Pus in the vagina


Pus pimples in the vagina are defined as small, relatively demarcated, raised skin appearances that are filled with pus and localized in the female genital area.
They have the same characteristics as pus pimples on other parts of the body and can have a variety of causes.

Isolated and occasional pus pimples in the vagina are usually harmless. However, if these occur increasingly or frequently, a medical examination, advice and, if necessary, appropriate treatment are required.

What are the causes of pus pimples?

The causes of pus pimples in the vagina can be many.
The development can have reasons similar to the formation of pus pimples on other parts of the body. This means that there can also be an imbalance between sebum formation and sebum transport in the genital area due to clogging of the skin pores. This imbalance can lead to bacterial inflammation, which can show up as pus pimples on the vaginal skin. Often, however, the pimples in the female genital area hide hair roots. In technical jargon, this is called folliculitis. This inflammation occurs when small injuries in the genital area allow bacteria to enter these areas. These injuries can occur during an intimate shave, for example.

The bacterial inflammation usually develops from staphylococci, especially Staphylococcus aureus. Usually the bacterium is on the skin - without any disease value. Under certain circumstances, it can multiply and cause inflammation. Warmth and moisture favor this.

Therefore, the intimate area is one of the preferred places for bacteria. In technical jargon, parts of the body where certain symptoms occur particularly often are referred to as predilection sites. The genital area is therefore a predilection point for hair root inflammation. In addition, an unhealthy diet and an unbalanced lifestyle can cause pimples, which theoretically, among other things, can manifest in the vagina.

In addition, pus pimples in the vagina can be triggered by allergens. This means that certain substances can cause an allergic reaction. For example, these substances can be present in new underwear that has not yet been washed. Often it is surfactants that are in the laundry, are dissolved out by body sweat and can then trigger an allergic reaction. But also certain substances in detergents, care products, tampons, sanitary towels or condoms can provoke intolerance and allergic reactions and thus the development of pus pimples in the vagina.

People with weakened immune systems are particularly susceptible to bacterial inflammation and the subsequent possible skin symptoms. In addition, very dry skin can promote the development of pus pimples, as this tends to lead to small, sometimes inconspicuous injuries more quickly and these injuries can be a gateway for bacteria.
In addition, a genetic disposition and hormone fluctuations can cause pus pimples in the female genital area.

If the skin changes occur repeatedly and possibly also on the large flexor folds, the armpits and under the breast, then acne inversa could also have caused the pimples. Acne inversa is often confused with pimples and abscesses. It is an acneiform skin disease, but it is not acne in the narrower sense. It is often associated with smoking. It is an autoinflammation syndrome. That is, it is an expression of the fact that the immune system is fighting against the body instead of for it.

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If the pus pimples in the vagina are worsened or recurring, a doctor should be examined. In addition, a doctor should be contacted if there are any insecurities.

The doctor will first take a medical history. Then he will look at the affected area in the vagina and examine and touch other affected areas of the body. If necessary, a smear is taken to identify the pathogen.
If an allergy is suspected, an appropriate allergy test is carried out. If another underlying disease is suspected, a blood test and possibly further tests will be carried out.
If it is suspected that it is acne inversa, other causes must be ruled out.

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Pus pimples in the vagina can cause a variety of complaints of varying severity. These complaints can arise suddenly or gradually.
In principle, the pus pimples have the same appearance as on other parts of the body. There is a slight bump, reddening and a whitish-yellowish spot in the middle of the pimple in the vagina.
Purulent, watery secretion can emerge from mature pus pimples. In some cases, an unpleasant odor is perceptible. Itching, burning pain or tension pain can also occur.
If the pimples are scratched open, they can bleed. Depending on the degree of inflammation, surrounding structures can swell slightly or more. Depending on the cause, fever, a general feeling of malaise or illness, increased sweating, lymph node swelling and skin changes in other parts of the body can result.


The pus pimples in the vagina can cause mild to severe itching. This can be very uncomfortable.
However, scratching the pimples can worsen the inflammation or leave irreversible scars and should therefore be avoided.

The itching develops due to cell-mediated processes in the body. Various messenger substances ensure that the cells can communicate with one another. This means that the messenger substances carry a “message” on to other cells until the brain is finally notified of the sensory quality of the itching. In the case of itching, one of the messenger substances is, for example, histamine. This messenger substance plays an important role in allergic reactions.

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Pimples in the vagina and the associated inflammatory processes in the vagina can cause a burning pain.

