Vomiting and diarrhea


Vomiting and diarrhea can have a variety of causes and are usually associated with severe abdominal pain.

Vomiting and diarrhea are extremely unpleasant phenomena, but almost everyone has to go through them once in a lifetime. Sometimes we know the causes, for example when we have eaten something bad, sometimes we cannot explain exactly how it came about. The causes of diarrhea and vomiting are very diverse, as these are relatively unspecific symptoms.
This does not make the situation any easier, especially with children, as the concern is understandably much greater than when one is concerned. Vomiting and diarrhea usually go away within a few days, but if they occur regularly, a doctor should clarify. The most common causes of nausea and vomiting in children and adults are discussed below.

Possible causes of vomiting

In everyday medical practice Vomit and diarrhea much more finely differentiated, as usual.

The more precisely you give a doctor information about that Type of vomit, or the excretion the easier it is to diagnose. Unfortunately, this topic is afflicted with a certain shame in many cultures, so that many patients do not even go to the doctor or only give information sporadically. It is at this point no false restraint advisable.

True, in many cases the causes are relatively simple abdominal influenza to explain, but there can also be other, much more serious diseases behind it. Your own health to love, should without glossing everything reported be what to diagnose and therapy could contribute!

Vomiting, for example, can occur at certain times, such as regularly after eating.
At Newborn is important whether they generally use the Refuse to eat, or, for example, screaming with hunger, but then vomiting the food right away. Such symptoms could indicate an obstruction of the esophagus or the esophagus Gastric sphincter speak.

Many more causes of vomiting can be found on our more extensive page: Causes of Vomiting

Since the pent-up food pulp cannot get into the stomach, it is moved back to the mouth by the esophageal movement. The child is of course still hungry afterwards. Much more dangerous in this case is the possibility of one Aspiration pneumoniawhen the food in the throat gets into the lungs. So it can become a lung infection which can be fatal in the newborn age. Therefore, in such cases it is immediate Presentation in the hospital necessary.
If the child is older and has never had problems eating, it can be a simple one Gastrointestinal virus act.

Children are exposed to a huge range of pathogens in kindergartens - which is not because kindergartens are not cleaned properly, but because children are much more susceptible to bacteria and Viruses and “carry them around” with you. Since their immune system is not yet fully developed, they are on the one hand more vulnerable, on the other hand also real ones Reservoirs of bacteria.
Only with that 10th year of life your immune system is fully developed, until then it is still in the learning and training phase.

This is the best-known gastrointestinal virus that tends to affect entire kindergartens Norovirus. This is nothing more than one in itself flu in the Intestines. Circa one to two days after infection the virus has multiplied so much, especially in the small intestine, that it is noticeable in the person affected.

The result is vomiting stomach pain, watery diarrhea, to drowsiness and Muscle aches. The Body temperature rarely exceeds 38 degree's. After 2-3 days the symptoms slowly subside. One is absolutely important at this time, especially with children adequate hydrationotherwise the body may dehydrate and electrolyte disorders may occur. Due to the constant diarrhea, the body loses a lot of water, which must be replaced. The motto is as much Drink, preferably Eat soupand keep the loss of fluids within limits.
In children and young children, vomiting and diarrhea can also be completely absent. Often they are stomach pain but all the worse, and express themselves in one characteristic, high-pitched scream. Babies also typically pull the Legs to the stomach (so-called embryonic position), since the This will ease the pain a little. There is also the risk of Intestinal invagination, so an invagination of the intestine. It is mostly associated with Blood deposits in the stool.
In such cases a medical presentation done to life-threatening complications avert!

Unfortunately that turns out to be Drinking in toddlers not always as easy as the parents would like it to be. Especially if the kid strong pain suffers, and would prefer to be left alone, one should do it for Animate drinking - not an easy task. Hence, many parents wonder how to give their child enough water. There is probably no miracle solution, but there will be sweetened teas certainly better accepted than mineral water.

