Home Remedies For Abdominal Pain - Which Are The Best?


The therapy of abdominal pain depends largely on the root cause of complaints. In principle, long-lasting and severe abdominal pain should be clarified by a doctor in order to rule out serious illnesses. For example, the symptoms could be caused by inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease), one Intestinal obstruction (Ileus), Gallstones, one Inflammation of the gallbladder, one Appendicitis, one Diverticulitis, gynecological or urological symptoms or irritable bowel syndrome.
Such diseases usually require special therapy with medication. In milder cases without a serious illness as the cause, home remedies can also help to get the symptoms under control.

Symptoms and causes

Frequent accompanying symptoms with abdominal discomfort are nausea, Vomit and diarrhea. Diarrhea is a frequent release of liquid stool. There can be several reasons for this. The most common are:

  • Infections with bacteria like E.coli, Salmonella, or cholera;
  • Infections with Viruses e.g .: Norovirus and Rotavirus;
  • Food intolerance as a Lactose intolerance or one Fructose intolerance;
  • Medication often solve diarrhea (lat. Diarrhea), for example Antibiotics, Abuse of laxative, Iron supplements and Food supplements;
  • poor nutrient utilization.
  • other causes of prolonged liquid stool mental Diseases,
  • as well as a chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Also Poisoning can cause diarrhea.

Also read: Abdominal pain - what to do


It is a very effective remedy especially for cramping abdominal pain Heat supply. For example, a Hot water bottle, a Cherry stone pillow, warm Belly wrap or a warm bath. Under no circumstances should these measures be too hot, otherwise the risk of Burns consists. The warmth has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect.
The muscles and the surrounding tissue are supplied with more blood, which can help alleviate the pain. However, caution is advised when it comes to inflammatory processes as the cause of the abdominal pain, for example one Cystitis. This can even be made worse by the heat. However, cramp-like pain, such as that experienced by many women during their menstrual period, can often be relieved with warmth.


Various teas are also suitable for gastrointestinal complaints antispasmodic and or stomach soothing Have an effect. Such teas are for example Camomiles-, fennel-, sage- and Mint tea. In addition, the tea warms up and can also have a relaxing effect on cramped muscles. Since tea is usually very well tolerated, it is very suitable as a drink for gastrointestinal complaints. Strongly sweetening the tea should, however, be avoided in favor of gastrointestinal tolerance.


People with frequent abdominal pain for which no serious organic cause can be found often benefit from physical exercise. Movement becomes Stress relieved, the Musculature becomes better blood circulation and can relax better as a result. In particular, gentle sports such as yoga, swim or quiet running are suitable for preventing abdominal pain.
In the case of pre-existing abdominal pain, it can also be good to move. A walk is often enough to relieve or at least loosen cramps. If the cause of the abdominal pain is constipation, exercise is particularly important, as it can stimulate bowel movements. This makes blockages easier to resolve.

Sufficient drinking quantities

Especially with constipation-related In addition to a lot of physical exercise, abdominal pain is also due to one sufficient amount of water to drink to pay attention. If too little fluid is supplied to the body, the stool thickens even more, becomes firmer and even more difficult for the intestine to remove. Preferably, water and unsweetened tea should be drunk. If these measures are not sufficient to combat constipation, for example linseed in the yogurt be mixed to stimulate digestion. Alternatively, mild laxatives can be taken to make the stool softer. As a result, the abdominal pain also improves.


In the case of stomach pain, it is important to eat easily digestible foods. Any food intolerance should be clarified in advance, as this could be the cause of the symptoms. In the case of a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to avoid alcohol, coffee and cigarettes, as these can cause irritation. The same applies to very acidic foods such as citrus fruits. They also irritate the stomach lining and should therefore be avoided. Even very spicy food attacks the stomach lining.
Different types of vegetables, which provide a more basic environment, are better. In the case of acute complaints, a kind of light food can be used temporarily, for example rusks or dry potatoes, which are usually well tolerated even with acute complaints in the gastrointestinal area. Ginger has also proven itself in people with abdominal pain. A piece of fresh ginger can be chopped up and poured over with hot water. This has an anticonvulsant and calming effect on the stomach. People who suffer from flatulence should also avoid foods that cause gas. These include legumes, various types of cabbage, fresh yeast products, onions and (non-alcoholic) wheat beer. For people with persistent pain without an organic correlate, nutritional advice may be useful.