This can be very distressing for those affected. If there are also problems with urination, a cystitis should be excluded.

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In the context of bacterial inflammation, pain of varying intensity and quality can result.
The pain can be present at rest, from touch, pressure, or urination. If the pain is unbearable, persistent, or worsened, a doctor should be seen.

Learn more about this: Vaginal pain

Therapy of pus pimples

The basis of the prevention and treatment of pus pimples in the vagina is proper hygiene.
Adequate and individually well-tolerated care products should be used. In addition, underwear should be worn that is made of well-tolerated, natural materials. It should be as precise as possible and sit comfortably, as otherwise friction can occur that can strain the genital area. Cotton is particularly suitable, as it is a breathable material that does not generate too much moisture, which in turn favors infections.
If certain ingredients of detergents, tampons, sanitary towels and condoms are not tolerated, alternatives should be looked for.

In addition, a healthy diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, a balanced lifestyle with a balance between activity, exercise and relaxation help to strengthen the immune system and promote healthy skin flora, including in the vagina.
Accordingly, food rich in sugar and fat, cigarettes and alcohol should be avoided. Obesity should be avoided as far as possible, as this can also lead to increased sweating, moisture and friction in the vaginal area and can imply inflammation in the area.

If an intimate shave is responsible for the discomfort in the vagina, a good razor blade should be used. A frequent change of the razor blade is advisable.
Even if it may seem paradoxical: the sharper the blade, the lower the risk of skin injuries. As a result, the risk of bacterial inflammation and the development of pimples in the vagina are reduced accordingly. In addition, the razor should be adequately cleaned after each shave.
If the symptoms persist due to the wet shave, it would be appropriate to consider changing the method of depilation. Isolated and occasional pus pimples in the vagina can be easily removed with these measures. Creams and ointments with chamomile and witch hazel can also have a soothing effect on the outer pubic area.

In some cases, homeopathic remedies are supportive. Hepar sulfuris and Silicea are mostly used here. If the symptoms are due to harmless causes, these measures may be sufficient. But if the pimples appear permanently or repeatedly, you should speak to a doctor.

If the inflammation has progressed, certain antibiotic ointments with anti-inflammatory agents may be the drug of choice.
If necessary, antibiotics must be given in tablet form and, in the case of complications, by infusion. If the pimples are acne inversa, do not use classic acne therapeutics. Instead, there has been good therapeutic success with TNF-alpha blockers.

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The duration of the pus pimples in the vagina and the associated symptoms depend on the cause, the immune system of the person affected and individual factors.
If there is a causal allergy, the symptoms usually subside as soon as the allergens are avoided.

Usually, a straightforward course takes about a few days to a week.If there is a weakened immune system, another underlying disease or unfavorable circumstances, the healing process can take a few weeks or months.
If it is acne inversa, it will persist if left untreated.

Pus pimples in pregnancy

In the female body, pregnancy leads to hormonal changes. The body makes the hormones progesterone and estrogen to a greater extent. This can have all sorts of effects.

Increased estrogen levels can have a positive effect on the vaginal flora and maintain a healthy, acidic vaginal pH. This creates a certain protection against inflammation in the vaginal area.
In addition, the changed hormone balance can also provoke increased sebum formation. With an excess of sebum, the development of pus pimples is favored.
These pus pimples can theoretically manifest themselves on any part of the body - thus also in the vagina. The tendency towards increased sebum formation and the development of pus pimples can occur both in the first weeks of pregnancy and increasingly from the 20th week of pregnancy.

As a rule, the formation of sebum normalizes again after the birth. If you are unsure, you should consult a doctor. Often, even non-drug measures are sufficient to alleviate the symptoms. Depending on the cause, the doctor will decide which treatment is adequate based on the benefit-harm ratio. As part of the treatment of skin symptoms, retinoids, hormone preparations, alcohol, yamy root capsules, benzoyl peroxide and tetracyclines should be avoided.

Read more on this topic at:

  • pregnancy
  • Menopause

Pus pimples between vagina and anus

Theoretically, pus pimples can also develop between the vagina and anus due to the causes mentioned above.
There is no need to be ashamed here and if you are unsure, it is better to consult a doctor instead of carrying out “wild” experiments yourself. The healing process can be difficult and long due to the localization. It is important to find out the cause or the underlying problem.
In addition, it is essential that an adequate differential diagnosis is carried out. The person affected can help identify the cause and thus accelerate healing by providing the doctor with appropriate information. It should be noted that the doctor has a duty of confidentiality.

Treatment depends on the cause.