Swollen lining of the mouth


A swollen oral mucosa manifests itself in a thickening of the affected mucous membrane. This thickening is often accompanied by redness, burning, and itching. Often this unpleasant symptom occurs as part of a Stomatitis, so one Inflammation of the oral mucosa, on.

The cheek mucosa is often affected, but the tongue can also be affected, for example due to allergies. Those affected find this extremely uncomfortable. In worse cases, breathing difficulties can arise.


There are numerous triggers for swollen oral mucosa. Most often this symptom occurs in the Stomatitis on. Mechanical irritation, bacteria or one poor oral hygiene are responsible for this type of inflammation.

There are also various Medication suspected of causing swelling around the mouth. With that one goes altered phlegm-/Saliva production hand in hand.

Also through a allergic reactioncaused by grasses or pollen can lead to swollen oral mucosa. In the case of stronger allergic reactions, the mucous membranes of those affected can swell so much within a very short time that the Obstructed breathing can be. In addition, there are some conditions that cause mouth swelling. This is mainly on asthma, Inflammation, mumps, or the bronchitis to think.

But also more dangerous diseases like Tumors make gums or cheek lining swell. Often times, the doctor can identify these changes by color and shape. Malignant (malignant) tumors cannot be moved against their subsurface, have an unusual shape and usually a different color. You should have this clarified with your family dentist and, if necessary, have a small biopsy (tissue removal) performed so that the correct diagnosis can be made.


A falling hormone levels, such as Hormone fluctuations can also be felt in the mouth and teeth. A frequently described symptom is the hormonal gingivitis, that is the inflamed and swollen gums. An initially swollen gum is susceptible to bacteria. Over time, it will redden and the gums will start bleeding when you brush. The bleeding often means that there is less cleaning in these areas. But this is precisely what is wrong. Here, too, you should proceed carefully to contain the inflammation again. Since the spaces between the teeth are particularly at risk, this should be cleaned thoroughly. Without proper oral hygiene, a Periodontal disease train those with Tooth loss can go hand in hand.


Various food allergies become noticeable in the mouth immediately after or even while eating. Apart from typical symptoms such as a rash, in some cases swelling of the tongue or lip occurs. This is called oral allergy syndrome.
Patients can usually name the allergen causing the reaction and will avoid it in the future. However, if swelling and possibly shortness of breath occur, then action must be taken quickly. The same applies to an insect bite. Here, too, swelling of the lining of the mouth and throat can occur. If an antiallergic drug is not enough, an ambulance should be called so that proper care can be provided.

Read more on the topic: Food allergy


The diagnosis of swelling of the mucous membranes is usually carried out by a family doctor or an ear, nose and throat doctor. In rare cases, the dentist is also visited once. In order to be able to make the correct diagnosis for this symptom, a detailed one is required anamnese inevitable. The symptom is indicated by a Eye diagnosis approved. Various laboratory tests are often helpful in determining the exact cause of the symptom smear or one Blood test to Pathogen identification can be done in order to then choose the right drug for treatment.

Concomitant symptoms

Swelling of the oral mucosa is associated with various other symptoms, depending on the cause. If there is inflammation, the affected area is usually reddened and bleeds when exposed to stress. Pain or burning, especially when eating, are also often described. When it is difficult to brush, plaque on the teeth and tongue increases and causes unpleasant bad breath.

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Sometimes general symptoms such as fever or swollen lymph nodes also occur. The enlargement of the mucous membrane, especially if it affects the tongue, can trigger a foreign body sensation, which is accompanied by difficulty swallowing. Pain when swallowing can also occur. Changes in the production of mucus in the oral cavity can also affect breathing if there is swelling. Reduced air supply disturbs the quality of sleep due to frequent waking at night.


The treatment of the swelling of the mucous membranes depends on the underlying cause. Various anti-inflammatory drugs and mouthwashes can help relieve stomatitis. Good oral hygiene and abstaining from alcohol and smoking are mandatory here. If the cause is medication, the attending physician must decide whether the medication is absolutely necessary. In some cases, a different drug that causes fewer side effects may be prescribed instead. If you have an allergy, you should act quickly. There are different drops that most of those affected are already familiar with, which can quickly subside the swelling. In emergencies, the emergency doctor must administer stronger medication or perform a trachea incision to secure the air supply.

Read more on the topic: Betaisodona oral antiseptic


Information on the duration of a swollen oral mucosa vary. Depending on the cause, the swelling lasts long or less. An inflammation of the oral mucosa should usually improve after about 10 days. An allergic reaction often triggers the symptom within a few seconds. As a result, the problem can quickly improve or worsen. As soon as the allergen is removed from the body, the swelling subsides. You should avoid this in the future so that the reaction does not recur.

With medication, the swelling may not appear at all at first and sometimes start suddenly after months. It lasts as long as the drug is being taken and usually only stops when it is stopped. If the symptoms persist for a long time, a doctor should be consulted

Read more on the topic: Duration of a gingivitis

Swollen oral mucosa with tongue involvement

Often, swelling around the tongue is extreme painfulbecause there is constant movement here and the teeth are very often touched with the tongue. Talking and eating are torture. The main reason here is that Glossitis in question, i.e. inflammation of the tongue. It is triggered, among other things, by injuries, allergies, deficiency symptoms, systemic diseases or toxic influences such as chemical burns. But even a small pimple can cause swelling. Here you just have to wait a few days until everything has healed again.

Swollen oral mucosa with palatal involvement

The palate often swells through Burns or Allergies on. The risk is particularly high here, as the food is always pressed against the palate by swallowing and this is affected as a result. But also Infections can be the cause. For example a Tonsillitis (Tonsillitis) cause the soft palate to swell. If the palate swells near the teeth, then there is also one Pus formation to think of a root inflammation as a result. A visit to the dentist should take place here as soon as possible in order to avoid unpleasant consequences such as an abscess.

Read more on the topic: swollen palate

Swollen oral mucosa with involvement of the cheeks

There are several causes that need to be considered when the lining of the cheek swells. On the one hand, the mucous membrane itself can swell, on the other hand, an underlying tissue can swell and thus lead to bulging. Above all, one must Inflammation of the salivary glands and a Abscess (cavity filled with pus) in a row one Root inflammation or -extraction (removal of the tooth) be excluded.

Swollen oral mucosa with lip involvement

The most common cause in connection with a swollen oral mucosa is allergy. Both a contact allergy and the bite of an insect can make the lips swell. Infections like that too Mouth rot sometimes go along with it.

Swollen oral mucosa in the child

Herpatica gingivostomatitis is very common in small children. Colloquially, this is also called oral rot. It is the first manifestation of a herpes simplex infection and is accompanied by a high fever of 2-5 days and a severely reddened and swollen oral mucosa and cold sores. The palate and tongue are particularly affected. There is also increased salivation and severe pain. Usually little is then eaten.

Read more on the topic: Herpes simplex

Acidic and salty foods should be avoided altogether, as they can cause pain. Yogurt or ice cream, on the other hand, alleviate the symptoms somewhat. After about a week, the risk of infection is over and the blisters have healed again. Most of the time, the children were previously infected from an adult.

Swollen oral mucosa during pregnancy

In pregnant women it occurs in the beginning severe hormonal changes. These cause the oral mucosa to loosen up and the gums to swell faster. These are good conditions for some bacteria. Plaque builds up faster and inflammation spreads quickly. Oral hygiene therefore plays a special role, especially during pregnancy. Teeth should be cared for two or better three times a day. Ideally with a soft toothbrush to provide additional protection for the adjacent gums.