Glutamine to build muscle

Glutamine is a proteinogenic amino acid that can be produced by the body itself, so it is not essential. Glutamine is formed in various organs in the human organism, primarily in the liver, kidneys, brain, lungs and muscles. However, the body needs other essential amino acids to produce glutamine.

in the Blood plasma if there are free amino acids present, glutamine has the largest share in the total number. Glutamine is also the amino acid found in the Most concentrated muscles present. This suggests a role in the metabolism of the muscles. In fact, glutamine does one increased water retention into the myocytes (muscle cells).
It becomes one during exercise or other muscular activity Enlargement of the cell volume achieved by water retention. The enlargement of the volume of the muscle cells is known from the body as anabolic signal recorded. The protein formation and the Build up of glycogen reinforced. The muscles become more efficient by building up muscle proteins. In addition, due to the increased build-up of glycogen the Energy supply to muscles cheaper, this also increases the performance.

If you are consistently active in sports over a long period of time, it can turn out to be one Lack of glutamine come. The body compensates for this by produces glutamine from other amino acids. To prevent a glutamine deficiency, you can use the Adjust your diet accordingly or food supplements containing glutamine to take in. Glutamine is found in certain foods, especially in Dairy products, wheat, corn, lentils and soy. You can also increase the glutamine concentration in muscles by consuming foods that contain amino acids (valine and isoleucine) that can be converted to glutamine.

Role in building muscle

Persistent, intense Muscle training leads to anabolic, that is, constructive, Processes in the muscles. At the same time, however, is also increased tissue degradation. So there is only net muscle growth when the Breaking down is less than building up. Glutamine does just that, namely that the Protein synthesis increased and the degradation is inhibited. How this happens is now described.

Glutamine is in the muscle in high concentration present, it is essential for a normal metabolism. Glutamine is particularly important for the anabolic processes. As described above, glutamine does one Increase in cell volume. This is achieved by removing the glutamine Increased cell hydration. According to studies, this is more important for the cells than the nitrogen balance. In contrast, when there is a lack of glutamine, there is one Reduction of the water retention in the cells, so to one Cell shrinkage, this works rather catabolic.
So a lack of glutamine tends to reduce muscle mass. There are considerations that assume that the natural aging process of humans also through a lack of hydration is promoted. With this in mind, glutamine could too act against aging. If you look at a Sodium and potassium imbalance suffers, this also has a water retention effect.

The water is here however stored in the fatty tissue under the skin, this has of course no anabolic effect. Between workouts, the body is in one Recovery phase. During this state the liver works at full speed, one of the innumerable tasks here is the production of glutamine. It's for the liver extremely important to produce enough glutamineas it is for the formation of lots of antioxidants is needed. The antioxidants, in turn, are important for that regulated detoxification the liver and the entire body. Glutamine protects the human organism from toxic substances and stresswhich inevitably arises from intensive muscle training.

Another interesting factor in the process of building muscle is that hormonal regulation. Muscle growth is going through Pituitary growth hormones (Pituitary gland) regulated. If enough growth hormones are released, the muscle tissue grows. At the same time, fat tissue is broken down. According to some studies, it increases Glutamine the level of growth hormone in the blood, that is, the pituitary gland pours more growth hormones out. This increases muscle growth and increases fat burning. It has been found in studies that the pituitary gland preferentially releases growth hormoneswhen there are changes in the usual process.
So when you start muscle training or change your training plan, does this mean stress. The body wants to reduce this stress by releasing growth hormone. The goal of the release is muscle growth so that the muscles become stronger and can cope better with the new situation. If you can be Training not changed for a long time, the pituitary gland slows down. In addition to the substitution of glutamine, you should work at certain intervals for sustained muscle building Change training plan.