Particularly in small children and the elderly, frequent and severe vomiting with insufficient fluid intake can lead to a Dehydration come, so too little fluid in the body. Since this also changes the salt and mineral balance in the body, this can also be life-threatening. At massive vomiting should be doctor be sought out and it will come Anti-vomiting medication for use.

Also Soups contain a lot energy and taste good. That is also important Loss of electrolytes and calories to compensate for the constant vomiting and diarrhea.
The body needs energyto yourself against the pathogen to fight back. And he needs Electrolytes for his Basic functions. Hence, you should start at this moment high calorie food don't save. However, there are always the basic rules of a meaningful one nutrition Note that tea with honey is certainly more useful than cola, and pretzel sticks are more useful than a bag of gummy bears.

Often that too teething Associated with vomiting in children. However, in one American study, which documents the eruption of teeth around the sixth month of life in 125 children. The study concluded that there was no causal relationship between teething and vomiting during this period. Much more it is suspected that the vomiting is increased Child's susceptibility to infection since it was around the time of Teething loses the maternal nest protection, and that immune system is completely on his own for the first time. So with children are mostly Infections or congenital malformations Cause of vomiting.
But they increase with age Possibilities of other diseases. Bloody Vomit is typical for end-stage alcoholics, for example, because of the alcohol and the frequent Reflux the esophagus can be permanently damaged. Because the esophagus is well supplied with blood, over time the small veins in the lower layers open and bleed into the esophagus. To make matters worse, in alcoholics, the liver has undergone such a major transformation that blood can no longer flow through it. The blood looks for bypass circuits, including along the esophagus. If the veins of the esophagus, which are well supplied with blood, burst, blood escapes and consequent vomiting, since hardly any other substance promotes vomiting as strongly as blood. Unfortunately, the patient can hardly be helped at this stage because the remodeling processes in the body have already progressed too far.

Possible causes of diarrhea

As well as the causes of vomiting, the causes of diarrhea are many and varied.

In the vast majority of cases, the diarrhea is related to one Gastrointestinal disease that arises after the consumption of spoiled or contaminated food.
But also poisonous Mushrooms, or chemical substances can to diarrhea to lead. Generally speaking, it is called diarrhea if daily more than three bowel movements, mostly in waterier Form.
In severe bacterial diseases like the cholera or one Campylobacter infection are Diarrhea up to 20 times a day and more possible. Dysentery, typhus, and cholera have become very rare in our latitudes and only play a role Travel to developing countries a role.

In our part of the world there is an infection with Salmonella, the Noro virus, and Rotaviruses (especially in children) particularly common.

A Rotavirus infection occurs in 90% of children up to the age of three. The infection is less common in adults and occurs mainly in nursing homes or when traveling. The cause is almost always contaminated drinking water, or food, which the highly infectious rotaviruses use for transmission. But also on Toilets the viruses can easily jump from one sick person to the next.

Norovirus is no less contagious, and it is often associated with it gushing vomiting goes hand in hand. Its transmission routes are similar to those of the rotaviruses. Therefore is special on Hygiene in the toilet area when cleaning the dishes - for example in kindergartens or other public institutions - and wash hands regularly to pay attention. Usually it remains with diarrhea, but can also Body aches and Headache occur. To 2-3 days Illness is mostly over the worst. What is important is the resulting dehydration balance with plenty of water. Also specially designed Electrolyte solution, such as Elotrans help to rebalance the electroyl household.

In the Salmonella enteritis unlike rota and norovirus, it is a bacterial infection. It is based on the two bacteria Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium. The classic salmonella infection takes place on summer barbecues instead of where animal products such as eggs, poultry, pork and beef too long in the sun lay. Also meals with raw eggssuch as creams and tiramisu are ideal breeding grounds for salmonella if they are not adequately cooled.
The growth of bacteria is exponential, and after a few hours the number of bacteria is sufficient to increase one Salmonella poisoning trigger. Since the incubation period is up to 3 days, the dishes from the previous day are often consumed the next day, so that even more patients become infected. After a maximum of 3 days then it comes to diarrhea, a headache, nausea and possibly also chills. Dangerous is salmonella poisoning, however only in very old or very old age, it can also run very easily. As with other diarrheal diseases, help Water, soup, and electrolyte solutions against electrolyte and fluid loss. The salmonella poisoning is notifiable, even if this obligation is often not met. It is estimated that only 20% of salmonella infections are reported.

