Diarrhea after alcohol
Alcohol in large quantities can lead to indigestion such as nausea and diarrhea. Drinks with an alcohol content of up to 10% promote the formation of stomach acid. Irritation and even inflammation of the gastric mucosa can lead to nausea and vomiting from the alcohol. Therefore, some people tend to vomit when they drink too much alcohol. Alcohol affects the cells of the small intestine, causing diarrhea (Diarrhea) can arise. For some people, after drinking alcohol, for example the next day, liquid stools up to diarrhea develop.
root cause
Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to temporary changes in the mucous membrane of the small intestine; chronic alcohol consumption can lead to permanent digestive problems. The alcohol has an effect on the electrolyte balance of the cells in the mucous membrane of the small intestine, more precisely on the salt and water balance. Sodium is a mineral that regulates the water balance in the body. The alcohol inhibits the uptake of sodium and water into the cells. If there is more sodium in the liquid and the chyme in the intestine, the result is that the salt draws more water with it. It is a biological process, the so-called osmosis. Overall, the chyme remains more fluid on its way through the intestines and this leads to fluid stools and even diarrhea.
In addition to diarrhea after drinking alcohol, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite are common. It can lead to painful abdominal cramps (Tenesmen) come. If the diarrhea is particularly severe and people are not drinking enough fluids, this can lead to a lack of fluids (dehydration). You can recognize dehydration by a very dry tongue and dry skin. If you drink far too little, urination decreases and the urine is noticeably dark in color. In the worst case, a massive lack of fluids can lead to a circulatory collapse. Such an emergency situation should be taken seriously and should be assessed by a doctor as soon as possible. Most people feel increased thirst as part of a hangover and can avoid dehydration. In addition to these symptoms, diarrhea after alcohol can be accompanied by other symptoms.Headaches often occur after heavy alcohol consumption, often in connection with poor concentration.
Green diarrhea
Various reasons can cause green diarrhea. The color of the stool is generally very dependent on the diet. Green vegetables that a lot Chlorophyll contains can affect the color of stool in large amounts without anything abnormal. With some diarrheal diseases, the faeces turn green. The cause of green diarrhea is that the digestive disorder (caused by alcohol, for example) cannot process the bile sufficiently and ends up in the stool in a different form than with healthy digestion. Green diarrhea after alcohol is a sign of impaired digestion and disorders of the bile metabolism.
In addition, certain bacterial pathogens can cause green stools, which should be clarified by a doctor if there are other symptoms of infection.
Read more on the topic: Green diarrhea, green bowel movements
Yellow diarrhea
Yellow stools can have a number of causes. Foods such as eggs, dairy products, and foods high in starch can cause the stool to turn yellow. Contain animal foods hemoglobin and make the chair look darker. Sterkobilin, a waste product of hemoglobin, can stain stool both yellow and brown. The more Sterkobilin there is in the faeces, the darker the stool becomes. With diarrhea, the stool is very thin, which means that it contains a lot of water. This also thins the paint. That is why diarrhea is usually yellow, simply due to the dilution of the coloring ingredients.
Read more on the subject under: Yellow diarrhea
Nausea and vomiting
In the stomach, alcohol often irritates the mucous membranes and, with regular consumption, can even lead to inflammation (gastritis). This can lead to functional restrictions that impair the intake and utilization of the food. This causes the stomach to reject the food - vomiting occurs. If the stomach environment is very acidic and vomiting is frequent, the mucous membrane may tear and bleeding may occur in the stomach entrance. The body reacts to the problems with processing the food with nausea and loss of appetite in order to interrupt further eating.
Learn more about this topic: Nausea After Drinking Alcohol - What Really Helps?