As mentioned earlier, glutamine promotes alongside that Muscle growth also the Breakdown of adipose tissue. There are, however no definitive proof. Athletes naturally wanted to take advantage of these manifold effects of glutamine. In the medical field, for example, glutamine is used at Cancer used. Numerous preparations in various dosage forms are commercially available for athletes. You can use glutamine as a Capsules, tablets, powder or as a drink to take in.
One should consider taking glutamine for increasing muscle gain Daily dose of about five milligrams do not exceed. Also, one should stop taking glutamine do not combine with the consumption of dairy products, since the glutamine is then not optimal in the Gastrointestinal tract can be absorbed.
If you have glutamine in too high a concentration takes in, it can Side effects come. On the one hand, after taking glutamine-containing preparations gastrointestinal complaints occur, stomach pain and nausea such as diarrhea are possible. In addition, the substitution of glutamine a headache have as a consequence.

How do you take it properly?

Glutamine can be taken during or just before and after training.

This can be explained by the effects of glutamine on the human body. On the one hand, glutamine binds water in the muscle cells. As a result, the muscle cell swells and tends to produce more muscle fibers. This is the effect during exercise.

After training, glutamine is used to regenerate the body.
It ensures that glycogen stores are replenished faster than normal.

In addition, glutamine counteracts muscle breakdown by providing the body with energy from free amino acids. So the body no longer has to break down muscles to provide amino acids.
Glutamine can be administered in the form of capsules or as a powder.
The recommended dosage is usually five grams per day. However, this can be increased, since toxic damage only occurs in much higher doses.

What side effects are possible?

Side effects from taking glutamine are extremely rare, as it requires a very large amount or a specific intolerance.

An overdose is therefore only possible through an explicit supplementation. Studies have only shown the toxicity of glutamine from values ​​above 10 grams per kilogram of body weight. However, these are values ​​that will probably never be achieved in real life.

The described side effects of an overdose (not yet toxic) include tingling and trembling of the hands, discomfort with vomiting and possibly diarrhea and headache.
All these symptoms can of course also occur with other diseases, but should be used in combination with high glutamine consumption as a guide to reducing the daily intake.

Please also read: Home remedies to treat diarrhea, anti-vomiting medication


As shown above are the many positive effects of glutamine proven by various studies. These are mainly those that are interesting for muscle building Effects of increased muscle building and increased fat loss.

One problem arises from the fact that there are also studies showing the positive effects of glutamine could not represent, or who have shown that the desired effects of glutamine do not exist. While glutamine certainly accelerates and strengthens muscle growth, these effects are on the other hand only for the body's own glutamine proven. However, it must be discussed whether the effects mentioned can also be transferred to externally supplied, artificial glutamine. The Lack of long-term studies is a problem here that one should consider before taking glutamine-containing preparations.

In general, athletes who supplement their training program with nutritional supplements should be aware that these means represent only an addition. No supplement can healthy and varied diet replace or make superfluous. For athletes, the focus is still on the training plan, through disciplined and consistent exercise muscles are built, Supplements are only a useful addition under certain circumstances.

Rating by - does the glutamine intake make sense?

As with any dietary supplement, the question of ingestion is often a question of budget. The term dietary supplement already implies that an additional intake is not absolutely necessary.
Glutamine is already contained in reasonable doses in some dairy products and is not an essential amino acid, but can be produced by the body itself.

Overall, however, glutamine can offer a whole host of positive properties. In addition to being used to increase muscle growth, it is already used in disease prophylaxis or the treatment of certain diseases in order to strengthen the cells of the immune system and guarantee that they are adequately regenerated.
As with other dietary supplements, suggests making a clear recommendation. For people who are not put off by the price, however, glutamine offers a whole host of benefits that make it attractive to take.

Please also read: Muscle building and nutrition, creatine for building muscle

Other food supplements

For more information, see the following Food supplements:

  • amino acids
  • BCAA
  • CLA
  • HMB
  • carbohydrates
  • L-carnitine
  • protein
  • Pyruvate
  • L-carnitine intake
  • Ribose
  • Weight gainer
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Creatine