Gelsemium sempervirens
German term
Mock orange
Use of Gelsemium sempervirens for the following diseases in homeopathy
- dizziness
- Visual disturbances
Use of Gelsemium sempervirens for the following symptoms / complaints
- flu With Irritation of the meninges
- fever without thirst
- chills
- Feeling bruised
- Drowsiness
- Occipital pain
- sleepiness
- how stunned
- Palpitations with a fast, weak pulse
- a headache, starting in the neck and pulling over the head to the eyes
aggravation by:
- warmth
- Sun
- Move
- fear
- Fright
- fear
and - excitement
Active organs
- Central nervesystem
- Eye muscles
- heart
Usual dosage
- Tablets (drops) D2, D3, D4, D6
- Ampoules D4, D6, D10
Prescription up to D3!