Homeopathy for prostate enlargement
Important NOTE
Treatment of prostate disease exclusively with homeopathic medicines is at Carcinoma and bacterial inflammation not displayed. An accompanying treatment may be recommended here.
Homeopathic medicines
As homeopathic medicines the following are possible:
- Sabal serrulatum (dwarf palm)
- Chimaphila umbellata (umbellate wintergreen)
- Ferrum picrinicum
- Staphisagria (Stefanskraut)
- Thuja occidentalis (Occidental Tree of Life)
- Clematis recta (upright clematis)
- Prareira brava (semolina root)
- Digitalis purpurea (red foxglove)
- Populus tremuloides (American aspen)
- Pulsatilla pratensis (pasque flower)
- Conium maculatum (spotted hemlock)
Important NOTE
If the symptoms are severe and persistent, there is one homeopathic self-treatment is not indicated. Caution especially with children and older, debilitated people. Danger of dehydration!
Sabal serrulatum (dwarf palm)
Sabal serrulatum applies in the Herbal medicine generally considered to be the main remedy for prostate diseases, especially those that are beginning Prostate enlargement.
- The patient feels a frequent need to urinate and has to urinate more often at night
- At the same time, the bladder emptying is delayed (you have to wait for it)
- Urinating is often painful and the stream is weakened
- Sensation of coldness in the genital organs
- Lower back pain after ejaculation
- reduced potency
- painful stiffening of the limb at night
Typical dosage of Sabal serrulatum (dwarf palm) with enlarged prostate: Drop D2
If you have urinary retention you can Sabal D1 alternating with Digitalis D2 (Prescription only!) Given to alleviate the discomfort.
Most common potentiation: D3 to D6
More information on Sabal serrulatum (dwarf palm) you get under our topic: Sabal serrulatum (dwarf palm)
Chimaphila umbellata (umbellate wintergreen)
Used for the following complaints:
- Cloudy, foul smelling urine
- Patients report the feeling of sitting on something round and feel a swelling or enlargement in the perineal area. Urinating is sometimes easier with your legs apart and bent forward
The remedy works easily diuretic.
Common potentization: D2
Ferrum picrinicum
If Sabal does not have enough effect, Ferrum picrinicum is the drug of choice. Most of time dark-haired individuals with jaundice appearance. Nervous exhaustion and Disorders in sex life.
Common potentization: D4 to D12
Staphisagria (Stefanskraut)
The prostate enlargement is often associated with it Inflammation of the bladder. Stefanskraut is used in:
- Irritated, moody patients
- shy of people and easily offended
- In addition, poor memory and abnormal sexual ideas
- Already miserable and tired in the morning
- Men’s climacteric or "midlife crisis"
- Urine is only emptied in small portions
- Feeling like the bladder is never empty
- Exhausted and weak after intercourse
- dull pain in the testicles
- Worsening of symptoms from anger, grief, sexual excess and early on getting up
Most common potentiation: D4 to D6
Thuja occidentalis (Occidental Tree of Life)
Main funds at Growths on the skin and mucous membranes and benign tumors. If the prostate is enlarged, thuja is indicated as soon as that Suffering can be traced back to an old infection. Here, for example, would be insufficient treatment of the Gonorrhea (gonorrhea) to be named as the cause.
If the urge to urinate is frequent, the stream is often interrupted, resulting in cutting and burning pain. The patient has the feeling that there are still drops through the urethra to run. Over-excitability or weakness in sexual functions. General chill, cold and damp make everything worse. Sweating especially on the head and neck. Warmth relieves the symptoms.
Most common potentiation: D6 to D12
Pulsatilla pratensis (pasque flower)
- Enlargement and inflammation of the prostate
- Increased need to urinate, small amount of urine
- Heat and pressure in the perineal area
- The symptoms are triggered or worsened by cold and wet
Typical dosage of Pulsatilla pratensis (pasque flower) with enlarged prostate: Drop D6
More information on Pulsatilla pratensis (pasque flower) you get under our topic: Pulsatilla pratensis
Conium maculatum (spotted hemlock)
Prescription up to and including D3!
- Enlargement of the prostate in old age
- This leads to impairment of sexuality, abstinence or impotence
- Drawing pains
- Age-related accompanying symptoms are often tremors, dizziness, and weakness
- Aggravated by rest, cold and at night.
Typical dosage of Conium maculatum with enlarged prostate: Drop D12
More information on Conium maculatum you get under our topic:
Conium maculatum
Other homeopathic medicines
As soon as the prostate enlargement Discomfort when urinating in the foreground The following means are possible:
- Clematis recta (upright clematis)
- Digitalis purpurea (red foxglove)
- Prareira brava (semolina root)
- Populus tremuloides (American aspen)
Clematis recta (upright clematis)
Clematis recta is used for the following symptoms:
- Urination made difficult
- Testicles painfully swollen
- Stinging and burning in the urethra
- Urination very slowly and in a thin stream, also interrupted (like thuja)
- Urine cannot be completely emptied despite exertion
- All complaints worse from cold and exercise.
Most common potentiation: D2 to D4
Digitalis purpura (red foxglove)
Prescription up to and including D3!
- Digitalized preparations are primarily used in conventional medicine Heart disease prescribed
- Digitalis purpurea is also used homeopathically for prostate diseases
- Swelling of the prostate with secretion of prostate secretion, especially in older men
- There is an increased, painful urge to urinate, especially at night
- The bladder cannot be completely emptied
- Erections are often perceived as painful, followed by exhaustion
- In acute urinary retention, Digitalis D2 can alternate with Sabal serrulata D1 with 8 drops, sometimes replacing the catheter
Typical dosage of Digitalis purpura (red foxglove) for irritable bowel syndrome: Drop D4
Most common potentiation: D2 to D12.
More information on Digitalis purpura (red foxglove) you get under our topic: Digitalis purpura (red foxglove)
Prareira brava (semolina root)
Used for the following symptoms:
- Extreme pain in the urethra when urinating, radiating to the thighs
- Constant urge to urinate
- Urine thick, slimy
- Spasmodic retention of urine.
Most common potentiation: D3 to D6
Populus tremuloides (American aspen)
- The prostate is enlarged with the usual complaints and incomplete emptying of the bladder
- This caused irritation and Bladder infections.
More information on Populus tremuloides (American aspen) you get under our topic: Populus tremuloides (American aspen)