, is easily involved in accidents. One often has cold hands and feet, the head feels empty because the energy is not here but in the dream world. Clematis types are often found in the film and art worlds.

Positive development opportunity: awareness of reality, targeted creativity

Chestnut Bud (horse chestnut bud)

You always make the same mistakes because you don't really process your experiences and don't learn enough from them. In the eyes of those around you, you don't learn anything, and you don't gain anything from past experiences. You have many ideas and plans (concrete ideas, no dream worlds like clematis), but the course is not set in order to realize them. Power remains locked in like a bud. For example, children keep forgetting school lunch or write certain words wrong again and again, adults choose the same partner type again and again, although things have gone wrong several times before. You have recurring complaints such as recurring migraine attacks that are linked to certain situations (weekend, argument, etc.).

Positive development opportunities: ability to learn, positive implementation of experiences, inner flexibility.

Honeysuckle (honeysuckle)

One longs for the past, does not live in the present.

You are frozen because you constantly look back (to the pillar of salt like Lot's wife in the Old Testament). One is homesick for past periods of life, after childhood or missed chances in life ("I would have had back then! Then ...!" One is introverted and blocked. Honeysuckle is the flower that can help with homesickness.

Positive development opportunities: Coming to terms with the past positively, going back to the present and doing something here.

Olive (olive)

You feel drained and physically (in contrast to Hornbeam = mental exhaustion) exhausted. It's all too much. You are totally exhausted and unable to take care of the everyday little things. You can't do anything with joy anymore. In this state, serious illnesses can stand in the background.

Positive development opportunities: regenerative ability, relaxation, peace of mind

White Chestnut

Certain thoughts are constantly circling in your head, you can't get rid of them. You feel at the mercy of yourself and talk to yourself and dialogues. “What should I have said or done or could I have?”. One is often sleepless in the morning hours because the thoughts turn in the head. Internal dialogues are considered almost normal. One would like to borrow the thought (in contrast to clematis).

Positive development opportunities: mental calm, clarity of thought

Mustard (wild mustard)

Periods of deep sadness come and go suddenly for no apparent cause. You feel in a black cloud and suffer from gloomy sadness. The movements are slowed down, there is no drive. One suffers from unsatisfactory life situations or suppressed aggression. Mournful, suffering smile. Autoimmune diseases and endogenous depression can develop.

Positive development opportunities: Inner clarity and serenity

Wild rose (dog rose)

One is apathetic, indifferent, has capitulated inwardly. You no longer exert yourself or try to change the situation. You have given up, let yourself be carried away and no longer perceive yourself or life. One often appears pale, wears dark clothes and has learned to get along with little. You feel chronically bored, indifferent, and empty inside.

Positive development opportunities: Interest in life, inner freedom without a feeling of routine.