Skin changes on the face


Skin changes on the face, as in any other part of the body, can be spots, pustules, scars, blisters, wheals, nodules, ulcers, crusts or scales of different sizes, colors, shapes and distributions. Depending on the appearance of the skin change, a suspected diagnosis can often be made.


Since the face is the part of a person that is most often visible, so fall Skin changes of the face at the earliest on the person concerned or his environment. If the changes are permanent or noticeable, the person concerned quickly develops shame. However, the face is also the area of ​​the body that is exposed to most environmental influences, for example UV light. Allergens, poisons and pathogens use parts of the face (nose, mouth) as entry points into the body. Thus, the face is also the most susceptible part to skin changes.


The symptoms of skin changes on the face can vary greatly. Mostly these are visible, sometimes palpable changes. Can accompany fever, itching, Pain and Feeling sick occur.


If the changes are accompanied by a fever, it is usually an infection with viruses or bacteria. If a rash appears related to a new drug, a drug rash is likely. If it is dry, reddened and itchy spots that are chronic, it can be atopic dermatitis. If moles change in size and color, if they itch or bleed, a black skin tumor can be behind them! The person concerned must present himself to the dermatologist immediately.

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Figure skin lesions

Figure skin changes: primary lesions (A) and secondary lesions (B)

Skin changes
A - Primary lesions
(Due to a skin disease

  1. Macula (spot)
  2. Papula
    (Papule, nodule) <0.5 cm
    Nodus (like papula) 0.5 - 1 cm
  3. Urtica (wheal)
  4. Vesicle
  5. Bulla (bladder)
  6. Pustula (pustule)
    B - Secondary lesions
    (From A or through damage
    of the skin)
  7. Squama (scale)
  8. Crusta (crust)
  9. Cicatrix (scar)
  10. Rhagade (cracks, fissure-shaped cracks)
  11. Erosion
  12. Excoratio (defect down to the dermis)
  13. Ulcer (swelling)
  14. Atrophy (tissue atrophy)

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Virus infections

  • Cold sores: Cold sores are typically recognized by itchy blisters around the mouth area that open and form crusts. The contents of the vesicles are contagious to people who have never had contact with the herpes virus.

  • Chickenpox: usually occurs in childhood. You can see a colorful picture of bubbles, red spots and crusts. Chickenpox is often associated with itching. Chickenpox can reappear decades later and then present as shingles in adulthood.

  • Warts: they develop over weeks to months and usually cause no to minor discomfort. In addition to the face, they also often appear on the hands and feet.

Infections caused by bacteria

  • Impetigo contagiosa: This contagious disease comes mainly from in children and is shown by vesicles that turn into pustules. If the pustules burst, honey-yellow crusts form.

  • Scarlet fever: comes mainly from in childhood. Fever, tonsillitis and rash occur.


  • Sunburn: the typical sunburn only reaches its maximum a few hours after sunbathing. Depending on the degree of sunburn, reddening and pain develop into flaking of the skin.

  • Sun allergy: skin rash usually occurring in spring after excessive exposure to UV light.

Chemical damage

  • Drug rash: Red spots and nodules appear on the face around the body immediately after taking the medication, but usually not until a few days later.


  • Atopic dermatitis: chronic skin disease that usually begins in infancy and, in addition to the face, primarily affects the bends of the joints.

  • Hives: Hives is an acute allergy of various causes. Itchy wheals form.

  • Eczema: initially reddening and flaking of the skin, later coarsening of the skin structure.


  • Tumors grow slowly over weeks and months. They usually have few symptoms. Often just a changed mole or a growing pale nodule, in the case of white skin cancer, is the case.

  • Acne: usually occurs during puberty. Pustules, nodules and blackheads develop in the areas richest in sebum - the so-called T-zone (chin, nose, forehead, back).

  • Telangiectasia = enlargement of the finest skin vessels, delicate red network.

Age-related changes: Wrinkles, dry skin, age spots or age warts may appear.


Depending on the underlying cause, an effective therapy is chosen. Come with infections Antibiotics, Antivirals and Antifungal agents for use. In the event of a drug rash, the drug should be discontinued immediately and recorded so that accidental ingestion can be avoided later. In the case of allergic rashes, one tries to find the triggering allergen. This often does not succeed, so only antiallergic drugs administered against the symptoms. Acne becomes more consistent with it Skin hygiene, more cosmetic cleaning and possibly with antibiotic creams treated. In the case of skin tumors, the type and progression of the cancer depends on whether surgery, radiation or medication are administered.