Belly Away Diet


A Belly Away Diet is a diet invented by editor Liz Vaccariello and her colleague, Cynthia Sass. Your goal is to achieve great success in weight loss in a short time. Above all, the belly fat should be reduced. Meals that contain monounsaturated fatty acids should be combined with a reduction in carbohydrates and plenty of fruit and vegetables. This is said to have the effect that food cravings are reduced while metabolism and bowel function are improved.

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Course of the diet

The original diet was four weeks. It starts with four days during which the body should be cleansed. A maximum of 1200 kcal can be consumed per day. In addition, you should drink 2 liters of "Sassy Water" per day. This “slimming water” consists of water, grated ginger, cucumber slices, lemon slices and mint. The water is said to lead to weight loss via "negative calories" as well as digestive, dehydrating and diuretic components.

Then you can eat 1600kcal according to the Mediterranean diet divided into 4 meals per day.There should be no more than 4 hours between meals and each meal should contain monounsaturated fatty acids. Non-starchy vegetables are allowed without restriction, healthy fats and vegetable proteins should be limited to 3 servings, fruit to 2 servings and cereals to 1 serving.

During the entire time, no salt, no wheat, no industrially processed foods and no foods that promote flatulence may be consumed. The authors hope this will result in a weight loss of 10 to 15 pounds (about 7 kilograms).

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Side effects of the diet

Since this diet is a diet whose only point of attack is the intensive regulation of the diet, it is very likely that after the end of the diet, the weight cannot be maintained.

Criticism of the diet

This diet is a low calorie diet that results in rapid short term weight loss.

Studies have shown that such low-calorie diets lead to weight loss more rapidly in the early stages of the diet, if the diet is maintained for a reasonable period of time (1 year), but there is no longer any difference in weight loss compared to the moderately reduced diet . In addition, it is a diet that contains many very special nutritional requirements, but without specifically encouraging physical activity.

This leads to the fact that the diet is a diet program that is difficult to maintain in everyday life in the long term, which in the longer term does not lead to weight stabilization but rather to weight gain. Furthermore, there is little concrete scientific evidence for the effects of monounsaturated fatty acids.

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What are the risks / dangers of the diet?

The diet presents some risks because of its approach. Since it only relies on strong energy reductions without promoting physical activity, it is very likely that the likelihood of losing muscle mass is very high. Another big risk is gaining weight again and thus frustration and a lack of sustainability.

Where can I find good recipes for the Belly Away Diet?

The diet is based on the book "Flat belly diet!" By Liz Vaccariello and is available in bookshops. In the meantime, the author herself has published other cookbooks on the diet. In addition, there are already various websites on which you can find recipes, creative variations of the original recipes and nutrition plans in the sense of the stomach-off diet, some free of charge and some with payment. Since the recipes often refer to recipes from the Mediterranean diet, they can be used as sources of inspiration for cooking.

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How Much Can I Lose Weight With This Diet?

The authors say you can lose 15 pounds in 4 weeks. How much you actually lose depends on your initial situation.

It is debatable whether 15 pounds for a month is a viable goal. Regardless of this, it is not advisable to lose weight too quickly. The recommendation of the German Obesity Society is that one should aim for a weight reduction of 5% in 6 months with a BMI of 25-35 kg / m2.

Recommended for this is 10% weight reduction in 6 months. If there are certain accompanying or pre-existing illnesses, the goals should also be set individually and under professional guidance.

How can I prevent the yo-yo effect with this diet?

Since the diet is based on a short-term strong weight reduction with not individually adapted energy restrictions, it is predisposed to lead to a yo-yo effect. One could prevent this by modifying the diet a little. On the one hand, it is useful and important to supplement the diet with physical activity. On the other hand, it makes sense to adjust the amount of calories consumed to the basal metabolic rate. A moderate energy deficit is recommended, i.e. the difference from your own basic requirement of 500 kcal for weight loss.

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The personal basic requirements can be calculated with various online computers or by hand with the Harris Benedict Formula can be calculated.

For women it is: 655 + (9.6 * weight in kg) + (1.8 * height in cm) - (4.7 * age in years), for men it is: 66 + (13.7 * weight in kg) + (5 * height in cm) - (6.8 * age in years).

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Medical evaluation of the diet by

The belly-away diet is medically controversial.

One of the main messages is the positive effect of monounsaturated fatty acids on the body. In a guideline on the subject of fat and its influence on health, the German society summarizes that the intake of monounsaturated fatty acids, as recommended by the diet, probably has no influence on the risk of stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure or even cancer.

In exchange for carbohydrates, however, they lower blood lipid levels and shift the cholesterol ratio to “healthy” HDL cholesterol. Many of the recipes are derived from recipes of the Mediterranean diet, which have been shown to have a positive effect on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases. This is also recommended by the German obesity society for weight reduction and weight stabilization.

However, the targeted energy deficit should be around 500 kcal and not a general calorie limit regardless of the initial situation. Since the diet does not rely on physical activity or other strategies for long-term weight stabilization (such as measures to change everyday habits or dealing with stress), its suitability as a long-term method for weight loss must be questioned.

What are the alternative diets to the stomach-off diet?

The aim of sensible weight reduction should be to achieve a body weight in the target range that is not harmful to health and to keep it stable over the long term. If there are comorbidities or failed preliminary attempts to achieve permanent weight loss, these should definitely be included. The basic weight loss program should include exercise, diet, and introspection.

The implementation should then be adapted to the individual circumstances. It is also important to include the professional and private environment. Weight reduction is also easier in a team. The diet should be adapted to individual needs and by no means be one-sided, as this would more likely harm the body.

A recommended energy deficit of 500 kcal per day can be achieved by reducing fat and / or carbohydrates.

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One form of nutrition that is said to be positive in this sense is the Mediterranean diet, which has also been shown to have a positive effect on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases. It is also suitable later for weight stabilization.

Physical activity should be carried out for 150 min / week, paying attention to the intensity. For example, strength training alone is not enough. Depending on the initial situation, it should be ensured that the sports are gentle (swimming). Increasing exercise in everyday life can also contribute to weight loss. In addition, sport has a number of positive effects on the body and on chronic diseases. In addition to self-observation, learning about conflict resolution strategies or the like can make a very positive contribution to weight reduction. Weight loss programs should include these components. Weight-loss programs that have been scientifically tested from this point of view include Weight Watchers, "DGE - I lose weight" and "Lose weight with pleasure".

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Belly-Away Diet After Pregnancy

Many women want to return to their previous weight after pregnancy. Some manage to do this in the first year after their child is born. Others, however, have difficulties in paying attention to their body weight in addition to the new situation, which demands a lot of energy from women, and therefore long for a quick way to lose the weight they have gained again.

This is also sensible, as otherwise you have an increased risk of obesity and its complications later in life. It was found that the most effective method to reduce weight after pregnancy is a combination of a moderate energy deficit, physical activity and precise documentation of the food and drinks consumed and the physical activity.

The stomach-off diet is therefore not the optimal method and, when modified in combination with physical exercise and an adjusted calorie intake, it could lead to the desired, regulated and permanent weight loss. The goal should be an energy deficit of 500 kcal and aerobic exercise 4 times a week.

This ensures that there is no malnutrition in the woman and that the child, if breastfed, receives enough nutrients through breast milk.

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