Bump under the skin
Definition- what is a bump under the skin?
A bulge is basically a bulge.
When you call it a bump under the skin, you mean that this bulge is closed and there is no open area of skin over it. This bump can vary in texture depending on what is causing the bump under the skin. The bump can consist of a collection of fluid, which can be pus, blood or free tissue fluid. Such a bump can also consist of subcutaneous fatty tissue or the skin itself.
Causes of a bump under the skin can vary widely.
The typical bump occurs when you bump into something, such as the forehead. The tissue is injured by the impact, and bleeding can occur under the skin. The body sends cells to the affected area to heal the injuries. Therefore, there is a bump.
A pimple, which occurs, for example, when a gland outlet at a hair root becomes blocked, can also look like a bump. Often times this gland outlet becomes inflamed and then becomes red and painful. If the inflammation is severe, a real pus cavity can develop, which also looks like a bump. This is known as an abscess.
New growths in the skin or subcutaneous fat can also form a bump.
A lipoma is a benign new formation of fat cells in the subcutaneous fat tissue. So it is a tumor of the adipose tissue cells.
In contrast to the much rarer liposarcoma, a lipoma is a benign tumor. So new cells are formed in a certain place, but this tumor does not affect the entire body and it does not spread to other parts of the body. A lipoma does not necessarily have to be treated, but it can be removed for aesthetic reasons. It is also possible that if the lipoma is in an inconvenient location, it may press on structures such as nerves under the skin or cause sores. In this case, removal is also advisable.
Read more on the topic:
- Symptoms of a lipoma
- Causes of a lipoma
An abscess is a cavity of pus that accumulates in a place where there was no cavity before. It usually arises from an inflammation that "eats" its own cavity under the skin.
The body sends inflammatory cells to the abscess to fight the infection. The accumulation of inflammatory cells and infectious material forms the pus. Large collections of pus may appear as a bump under the skin. An abscess usually needs to be opened for the pus to drain. Only in this way can the focus of inflammation be removed and the affected area healed in peace.
For more information, see: Abscess or boil? - Where's the difference?
In the broadest sense, a tumor is a swelling. A bump under the skin can therefore always be called a tumor.
Usually, however, the colloquial usage of tumor means the formation of new tissue. A distinction is made between benign and malignant tumors in these neoplasms. Benign tumors such as lipoma (made from fat cells), fibroma (made from connective tissue), hemangioma (also called blood sponges) or pigment nevus (mole) are harmless, but excessive cell regeneration can cause a bulge that is mechanically or aesthetically disruptive.
Malignant tumors are liposarcomas (made from fat cells), hemangiosarcomas (made from tiny blood vessels) and various types of dark skin cancers (melanomas).
Read more on the topic:
- Tumor diseases
- Skin cancer
Sebum is a type of fat that the body makes to protect hair. To do this, the sebum is secreted by the valley glands on the hair roots. These sebum glands can easily become clogged, which leads to an increased build-up of sebum. This buildup, if large enough, can create a bump under the skin.
If the sebum gland also becomes infected by bacteria on the skin, a small inflammation occurs. The sebum gland swells and a large, red, painful bump appears. Usually, both the infected and blocked sebum will go away on their own within a few days.
Also read the article on the topic: Clogged sebum- what to do?
Bump under the skin after a vaccination
Immediately after a vaccination, the bump under the skin may be caused by the vaccine itself. The vaccine will then usually be absorbed into the tissues within a few minutes, making the vaccination bump go away. A vaccine always provides an incentive for the immune system to fight the substance. This is the only way for the immune cells to get to know the weakened pathogen and form specific antibodies.
This means that the immune system is well equipped when it encounters the actual pathogen and can fight it off so well. After a vaccination, there is a particularly large amount of the vaccine at the injection site. The body reacts not only systemically but also at the site of the vaccination. A particularly large number of immune cells are sent there, so that local inflammation can occur. This appears as a bump under the skin.
Find out more about the topic: Pain after vaccination
Concomitant symptoms
The symptoms that accompany a bump under the skin are very dependent on what the cause of the bump is. If there is a bump caused by, for example, bumping the forehead, there is usually additional pain in the area. Headaches are also possible. It can also bleed into the bump if the impact was strong enough to burst a small blood vessel. Then there is usually an additional bruise.
Bumps that arise due to infections, such as an infected, clogged sebum gland or an abscess resulting from it, are usually painful. The inflammation also leads to reddening and overheating of the affected area.
Tumors that cause a bump under the skin usually have no symptoms or only very unspecific symptoms. Benign tumors can press locally on structures under the skin, for example on nerves or blood vessels, and thereby trigger a reduced blood flow to the skin or abnormal sensations, but they are usually only aesthetically disturbing. Malignant tumors can be painful or itchy, and if they have been growing for a long time, they can also affect the entire body. There is increased fatigue, night sweats, fever and weight loss are also possible.
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A bump under the skin can quickly cause pain. These are either due to the cause of the bump, as happens, for example, when you bump into a part of the body.
But also infectious causes of a bump, which lead to local inflammation of the skin, usually bring local pain with them. Bumps that are particularly large can press on small nerve branches under the skin and cause pain there due to irritation.
The diagnosis of a bump under the skin is usually based first on an anamnesis, in which the doctor asks the person concerned about the timing of the bump and finds out any connections.
A bump that arises from bumping into a part of the body or immediately after the vaccination usually does not require any further diagnosis and heals again after a few days. Even small bumps due to blocked sebum glands only need to be looked at and otherwise not further diagnosed. If there is an abscess, a smear is usually sent to the laboratory to find the pathogen that caused the inflammation. When new tissue is formed, a sample is usually examined under a microscope. In this way, benign from malignant tumors can be distinguished.
Also read:
- bump on the head
- Lump on the neck
- Lump on the back
The therapy for a bump under the skin is very different. In most cases, no special therapy is necessary.
This is the case, for example, with bumps caused by bumps, immediately after vaccination or with a blocked sebum gland. These bumps will go away on their own after a while. Infected sebum glands and abscesses may need local antibiotic treatment. An abscess often has to be opened so that the pus can drain and normal healing of the tissue can take place.
Benign tumors of the skin usually do not have to be treated either, but they can be removed if they are aesthetically disturbing or if their size causes further complications. In the case of malignant tumors, extensive therapy is usually necessary. As a rule, the tumor has to be cut out so that there are no more malignant cells in the body. In the case of particularly aggressive tumors, chemotherapy or irradiation of the affected part of the body may even be necessary. This is the only way to ensure that no malignant cells remain in the body.
Other treatment options for the bump under the skin are directed against the accompanying symptoms. For example, if the bump hurts, cooling and pain relievers are usually useful.
Most of the bumps under the skin will go away on their own within a few days to a few weeks.
Healing of an opened abscess can take several weeks. Benign tumors, on the other hand, usually grow for weeks to months before they are removed. Malignant tumors are also often present a long time before they are removed. Without treatment, the tumors would persist and continue to grow.