Abdominal and stomach pain
Stomach or abdominal pain that occurs after consuming alcohol can be caused by pathological processes in various organs. If you only drink alcohol occasionally, the gastrointestinal tract is often responsible for the pain in the stomach. With regular consumption of alcohol, organs such as the liver, pancreas or gall bladder suffer and can cause pain in the upper abdomen. The increased gastric acid production after drinking alcohol can damage the gastric mucosa. With inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) stabbing pain in the upper abdomen up to cramps, the so-called Tenesmen.
Diarrhea describes the short or long-lasting release of stool that is too liquid. In the case of diarrhea due to excessive alcohol consumption, there is a temporal relationship between drinking and the occurrence of liquid stools. If you drink in the evening or overnight, diarrhea usually occurs in the course of the morning or midday. The extent of the diarrhea depends on the amount and consistency of the food consumed before. If you drink a lot over a few hours, the processing of the chyme is slowed down for a longer period of time and leads to digestive problems. In adults, diarrhea is defined as having a stool weight of more than 200 to 250 grams with more than three bowel movements a day and a high water content.
How long does diarrhea last after drinking alcohol?
Diarrhea after consuming alcohol usually only lasts for one to two days. The duration depends on the alcohol consumption in the situation, that is, how much was drunk the night before. At the same time, the frequency of heavy alcohol consumption plays an equally important role. If you drink alcohol from time to time and sometimes “get over your thirst”, the gastrointestinal tract is irritated and functionally restricted, which can lead to diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. In this case one often only suffers from diarrhea for a short time, namely immediately after consuming alcohol, that is, from the next morning for one to two days. Alcohol diarrhea is mostly self-limiting and the feeling of nausea and loss of appetite slowly decrease. Chronic alcoholics often experience regular diarrhea due to recurring irritation of the intestinal mucosa up to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, which can even become chronic. If there is inflammation of the intestinal mucous membrane, which causes diarrhea over a long period of time or repeatedly (recurrent), the family doctor should be consulted.
Also read: Alcohol intolerance
What helps against diarrhea after alcohol?
If you have diarrhea, it is important to make up for the loss of fluids and mineral salts. Drinks that contain a lot of electrolytes are suitable for this. Good drinks are black tea and unsweetened herbal teas, such as blueberry tea, chamomile tea, mint tea, and fennel tea. Other home remedies are raw apples and carrots. The swelling substance it contains pectin protects the intestinal mucosa. Warmth helps some people, especially if the diarrhea after drinking alcohol is combined with abdominal cramps. A hot water bottle can have a beneficial and relaxing effect. Cola and pretzel sticks used to be popular, but these products contain more sugar than salt. Milk, coffee and other alcohol should also be avoided as this can make diarrhea worse. There are also drugs for diarrhea that can be used for a short time. If the diarrhea lasts for several days, it can be helpful to rebuild the intestinal flora with the help of prebiotics after the strain.
Read more on the topic: Home remedies for diarrhea
How can you prevent or prevent diarrhea after alcohol?
Diarrhea after consuming alcohol is sometimes promoted by certain foods. It can help avoid foods and drinks that commonly cause diarrhea. Spicy, spicy foods and particularly fatty foods put a strain on the digestive system. Many people feel like having a hearty meal when they drink, like doner kebab or burger and fries. These foods can promote and worsen the development of diarrhea. Another option is to pay more attention to alcohol: drinks with an alcohol content of less than 10% such as beer and wine encourage the formation of stomach acid, which can cause nausea and heartburn. Avoiding these drinks and reducing alcohol can prevent diarrhea after consuming alcohol.
Is the pill still safe for diarrhea after alcohol?
In the case of diarrhea after alcohol, the question often arises whether the pill is still working. If vomiting and / or diarrhea occurs within three to four hours after taking the pill, the effectiveness of the pill cannot be guaranteed. This is due to the fact that in this time window it is not possible to assess whether sufficient active ingredient of the drug has already been absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. This means that if you have diarrhea, you will not have adequate contraceptive protection within three to four hours of taking the pill.
Read more on the topic: Pill and alcohol