Learn more about: Nutritional advice.

Refraining from alcohol and nicotine

If the abdominal pain comes from the epigastric region, it is important to take care of the stomach and its mucous membrane. Especially alcohol, nicotine and coffee irritate the gastric mucosa very strongly and should be avoided in such a case.

Abdominal massages

A light massage of the abdomen can be particularly beneficial in the case of digestive problems pain reliever Act. The colon should not be pressed too hard, but rather his following natural course can be massaged with gentle, circular movements. This natural course begins in the right lower abdomen, runs up to the right in the direction of the costal arch, then across the abdomen to the left side and from there into the left lower abdomen, where it enters the sigma and finally the rectum flows out. The gentle massage can be repeated as often as is comfortable. It can help stimulate bowel movements and mobilize any blockages.


If you have abdominal pain, it is important that no clothing that is too tight will be carried. This also narrows the abdominal cavity and can make the symptoms considerably worse. It is better to wear soft pants if you have a stomach ache Elastic band and a wide top to wear, in which one does not feel constricted and the irritated abdomen has enough space to unfold.


Before unauthorized over-the-counter drugs from the pharmacy against gastrointestinal complaints are taken medically clarified be which root cause hides behind the pain. Accordingly, targeted drug therapy can be initiated should this be necessary or useful. Depending on the cause, drugs are used, for example, to reduce the Decrease gastric acid production (Proton pump inhibitors), laxativemedicines that relieve constipation or medicines that relieve cramps. Since abdominal pain that occurs frequently, in particular, can usually be traced back to a specific cause, a holistic approach to therapy is important. Often it is not enough to just take medication to get the pain under control, but further measures, such as a change in diet or the like, are necessary.

Read more about further therapy options for abdominal pain under: What to do with stomach pain

Home remedies for abdominal pain in children

Abdominal pain is a relatively common symptom in children, and the causes vary accordingly. It is not uncommon for children to suffer from lighter ones Intestinal infectionsmanifested by abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea or vomiting. Such an infection can often be treated by balancing the fluid and electrolyte balance Child drinks a lot (preferably unsweetened teas) and eats pretzel sticks and slowly start with light fare.

Also a lack of bowel movements for several days often triggers abdominal pain in children. A laxative suppository can help here. Long-term preventive measures should be one A high-fiber diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grain products be respected. If the symptoms persist for several days and if the pain worsens, however, a doctor should be consulted, as an intestinal obstruction (ileus) can threaten.

To fatty or too lush food is also a common trigger for childhood abdominal pain. A stomach-soothing tea (e.g. Fennel tea) and an abdominal massage will help.

Abdominal pain is one of the most common causes especially in young children and infants Flatulence. Flatulence is usually harmless and is caused by gas formation in the stomach or intestines. This is particularly the case with infants when they swallow air while sucking. It often helps if the children can often poke around while breastfeeding. A gentle clockwise abdominal massage can also help as the air is transported along the digestive tract. Older children should also take enough time to eat and chew every bite well. Instead of a few large meals, the food should be divided into several small portions. If a child has symptoms of flatulence more often, flatulent foods (e.g. onions, legumes) should be avoided in large quantities. Carbonated drinks should also be avoided as far as possible. A Hot water bottle and a soothing tea (e.g. fennel or chamomile tea) or a short walk can help to soothe the abdominal pain caused by flatulence.

