Swollen vocal cords


The designation of swollen vocal cords is very misleading and, from an anatomical point of view, wrong. Because it is not the vocal cords that swell, but the vocal folds.

The vocal cords themselves consist only of tight connective tissue, which appears as elastic fibers. They are the continuation of our vocal muscles and are attached to the cartilage skeleton of the larynx. They are covered by an epithelium, but do not contain any blood vessels themselves. Therefore, when viewed optically, they are paler than the structures surrounding them.

You can find more information on the topic here: Vocal cord

With so-called "swollen vocal cords" the vocal muscle or the space between the epithelium of the vocal folds and the vocal muscle swells because these structures have good blood circulation. In the technical language this phenomenon is called Reinke edema designated.


The causes of "swollen vocal cords" are mostly viral infections under a banal cold or one bronchitis.
The viral agent of the Whooping cough occurs especially in children as a trigger for a swollen vocal cord.

But it doesn't always have to be infections that affect the functioning of the vocal cords. Incorrect strain on the vocal cords Speaking, singing or Scream can irritate the vocal folds.
Especially teachers and singers are often affected professions.

The consequence of the irritation is that the Inflamed vocal folds and it is reactive to better blood circulation with an increased Fluid build-up comes. The accumulation of fluid in turn makes the opening between the vocal folds smaller and thus impairs their ability to vibrate. The symptoms that follow are one changed voice and optionally one difficult breathing.

You can find out more about the topic here: Inflammation of the vocal cords

Swollen vocal cords from an allergy

A allergy can also cause "swollen vocal cords". Every allergy triggers an excessive defense reaction of the immune system, which manifests itself in an inflammation.
In principle, inflammation is possible anywhere.

Typical for "swollen vocal cords" would be a Insect bite. If insects are swallowed out of a lemonade glass in summer, the sting of a bee or wasp can severely irritate the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the larynx and lead to rapid swelling due to reactive inflammation. This is often shown by rapidly increasing shortness of breath that requires immediate treatment.

Other allergies such as a pet hair allergy or hay fever can also lead to swollen vocal folds, but are usually milder in their symptom severity.

Find out more about the topic here: Hoarseness from an allergy

Swollen vocal cords from stomach acid

Stomach acid gets into the larynx area through the belching of acidic stomach contents. The backflow of the gastric porridge is called what is known as heartburn.

If the heartburn is very pronounced, this can theoretically also lead to "swollen vocal cords", since the stomach acid can attack the tissue layer above the vocal cords.
However, it has to be a massive belching of stomach contents act because the body has the lid of the larynx over the vocal folds as its own protection, which lowers to seal the airways when swallowing or belching. As a result, the respiratory tract is completely sealed off during the swallowing process and possible residues in the throat area are washed off by the swallowing process.

Sour stomach contents so can just with an open epiglottis during inhalation get to the vocal folds or if this is enormously damagedt is.

Read more about the topic here: Heartburn- What Can You Do About It?


The main symptom of "swollen vocal cords" is that changed voice.
It can be rough, scratchy, thin or squeaky. Those affected usually notice for themselves that their voice pitch has changed or that it is more difficult to maintain a pitch or volume. This can be explained by the changed ability of the vocal cords to vibrate during exhalation.

If the vocal muscles can only change the degree of tension in the vocal cords insufficiently while speaking, the variety of tones can no longer be guaranteed. The stronger the change in the voice, the more the vocal folds are affected by the inflammatory process.

The massive swelling shows up in a complete hoarseness. In addition, some feel one Forced to clear his throat or have to cough more often.

Find out more about the topic here: hoarseness

Is it a viral infection, can Symptoms of a typical cold to be watched. Those affected then also complain of impaired nasal breathing, increased sneezing and nasal discharge. Also fever and Body aches can occur.

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck and head area are typical reactions accompanying the inflammation.
Read more about the topic here: Lymph nodes are swollen- how dangerous is that?


hoarseness is a symptom of massively "swollen vocal cords".
The Swelling lets through a enormous fluid accumulation explain in the space between the epithelium above the vocal cords and the vocal muscle. The swelling narrows the lumen of the airway and hinders the vocal folds from opening and closing. If the swelling cannot functionally tense the vocal folds for speech production, the air simply flows past the vocal folds and it no sound can be produced. The consequence of this is hoarseness.
You can find out more about the topic here: hoarseness

Hoarseness, however, should not be equated with whispering. The whisper is namely a conscious change in the pitch of the voice, whereas the hoarseness cannot be arbitrarily changed by the person concerned.


The diagnosis of "swollen vocal cords" can best be made by an ear, nose and throat doctor indirect larynxoscopy put.
To do this, the person to be examined is asked to stick out his tongue with his mouth open so that the doctor can hold a mirror in the back of the mouth. By alternating breathing and saying "hiii", the examiner can then assess both the visual appearance of the vocal cords and their ability to vibrate.