However, infection with spores of the clostridial group represents a particular danger.

Your most famous representative is that bacterium "Clostridium botulinum"which produces the botulinum toxin. In common parlance, this is called "BTX", or "Botox" known and used in plastic surgery to tighten wrinkles. Background is that this Neurotoxin inhibits muscle activity, and so the annoying Wrinkles on the face disappears. However, if the poison is ingested orally, 100 nanograms (100 billionths of a gram) are enough to kill a person.
Early symptoms are next Muscle paralysis, Speech and breathing disorder also vomiting and diarrhea. Botulism can be caused by the relatively simple Consumption of expired canned food caused, and therefore also belongs in the broadest sense to the category of food poisoning. The Clostridium botulinum forms under low-oxygen, warm conditions, such as those found in a tin can. If pressure escapes when opening a can, or if the can is curved outward before opening, it must be disposed of immediately and under no circumstances should it be consumed.
Treating a Botox poisoning is only promising within a few hours, and if not treated, it is 100% fatal. Exist for most botulinum toxin types Antidotes, however, another strain was found in the USA in 2013, for which it still exists to date no antiserum gives.

What to do in case of vomiting and diarrhea

The combination of vomiting and diarrhea usually indicates the presence of a gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis) conclude. Many different pathogens can trigger one. In most cases the disease is harmless and self-limiting, and within a few days the person concerned has recovered.

If bloody diarrhea occurs or if vomiting and fever occur at the same time, it is advisable to consult a doctor promptly so that causes that require treatment can be excluded. In general, in the case of gastrointestinal infections, food abstinence (no food intake) applies first, which is usually adhered to in view of the frequently also existing loss of appetite. In addition, sufficient fluid intake of 2-3 liters per day is strongly recommended.
With pronounced dehydration (Dehydration) an electrolyte solution can be useful. This can also be made from common household resources. The best way to do this is to ask the treating doctor.

Another important rule for gastroenteritis is: washing your hands after every use of the toilet and, if possible, using separate toilets if you live with a partner / family, otherwise the risk of infection - depending on the pathogen - is relatively high.

Read more about this under: Medicines for gastrointestinal diseases, home remedies for vomiting

Concomitant symptoms

Vomiting and diarrhea is a combination that is often associated with a gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis) occurs. Concomitant symptoms are not infrequently loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue and occasionally a slight fever.
In the event of bloody diarrhea and a high fever, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible so that an illness that requires treatment can be excluded.

Read more about this under: Abdominal pain and diarrhea and Vomiting and fever and Fever and diarrhea

Duration of illness

The duration of diarrhea and vomiting can - depending on the cause - very different be. If both symptoms occur as part of a gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis), a significant improvement in vomiting (which usually started before the diarrhea) can be expected after 12-24 hours, usually after two days at the latest. The diarrhea can last longer, on average about 3-7 days.

Regardless of a gastrointestinal infection, vomiting and diarrhea can occur independently of one another and have numerous causes so that no general information on the possible duration can be made here.

Diarrhea and vomiting from sunstroke

Of a Sunstroke Both children and adults can be affected. This too can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Concomitant symptoms are headache, dizziness and a red head.

As the name suggests, the sunstroke occurs too long stay in the sun on. Light-skinned, blond people are more affected than dark-skinned people, but sunstroke is less caused by damage to the skin, as is the case with sunburnbut much more due to an excessively high ambient temperature and subsequent irritation of the meninges and the brain. In the worst case this can lead to meningitis lead, and in the case of brain damage, leave permanent damage. It is therefore always advisable to wear a hat or head covering in summer. The mid-summer midday sun is to be avoided anyway, also because of the Skin cancer risk. When staying in the mountains or at the lake, it should be noted that the power of the sun is many times stronger than usual. Children and Small children are particularly at riskbecause their head is much higher in relation to the body than in adults. Adults can therefore compensate for heat even better than children, as they can better dissipate the heat over their larger body surface.