Finally, abdominal pain in children can often have a psychological cause. So express yourself Worries and fears in children often due to physical symptoms, especially A stomach ache. School and kindergarten children often complain of stomach ache when they are grieved in school or kindergarten. What is important here is the To take children's complaints seriously, because they don't just simulate, but actually feel pain, even if it has no organic cause. The cause of the abdominal pain, however, should be treated with a clarifying discussion and a lot of empathy by the caregiver and not with medication.

It is important that with certain warning signs one should no longer rely on home remedies, but one immediately Pediatrician (or a hospital at the weekend) should be visited. This includes when the child is visible worsening / acute onset abdominal pain Has. Also a badly drawn in or bulging belly and one tense, sensitive abdominal wall are a signal for a serious illness. Furthermore, should be bloody stool, fever or chills, and fatigue a doctor should be consulted for the child.

Home remedies for abdominal pain and diarrhea

Diarrhea can have various causes and is often associated with painful intestinal cramps. A common cause of acute diarrhea are Gastrointestinal infections (infectious gastroenteritis), which patients can catch both as traveler's diarrhea or as a seasonal illness in Germany. Usually it is a viral disease that can be treated symptomatically.

It is important here to balance the fluid and electrolyte balance (for example through lots of unsweetened tea and pretzel sticks). Also one Hot water bottle or a hot bath can relieve the stomach cramps. Tablets against diarrhea are only recommended to a limited extent for pathogen-related diarrhea, as the pathogen remains in the intestine longer.

Even in the case of food poisoning, treatment is usually limited to symptomatic measures. An old home remedy for diarrhea is grated, raw apple. The contained pectin acts as a swelling substance in the intestine, which thickens the stool. Also one carrot soup can help against diarrhea. In general, you should limit yourself to easily digestible foods, such as rusks, crispbread, banana, mashed potatoes, rice, noodles or low-fat meat (e.g. a chicken soup), or very fatty or sweet, heavily spiced or gasping foods (e.g. beans, lentils) ) should be omitted.

If the diarrhea lasts for several days, if there is also a fever or chills, or if there is blood or mucus in the stool, a doctor should be consulted.

Home remedies for abdominal pain and constipation

A lack of bowel movements for several days can also cause abdominal pain. Conventional laxatives can often induce a habituation effect and thus make the problem worse in the long term without addressing the cause of the constipation. The root cause is usually in one too unbalanced diet without adequate fiber intake. Fiber should be part of every meal and can be found primarily in Fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Legumes are also particularly rich in fiber.

Dried fruits like prunes are mildly laxative and can help with constipation. Olive oil is also a tried and tested home remedy; one to two tablespoons before a meal can help relieve constipation.

Read more on this topic: Home remedies as laxatives

It is also important to ensure that you drink enough water to prevent constipation. Also can physical activity help to get the bowels going. A long walk or light endurance sport are particularly suitable here.

If the bowel movement does not take place for an unusually long time and if there is also severe abdominal pain and nausea or vomiting, a doctor should always be consulted, as there may be an intestinal obstruction (ileus), which if left untreated can be life-threatening.

Home remedies for stomach pain during your period

Many women and girls suffer from abdominal pain during their period, but also in the days before and during ovulation (around 14 days before the period). The cause is here Rejection of the uterine liningwhich is associated with contractions (contraction) of the uterus (uterus). Cramps in the lower abdomen are the consequence.

The spectrum of complaints ranges from a slight pulling in the lower abdomen to the most severe cramps in which women are unable to go to work. Since women suffer from these symptoms once a month for a large part of their lives, it makes sense to find effective home remedies for themselves so that they do not have to take pain pills regularly. Many women help in this case Warmth in the form of a hot water bottle or a warm bath. Certain medicinal plants like Lemon balm, chamomile or duckweed have an anticonvulsant effect and can be drunk as tea throughout the day to alleviate the symptoms. On the other hand, caffeine and nicotine should be avoided during menstruation.

Exercise can be effective against period pain by relieving cramping and improving mood. Especially Endurance sports such as jogging, cycling or swimming are well suited here. Certain exercises for the back and pelvis can also be effective against period pain.

Read more on this topic: Period pain - what to do?