The more swollen the vocal cords are, the less the muscles can stretch and deflect the vocal cords. And the more pronounced the swelling of the lining of the larynx, the narrower the opening for the airflow of a breath.

In addition, voice production can be tested by repeating words and the lymph nodes in the neck and head area examined for swelling.


The duration of swollen vocal cords is strong depends on the cooperation of the person concerned in the treatment. Those who consistently protect their voice and body should no longer than about a week suffer from a changed voice. The cold symptoms of a viral infection of the respiratory tract should also improve during this time.

If those affected don't spare their voices, the regeneration time is extended and chronic damage can be caused. Long-term inflammation can lead to scarred remodeling processes and thus permanently impair the ability of the vocal folds to vibrate.

Therefore should any perceived hoarseness to by a doctor no later than seven days - ideally an ear, nose and throat specialist clarified become.
Have a so-called wrong stress on the vocal folds Scream nodules (Vocal cord nodules) formed on the vocal cords, it can take up to weeks for them to regress. In individual cases, however, surgical removal may also be necessary.
Read more about the topic here: Vocal cord nodules


Swollen vocal cords are mainly caused by a Protection treated. For those affected, this means: speaking as little as possible and not unnecessarily straining the vocal cords.
Ideally, this includes an additional one for smokers Abstinence from smoking.

But no speaking also means not to whisper instead. Whispering worsens the swelling of the vocal folds, as this pitch is the most stressful for the vocal cords.

In the event of a viral infection, it makes sense to take physical rest in addition to the measures already described in order not to weaken the immune system even further. Can be used to relieve symptoms such as hoarseness decongestant and anti-inflammatory drugs are given which, depending on the preparation, at the same time pain reliever can work.

Antibiotics are not indicated in the case of a viral infection, as they only work against bacteria but not against viruses.
Local action as a Inhalation with table salt can be made as required.

The aim of treating swollen vocal cords is to control the swelling well. in the In the worst case scenario, the swelling can cause obstruction of the airwaye result in what results in a rapidly increasing shortness of breath shows. It is important to prevent this emergency by trying to clear the airways when breathing noises or when breathing is difficult. That is why every person affected should be informed about this possible complication and, in an emergency, not be afraid to call the ambulance or go straight to a hospital.

Is the root cause for swollen vocal cords on one wrong loading of the voice-forming structures, the therapy consists in Voice and breathing exercises by a speech therapist.

Home remedies

As a home remedy for swollen vocal cords have proven Hot drinks and the Keeping the neck warm with towels or scarves proven.

Generally one is adequate fluid intake highly recommended to protect the mucous membranes from drying out.
The addition of lemon to hot drinks such as tea is somewhat critical, as the acid can additionally irritate an inflamed mucous membrane in the mouth and throat area. The type of tea should also be chosen carefully because of its acidity. Are to be recommended low-acid and anti-inflammatory varieties such as sage or chamomile tea.
A simple alternative to lemon is the addition of honey.

But that too Sucking candy is good for moisturizing the mucous membrane by stimulating saliva production. Homemade onion juice can also bring about an improvement, but is not superior to other home remedies and is rarely drunk because of its strong taste. The onion juice itself has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

Chronically swollen vocal cords

Chronically swollen vocal cords are usually caused by a incorrect loading of the voice-forming structures in the larynx caused. Frequently affected occupational groups are educators, teachers or singers, but in principle can occur with anyone.

The cause of the swollen vocal cords may be speaking incorrectly, screaming too much, or breathing incorrectly while speaking.
In frequent cases the cause is unconsciously adopting a different pitch, which is more stressful for the vocal cords due to the increased tension. The vocal muscles are also overused by the constant tension.

As a result can the Inflammation of the layer of tissue on the vocal cords and the mucous membranes on the larynx. Is the Inflammation for more than a few weeks before, the Risk of pitted remodeling processeswho the Influence voice permanently can. This is because they restrict the vocal cords' ability to vibrate by replacing elastic fibers with rigid, rigid fibers. For example, the person concerned could have a permanent thin voice retains.

Find out more about the topic here: Laryngitis

In addition to or as an alternative to inflammation, so-called Scream nodules form directly on the vocal cords. Their origin is due to the increased friction of the vocal cords against each other through, for example, singing in unusually high pitches.
The nodules then rub both on the other vocal cord and swirl the air you breathe to form the voice, which causes a changed voice. Those affected should seek advice from an ENT doctor about possible therapies.
They usually require speech therapy treatment by a speech therapist and, in individual cases, small surgical interventions on the vocal cords.

Malicious processes are very rare on the vocal cords, but should of course be clarified by a doctor if the hoarseness persists for weeks.