So what helps if a Sunstroke has already occurred?

The most important thing is the affected from the sun to bring, and the To cool your head if possible. The basement rooms are ideal for this in summer, as they are usually the quietest and coolest. Furthermore should be sufficient Liquid supplied because it can cool the body from the inside on the one hand, and a sunstroke on the other hand is usually associated with a loss of fluid.
Of the upper body should elevated The patient should never be left alone, as it can also in retrospect lead to a increased intracranial pressure symptoms With Apnea can come.
Once the symptoms such as headache, nausea, and drowsiness have subsided to some extent, the worst is usually over.
For severe headaches you can use pain relievers like Ibuprofen, or Paracetamol be taken. If the symptoms continue to worsen over the next few hours, a doctor should be consulted immediately!

Vomiting and diarrhea in the heat

With increasing heat in the summer months, the risk of developing diarrhea also increases.

Bacterial growth in animal and vegetable products is greatly accelerated when it is hot. A few degrees on the thermometer often make a decisive difference when it comes to the reproduction of bacteria. In the swimming pool, too, it is not for nothing that an extra portion of chlorine is added to the pool in the summer months, as the sun's effect Bacterial growth will increase exponentially leaves. Heat fuels bacterial multiplication in the truest sense of the word - and leads to diarrhea when consuming infected foods. Therefore, in the hot summer months from June to September even more on the sufficient Cooling of food to pay attention.
If the toilet and bathroom are shared with several children, the use of is also recommended Disinfectants for the protection of parents and children. This is available cheaply in pharmacies and should be used after every use of the toilet.

Vomiting and diarrhea from birth control pills

The pill is a Hormone preparation that contains either a combination of estrogen and progestin or just a progestin. Like all hormone preparations, the pill can cause numerous side effects, including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If this occurs permanently, it is advisable to use the To change preparation.
If you are currently suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, the question arises whether the pill is still effective.In general, the rough rule applies that if there is at least one interval between taking the pill and vomiting and diarrhea 4 hours have passed, contraception should be guaranteed as far as possible. Nevertheless, during a phase with vomiting and / or diarrhea, the additional contraception, for example with a condom.

Vomiting and diarrhea in the child

Diarrhea in young children is a relatively common symptom. However, if it occurs over a long period of time it can be dangerous as it leads to dehydration of the body (Dehydration) can come.
Kick a Combination of diarrhea and Vomiting in the child or small child (Vomiting in the toddler) is mostly a Gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis) the cause. Here, too, it cannot be decided in general whether this is harmless or should be presented to a doctor. This depends on the one hand on the age of the child and on the other hand on how long the symptoms last, how great the fluid loss is, whether the diarrhea is bloody and whether there is a high fever.
Gastroenteritis in children are most commonly named by pathogens Rotaviruses triggered. The transmission of gastrointestinal diseases from child to child often happened quickly due to the close contact.

If the child suffers from vomiting and diarrhea, they should not eat anything at first. However, one is very important adequate hydration. In the case of pronounced dehydration, there are special drinking solutions that contain electrolytes. Often such a drinking solution can also be made with household means. Here it makes most sense to ask the treating pediatrician about the prescription he recommends.

Vomiting and diarrhea during pregnancy

Nausea in pregnancy is a very common symptom. Especially in early pregnancy. One speaks here of one Hyperemesis gravidarum. The symptoms usually subside a few weeks later. However, it will Vomiting during pregnancy or diarrhea, is - as with non-pregnant women - from a gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis) to go out.
This is per se in most cases not harmful to the unborn child. The expectant mother should only make sure to drink enough fluids. The loss caused by vomiting and diarrhea must be compensated for and the daily intake of 1.5-2 liters must also be achieved.
In the case of severe dehydration (dehydration), it may be necessary for the family doctor to give infusions to ensure adequate fluid intake for mother and child.